package Vroom::I18N::en; use base 'Vroom::I18N'; our %Lexicon = ( _AUTO => 1, "WELCOME" => "Welcome on VROOM !!", "ERROR_NAME_INVALID" => "This name is not valid", "ERROR_NAME_CONFLICT" => "A room with this name already exists, please choose another one", "ERROR_ROOM_s_DOESNT_EXIST" => "The room %s doesn't exist", "ERROR_ROOM_s_LOCKED" => "The room %s is locked, you cannot join it", "ERROR_OCCURED" => "An error occured", "ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN" => "Sorry, your not logged in", "EMAIL_INVITATION" => "Video conference invitation", "INVITE_SENT_TO_s" => "An invitation was sent to %s", "YOU_ARE_INVITED_TO_A_MEETING" => "You are awaited on a video conferecing room. " . "Before joining it, make sure you have all the necessary", "A_MODERN_BROWSER" => "A modern web browser, recent versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera will work", "A_WEBCAM" => "A webcam", "A_MIC" => "A microphone", "WHEN_YOU_ARE_READY" => "When you are ready, go to this address to join the conference", "MESSAGE_FROM_ORGANIZER" => "Message from the meeting organizer", "HAVE_A_NICE_MEETING" => "Have a nice meeting :-)", "EMAIL_SIGN" => "VROOM! And video conferencing becomes free, simple and safe", "FEEDBACK" => "Feedback", "YOUR_MAIL_OPTIONAL" => "Your email address (optional)", "COMMENT" => "Comment", "VROOM_IS_AWESOME" => "VROOM is really awesome ;-)", "SUBMIT" => "Submit", "THANK_YOU" => "Thank you :-)", "THANKS_FOR_YOUR_FEEDBACK" => "Your message has been sent, thank your for taking time to share your experience with us", "FEEDBACK_FROM_VROOM" => "VROOM feedback", "FROM" => "From", "GIVE_US_YOUR_FEEDBACK" => "Give us your feedback", "YOUR_FEEDBACK_HELPS_US" => "Your feedback (good or bad) can help us improve this application", "ROOM_LOCKED" => "This room is now locked", "ROOM_UNLOCKED" => "This room is now unlocked", "ONE_OF_THE_PEERS" => "one of the peers", "ROOM_LOCKED_BY_s" => "%s locked the room", "ROOM_UNLOCKED_BY_s" => "%s unlocked the room", "PASSWORD_PROTECT_ON_BY_s" => "%s password protected the room", "PASSWORD_PROTECT_OFF_BY_s" => "%s removed password protection", "OWNER_PASSWORD_CHANGED_BY_s" => "%s changed the room manager password", "OWNER_PASSWORD_REMOVED_BY_s" => "%s removed the room manager password, so this room isn't persistent anymore", "OOOPS" => "Ooops", "GOODBY" => "Goodby", "THANKS_SEE_YOU_SOON" => "Thanks and see you soon", "THANKS_FOR_USING" => "Thank you for using VROOM, we hope you enjoyed your meeting", "BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU" => "Back to main menu", "JOIN_THIS_ROOM" => "Join this room", "CREATE_ROOM" => "Create a new room", "ROOM_NAME" => "Room name", "RANDOM_IF_EMPTY" => "If you let this field empty, a random name will be given to the room", "ROOM_s" => "room %s", "INVITE_PEOPLE" => "Invite other people", "TO_INVITE_SHARE_THIS_URL" => "Send this address to anyone and he will be able to join this room", "YOU_CAN_INVITE_BY_MAIL" => "You can also directly send an invitation by email", "EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER" => "j.smith\", "SEND_INVITE" => "Send an email invitation", "MESSAGE" => "Message", "SEND_CUSTOM_MESSAGE" => "You can add a custom message, for example, the password needed to join this room", "DISPLAY_NAME" => "Display name", "YOUR_NAME" => "Your name", "NAME_SENT_TO_OTHERS" => "This name will be sent to the other peers so they can identify you. You need to set your name before you can chat", "CHANGE_COLOR" => "Change your color", "CLICK_TO_CHAT" => "Click to access the chat", "PREVENT_TO_JOIN" => "Prevent other participants to join this room", "MUTE_MIC" => "Turn off your microphone", "SUSPEND_CAM" => "Suspend your webcam, other will see a black screen instead, but can still hear you", "CONFIGURE" => "Configuration", "YOU_CAN_PASSWORD_PROTECT_JOIN" => "You can protect this room with a password", "PASSWORD" => "Password", "PASSWORD_PROTECT" => "Password protect", "REMOVE_PASSWORD" => "Remove the password", "PASSWORD_SET" => "Password updated", "PASSWORD_REMOVED" => "Password removed", "AUTHENTICATE" => "Authentication", "AUTH_TO_MANAGE_THE_ROOM" => "Authenticate to manage the room", "OWNER_PASSWORD_MAKES_PERSISTENT" => "You can set a manager password. It will make this room persistent", "OWNER_PASSWORD" => "Manager password", "REMOVE_OWNER_PASSWORD" => "Remove the manager password. The room will become ephemeral", "AUTH_SUCCESS" => "You are now authenticated", "NOT_ALLOWED" => "You are not allowed to do this", "WRONG_PASSWORD" => "Wrong password", "PASSWORD_REQUIRED" => "Password required", "A_PASSWORD_IS_NEEDED_TO_JOIN" => "You must provide a password to join this room", "TRY_AGAIN" => "Try again", "AUTH_IF_OWNER" => "Authenticate if you are the room owner", "LOGOUT" => "Leave the room", "SET_YOUR_NAME_TO_CHAT" => "You need to set your name to be able to chat", "SEND_MESSAGE" => "Send the message", "SAVE_HISTORY" => "Save history to a file", "MIC_MUTED" => "Your microphone is now muted", "MIC_UNMUTED" => "Your microphone is now unmuted", "CAM_SUSPENDED" => "Your webcam is now suspended", "CAM_RESUMED" => "Your webcam is on again", "SHARE_YOUR_SCREEN" => "Share your screen with the other members of this room", "CANT_SHARE_SCREEN" => "Sorry, your configuration does not allow screen sharing", "SCREEN_SHARING_ONLY_FOR_CHROME" => "Sorry, but you can't share your screen. Only Google Chrome supports this feature for now", "SCREEN_SHARING_CANCELLED" => "Screen sharing has been cancelled", "EXTENSION_REQUIRED" => "An extension is required", "VROOM_CHROME_EXTENSION" => "To enable screen sharing, you need to install an extension. Click on the following link and refresh this page", "EVERYONE_CAN_SEE_YOUR_SCREEN" => "All other participants can see your screen now", "SCREEN_UNSHARED" => "You do no longer share your screen", "ERROR_MAIL_INVALID" => "Please enter a valid email address", "CANT_SEND_TO_s" => "Couldn't send message to %s", "SCREEN_s" => "%s's screen", "BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED" => "Browser not supported", "NO_WEBRTC_SUPPORT" => "Sorry, but the video conference will not work because your web browser doesn't have the " . "required functionnalities. We recommand you download one of the following browsers " . "which support the latest web technologies required to use VROOM", "HOME" => "Home", "HELP" => "Help", "ABOUT" => "About", "SECURE" => "Secure", "P2P_COMMUNICATION" => "With VROOM, your communication is done peer to peer, and secured. " . "Our servers are only used for signaling, so that everyone can connect " . "directly to each other (see it like a virtual meeting point). All your " . "important data is sent directly. Only if you are behind a strict firewall, " . "streams will be relayed by our servers, as a last resort, but even in this case, " . "we will just relay encrypted blobs.", "WORKS_EVERYWHERE" => "Universal", "MODERN_BROWSERS" => "VROOM works with modern browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera), " . "you don't have to install plugins, codecs, client software, then " . "send the tech documentation to all other parties. Just click, " . "and hangout", "MULTI_USER" => "Multi User", "THE_LIMIT_IS_YOUR_PIPE" => "VROOM doesn't have a limit on the number of participants, " . "you can chat with several people at the same time. The only limit " . "is the capacity of your Internet pipe. Usually, you can chat with " . "up to 5~6 person without problem", "SUPPORTED_BROWSERS" => "Supported browsers", "HELP_BROWSERS_SUPPORTED" => "VROOM works with any modern, standard compliant browsers, which means any " . "recent Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera.", "SCREEN_SHARING" => "Screen Sharing", "HELP_SCREEN_SHARING" => "VROOM lets you share your screen (or a single window) with the other members of the room. For now " . "this feature is only available in Google Chrome, and you need to install an extension " . "(you'll be prompted for it the first time you try to share your screen)", "OWNER_PRIVILEGES" => "Room creator's privileges", "HELP_OWNER_PRIVILEGES" => "Room's creator (also called manager) has special privileges (compared to those who join " . "later, which are simple participants). For example, he can protect access with a password " . "which will be required before you can join the room. He also can set the manager's password " . "which will allow him, if he leaves the room, to recover its privileges when he connects again.", "PERSISTENT_ROOMS" => "Persistant rooms", "HELP_PERSISTENT_ROOMS" => "By default, rooms are ephemeral, which means they are automatically deleted if they " . "have no activity for a long time (default is one hour). The room's creator can define " . "a manager's password, which will make the room persistent: it'll be kept indefinitly. " . "In order to delete the room, the owner can simply unset the manager's password, which " . "will make the room ephemeral again (it'll be deleted if no activity is detected). " . "Note that a persistent room can still be deleted if it's not used for a very long period " . "of time.", "RESERVE_YOUR_ROOM" => "Reserve your room", "HELP_RESERVE_YOUR_ROOM" => "Want to reserve your room name so it's always available for you (company name, ongoing project " . "etc.) ? Just set both a join password and the manager password. The room will be kept " . "as long as the manager password is set (and as long as you use it from time to time)", "ABOUT_VROOM" => "VROOM is a free spftware using the latest web technologies and lets you " . "to easily organize video meetings. Forget all the pain with installing " . "a client on your computer in a hury, compatibility issues between MAC OS " . "or GNU/Linux, port redirection problems, calls to the helpdesk because " . "streams cannot establish, H323 vs SIP vs ISDN issues. All you need now is:" . "