/* This file is part of the VROOM project released under the MIT licence Copyright 2014 Firewall Services Daniel Berteaud */ // Default notifications $.notify.defaults( { globalPosition: 'bottom left' } ); // Enable tooltip on required elements $('.help').tooltip({container: 'body'}); // Animation on dropdown menus $('.dropdown').on('show.bs.dropdown', function(e){ $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').first().stop(true, true).slideDown(150); }); $('.dropdown').on('hide.bs.dropdown', function(e){ $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').first().stop(true, true).slideUp(150); }); // Strings we need translated var locale = { ERROR_MAIL_INVALID: '', ERROR_OCCURRED: '', ERROR_NAME_INVALID: '', CANT_SHARE_SCREEN: '', SCREEN_SHARING_ONLY_FOR_CHROME: '', SCREEN_SHARING_CANCELLED: '', EVERYONE_CAN_SEE_YOUR_SCREEN: '', SCREEN_UNSHARED: '', MIC_MUTED: '', MIC_UNMUTED: '', CAM_SUSPENDED: '', CAM_RESUMED: '', SET_YOUR_NAME_TO_CHAT: '', ROOM_LOCKED_BY_s: '', ROOM_UNLOCKED_BY_s: '', PASSWORD_PROTECT_ON_BY_s: '', PASSWORD_PROTECT_OFF_BY_s: '', OWNER_PASSWORD_CHANGED_BY_s: '', OWNER_PASSWORD_REMOVED_BY_s: '', SCREEN_s: '', TO_INVITE_SHARE_THIS_URL: '', NO_SOUND_DETECTED: '', DISPLAY_NAME_TOO_LONG: '', s_IS_MUTING_YOU: '', s_IS_MUTING_s: '', s_IS_UNMUTING_YOU: '', s_IS_UNMUTING_s: '', s_IS_SUSPENDING_YOU: '', s_IS_SUSPENDING_s: '', s_IS_RESUMING_YOU: '', s_IS_RESUMING_s: '', s_IS_PROMOTING_YOU: '', s_IS_PROMOTING_s: '', s_IS_KICKING_s: '', MUTE_PEER: '', SUSPEND_PEER: '', PROMOTE_PEER: '', KICK_PEER: '', YOU_HAVE_MUTED_s: '', YOU_HAVE_UNMUTED_s: '', CANT_MUTE_OWNER: '', YOU_HAVE_SUSPENDED_s: '', YOU_HAVE_RESUMED_s: '', CANT_SUSPEND_OWNER: '', CANT_PROMOTE_OWNER: '', YOU_HAVE_KICKED_s: '', CANT_KICK_OWNER: '', REMOVE_THIS_ADDRESS: '', DISPLAY_NAME_REQUIRED: '', A_ROOM_ADMIN: '', A_PARTICIPANT: '', PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH: '', WAIT_WITH_MUSIC: '', DATA_WIPED: '', ROOM_DATA_WIPED_BY_s: '' }; // Localize the strings we need $.ajax({ url: rootUrl + 'localize', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { strings: JSON.stringify(locale), }, success: function(data) { locale = data; } }); // // Define a few functions // // Popup with the URL to share function inviteUrlPopup(){ window.prompt(locale.TO_INVITE_SHARE_THIS_URL, window.location.href); return false; } // Add a new email address to be notified when someone joins // This only add the email address on the interface function addNotifiedEmail(email){ var id = email.replace(/['"]/g, '_'); $('
  • ').html(email + ' ' + ' ' + ' ') .attr('id', 'emailNotification_' + id) .appendTo('#emailNotificationList'); } // Remove the address from the list // Remove it from the interface and request the frontend to remove it from // the database too function removeNotifiedEmail(email){ var id = escapeJqSelector(email.replace(/['"]/, '_').replace('\\\'', '\'')); $.ajax({ data: { action: 'emailNotification', type: 'remove', email: email, room: roomName }, error: function() { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'success'){ $.notify(data.msg, 'info'); $('#emailNotification_' + id).remove(); webrtc.sendToAll('notif_change', {}); } else{ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); } // Escape a string to be used as a jQuerry selector // Taken from http://totaldev.com/content/escaping-characters-get-valid-jquery-id function escapeJqSelector(string){ return string.replace(/([;&,\.\+\*\~':"\!\^#$%@\[\]\(\)=>\|])/g, '\\$1'); } // Escape entities to prevent XSS function stringEscape(string){ string = string.replace(/[\u00A0-\u99999<>\&]/gim, function(i) { return '&#' + i.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; }); return string; } // Select a color (randomly) from this list, used for text chat function chooseColor(){ // Shamelessly taken from http://martin.ankerl.com/2009/12/09/how-to-create-random-colors-programmatically/ var colors = [ '#B1C7FD', '#DDFDB1', '#FDB1F3', '#B1FDF0', '#FDDAB1', '#C4B1FD', '#B4FDB1', '#FDB1CA', '#B1E1FD', '#F7FDB1', '#EDB1FD', '#B1FDD7', '#FDC1B1', '#B1B7FD', '#CEFDB1', '#FDB1E4', '#B1FAFD', '#FDEAB1', '#D4B1FD', '#B1FDBD', '#FDB1BB', '#B1D1FD', '#E7FDB1', '#FDB1FD', '#B1FDE7', '#B1FDE7' ]; return colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)]; } // Just play a sound function playSound(sound){ var audio = new Audio(rootUrl + 'snd/' + sound); audio.play(); } // Request full screen function fullScreen(el){ if (el.requestFullScreen){ el.requestFullScreen(); } else if (el.webkitRequestFullScreen){ el.webkitRequestFullScreen(); } else if (el.mozRequestFullScreen){ el.mozRequestFullScreen(); } } // Linkify urls // Taken from http://rickyrosario.com/blog/converting-a-url-into-a-link-in-javascript-linkify-function/ function linkify(text){ if (text) { text = text.replace( /((https?\:\/\/)|(www\.))(\S+)(\w{2,4})(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/gi, function(url){ var full_url = url; if (!full_url.match('^https?:\/\/')) { full_url = 'http://' + full_url; } return '' + url + ''; } ); } return text; } // Save content to a file function downloadContent(filename, content){ var blob = new Blob([content], {type: 'text/html;charset=utf-8'}); saveAs(blob, filename); } // Return current time formatted as XX:XX:XX function getTime(){ var d = new Date(); var hours = d.getHours().toString(), minutes = d.getMinutes().toString(), seconds = d.getSeconds().toString(); hours = (hours.length < 2) ? '0' + hours:hours; minutes = (minutes.length < 2) ? '0' + minutes:minutes; seconds = (seconds.length < 2) ? '0' + seconds:seconds; return hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds; } // Temporarily suspend a button, prevent abuse function suspendButton(el){ $(el).attr('disabled', true); setTimeout(function(){ $(el).attr('disabled', false); }, 1000); } // get max height for the main video and the preview div function maxHeight(){ // Which is the window height, minus toolbar, and a margin of 25px return $(window).height()-$('#toolbar').height()-25; } // Used on the index page function initIndex(){ var room; // Submit the main form to create a room $('#createRoom').submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); // Do not submit if we know the name is invalid if (!$('#roomName').val().match(/^[\w\-]{0,49}$/)){ $('#roomName').parent().parent().notify(locale.ERROR_NAME_INVALID, { class: 'error', position: 'bottom center' }); } else{ $.ajax({ url: rootUrl + 'create', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { roomName: $('#roomName').val(), }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'success'){ room = data.room; window.location.assign(rootUrl + data.room); } else if (data.err && data.err == 'ERROR_NAME_CONFLICT' ){ room = data.room; $('#conflictModal').modal('show'); } else{ $('#roomName').parent().parent().notify(data.msg, { class: 'error', position: 'bottom center' }); } }, error: function(){ $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); } }); } }); // Handle join confirmation $('#confirmJoinButton').click(function(){ window.location.assign(rootUrl + room); }); // Handle cancel/choose another name $('#chooseAnotherNameButton').click(function(){ $('#roomName').val(''); $('#conflictModal').modal('hide'); }); $('#roomName').on('input', function(){ if (!$('#roomName').val().match(/^[\w\-]{0,49}$/)){ $('#roomName').parent().addClass('has-error'); } else{ $('#roomName').parent().removeClass('has-error'); } }); } // This is the main function called when you join a room function initVroom(room) { // This object will be used to record all // the peers and their info. Init with our own info var peers = { local: { screenShared: false, micMuted: false, videoPaused: false, displayName: '', color: chooseColor(), role: 'participant', hasVideo: true } }; var roomInfo; var mainVid = false, chatHistory = {}, chatIndex = 0, maxVol = -100, colorChanged = false; $('#name_local').css('background-color', peers.local.color); $.ajaxSetup({ url: rootUrl + 'action', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', }); // Screen sharing is only suported on chrome desktop > 26 if ( !$.browser.webkit || $.browser.android || $.browser.versionNumber < 26 ) { $('#shareScreenLabel').addClass('disabled'); } // If browser doesn't support webRTC or dataChannels if (!webrtc.capabilities.support || !webrtc.capabilities.dataChannel){ $('#noWebrtcSupport').modal('show'); } // Return the number of peers in the room function countPeers(){ var count = Object.keys(peers).length; // Do not count ourself count--; // and do not count our local screen if (peers.local.screenShared){ count--; } return count; } // Get our role and other room settings from the server function getRoomInfo(){ $.ajax({ data: { action: 'getRoomInfo', room: roomName, id: peers.local.id }, async: false, error: function(data){ $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data){ // Notify others if our role changed if (data.role != peers.local.role){ webrtc.sendToAll('role_change', {}); } peers.local.role = data.role; roomInfo = data; // Enable owner reserved menu if (data.role == 'owner'){ $('.unauthEl').hide(500); $('.ownerEl').not('.threePeersEl').show(500); if (countPeers() > 1){ $('.threePeersEl').show(500); } var notif = JSON.parse(data.notif); $.each(notif.email, function(index, val){ addNotifiedEmail(val); }); } // We're are not owner of the room else{ // Hide owner reserved elements $('.ownerEl').hide(500); if (data.owner_auth == 'yes'){ $('.unauthEl').show(500); } else{ $('.unauthEl').hide(500); } } if (data.locked == 'yes'){ $('#lockLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#lockButton').prop('checked', true); } if (data.ask_for_name == 'yes'){ $('#askForNameLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#askForNameButton').prop('checked', true); } if (data.join_auth == 'yes'){ $('#joinPassLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#joinPassButton').prop('checked', true); } if (data.owner_auth == 'yes'){ $('#persistentLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#persistentButton').prop('checked', true); } } }); } // Get the role of a peer function getPeerRole(id){ $.ajax({ data: { action: 'getPeerRole', room: roomName, id: id }, error: function(data){ $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data){ if (peers[id]){ peers[id].role = data.role; if (data.role == 'owner'){ // If this peer is a owner, we add the mark on its preview $('#overlay_' + id).append($('
    ').attr('id', 'owner_' + id).addClass('owner')); // And we disable owner's action for him $('#ownerActions_' + id).remove(); } else{ $('#owner_' + id).remove(); } } } }); } // Put a video on the mainVideo div, called when you click on a video preview function handlePreviewClick(el, id){ var wait = 1; // There's already a main video, let's hide it // and delay the new one so the fade out as time to complete if ($('#mainVideo video').length > 0){ $('#mainVideo').hide(200); wait = 200; // Play all preview // the one in the mainVid was muted $('#webRTCVideo video').each(function(){ if ($(this).get(0).volume == 0){ $(this).get(0).volume= .7; } }); } setTimeout(function(){ // To prevent a freeze, change the src before removing the video from the DOM // See https://bugzilla-dev.allizom.org/show_bug.cgi?id=937110 if ($.browser.mozilla && $('#mainVideo video').length > 0){ $($('#mainVideo video').get(0)).attr('src', $($('#mohPlayer').get(0)).attr('src')); $('#mainVideo video').get(0).pause(); } $('#mainVideo').html(''); if (el.hasClass('selected')){ el.removeClass('selected'); } else{ // Clone this new preview into the main div $('#mainVideo').html(el.clone().dblclick(function() { fullScreen(this); }) .bind('contextmenu', function(){ return false; }) .css('max-height', maxHeight()) .removeClass('latencyUnknown latencyGood latencyMedium latencyWarn latencyPoor') .attr('id', el.attr('id') + '_main') ); $('.selected').removeClass('selected'); el.addClass('selected'); mainVid = el.attr('id'); // Cut the volume the corresponding preview // but only on screen > 768 // On smaller screens, the main video is hidden if ($(window).width() > 768){ $('#webRTCVideo video').each(function(){ if ($(this).get(0).paused){ $(this).get(0).play(); } }); el.get(0).volume = 0; $('#mainVideo video').get(0).volume = 1; } $('#mainVideo').show(200); } }, wait); } // Logout function hangupCall(){ webrtc.connection.disconnect(); } // Handle a new video (either another peer, or a screen // including our own local screen function addVideo(video,peer){ playSound('join.mp3'); // The div continer of this new video // will contain the video preview plus all other info like displayName, overlay and volume bar var div = $('
    ').addClass('col-xs-3 col-sm-12 col-lg-6 previewContainer').append(video).appendTo('#webRTCVideo'); var id; // Peer isn't defined ? it's our own local screen if (!peer){ id = 'local'; $('
    ').addClass('displayName').attr('id', 'name_local_screen').appendTo(div); updateDisplayName(id); $(video).addClass('latencyUnknown'); } // video id contains screen ? it's a peer sharing it's screen else if (video.id.match(/screen/)){ id = peer.id + '_screen'; var peer_id = video.id.replace('_screen_incoming', ''); $('
    ').addClass('displayName').attr('id', 'name_' + peer_id + '_screen').appendTo(div); updateDisplayName(peer_id); } // It's the webcam of a peer // add the volume bar and the mute/pause overlay else{ id = peer.id; // Create 4 divs which will contains the volume bar, the displayName, the muted/paused and // the owner actions (overlay) $('
    ').addClass('volumeBar').attr('id', 'volume_' + id).appendTo(div); $('
    ').addClass('displayName').attr('id', 'name_' + id).appendTo(div); $('
    ').attr('id', 'overlay_' + id).appendTo(div); // Will contains per peer action menu (mute/pause/kick), but will only be displayed // on owners screen $('
    ').addClass('ownerActions').attr('id', 'ownerActions_' + id).appendTo(div) .append($('
    ',{ class: 'btn-group' }) .append($('', { class: 'actionMute btn btn-default btn-sm', id: 'actionMute_' + id, click: function() { mutePeer(id) }, }).prop('title', locale.MUTE_PEER)) .append($('', { class: 'actionPause btn btn-default btn-sm', id: 'actionPause_' + id, click: function() { pausePeer(id) }, }).prop('title', locale.SUSPEND_PEER)) .append($('', { class: 'actionPromote btn btn-default btn-sm', id: 'actionPromote_' + id, click: function() { promotePeer(id) }, }).prop('title', locale.PROMOTE_PEER)) .append($('', { class: 'actionKick btn btn-default btn-sm', id: 'actionKick_' + id, click: function() { kickPeer(id) }, }).prop('title', locale.KICK_PEER))); // Display the menu now if we're a owner, but add some delay // as those actions won't work until all the channels are ready setTimeout (function(){ $(div).hover( function(){ if (peers.local.role == 'owner'){ $('#ownerActions_' + id).show(200); } }, function(){ $('#ownerActions_' + id).hide(200); } ); }, 3500); // Choose a random color. If everything is OK // this peer will send us its owne color in a few seconds var color = chooseColor(); // Now store this new peer in our object peers[peer.id] = { displayName: peer.id, color: color, micMuted: false, videoPaused: false, hasVideo: true, lastPong: +new Date, dc: peer.getDataChannel('vroom'), obj: peer }; // Send our info to this peer (displayName/color) // but wait a bit so the "vroom" dataChannel created earlier is fully setup (or have more chances to be) // before we send setTimeout(function(){ // displayName is private data, lets send it through dataChannel if ($('#displayName').val() !== ''){ peer.sendDirectly('vroom','setDisplayName', $('#displayName').val()); } // color can be sent through the signaling channel peer.send('peer_color', {color: peers.local.color}); // if we don't have a video, just signal it to this peer peer.send('media_info', {video: !!videoConstraints}); // We don't have chat history yet ? Lets ask to this new peer if(!peers.local.hasHistory && chatIndex == 0){ peer.sendDirectly('vroom', 'getHistory', ''); } // Get the role of this peer getPeerRole(peer.id); }, 3000); video.volume = .7; $(video).addClass('latencyUnknown'); // Stop moh, we're not alone anymore $('#mohPlayer')[0].pause(); $('.aloneEl').hide(300); if (countPeers() > 1){ if (peers.local.role == 'owner'){ $('.threePeersEl').show(500); } else{ $('.threePeersEl').not('.ownerEl').show(500); } } } $(div).attr('id', 'peer_' + id); // Disable context menu on the video $(video).bind('contextmenu', function(){ return false; }); // And go full screen on double click // TODO: also handle double tap $(video).dblclick(function(){ fullScreen(this); }); // Simple click put this preview in the mainVideo div $(video).click(function(){ handlePreviewClick($(this), id); }); // Now display the div div.show(200); } // Update volume of the corresponding peer // Taken from SimpleWebRTC demo function showVolume(el, volume) { if (!el){ return; } if (volume < -45){ // vary between -45 and -20 el.css('height', '0px'); } else if (volume > -20){ el.css('height', '100%'); } else { el.css('height', Math.floor((volume + 100) * 100 / 25 - 220) + '%'); } } // Feedback for latency with this peer function updatePeerLatency(id,time){ if (!peers[id]){ return; } var cl = 'latencyPoor'; if (time < 60){ cl = 'latencyGood'; } else if (time < 120){ cl = 'latencyMedium'; } else if (time < 250){ cl = 'latencyWarn'; } $('#' + id + '_video_incoming').removeClass('latencyUnknown latencyGood latencyMedium latencyWarn latencyPoor').addClass(cl); } // Add a new message to the chat history function newChatMessage(from,message,time,color){ var cl = (from === 'local') ? 'chatMsgSelf':'chatMsgOthers'; // We need to check time format as it can be sent from another // peer if we asked for its history. If it's not define or doesn't look // correct, we'll get time locally if (!time || !time.match(/^\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}$/)){ time = getTime(); } // It's a message sent from a connected peer, we should have its info if (peers[from] && peers[from].color){ var color = peers[from].color; var displayName = peers[from].displayName; } // this peer might not be defined if we're importing chat history // So just use the from as the displayName and the provided color else{ var color = (color && color.match(/#[\da-f]{6}/i)) ? color : chooseColor(); var displayName = from; } // Create the new msg var newmsg = $('
    ' + time + ' ' + stringEscape(displayName) + '

    ' + linkify(stringEscape(message)) + '

    ').css('background-color', color); // Add it in the history $('
    ').append(newmsg).appendTo('#chatHistory'); // Move the scroller down $('#chatHistory').scrollTop($('#chatHistory').prop('scrollHeight')); // Record this message in the history object // so we can send it to other peers asking for it chatHistory[chatIndex] = { time: time, from: displayName, color: color, message: message } chatIndex++; } // Wipe the history function wipeChatHistory(){ $('#chatHistory').html(''); chatHistory = {}; chatIndex = 0; } // Update the displayName of the peer // and its screen if any function updateDisplayName(id){ // We might receive the screen before the peer itself // so check if the object exists before using it, or fallback with empty values var display = (peers[id] && peers[id].hasName) ? stringEscape(peers[id].displayName) : ''; var color = (peers[id] && peers[id].color) ? peers[id].color : chooseColor(); var screenName = (peers[id] && peers[id].hasName) ? sprintf(locale.SCREEN_s, stringEscape(peers[id].displayName)) : ''; $('#name_' + id).html(display).css('background-color', color); $('#name_' + id + '_screen').html(screenName).css('background-color', color); } // Mute a peer function mutePeer(id,globalAction){ if (peers[id] && peers[id].role != 'owner'){ if (!globalAction || (!peers[id].micMuted && globalAction == 'mute') || (peers[id].micMuted && globalAction == 'unmute')){ var msg = locale.YOU_HAVE_MUTED_s; var who = (peers[id].hasName) ? peers[id].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT; if (peers[id].micMuted){ msg = locale.YOU_HAVE_UNMUTED_s } // notify everyone that we have muted this peer webrtc.sendToAll('owner_toggle_mute', {peer: id}); $.notify(sprintf(msg, who), 'info'); } } // We cannot mute another owner else if (!globalAction){ $.notify(locale.CANT_MUTE_OWNER, 'error'); } } // Pause a peer function pausePeer(id,globalAction){ if (peers[id] && peers[id].role != 'owner'){ if (!globalAction || (!peers[id].videoPaused && globalAction == 'pause') || (peers[id].videoPaused && globalAction == 'resume')){ var msg = locale.YOU_HAVE_SUSPENDED_s; var who = (peers[id].hasName) ? peers[id].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT; if (peers[id].videoPaused){ msg = locale.YOU_HAVE_RESUMED_s; } webrtc.sendToAll('owner_toggle_pause', {peer: id}); $.notify(sprintf(msg, who), 'info'); } } else if (!globalAction){ $.notify(locale.CANT_SUSPEND_OWNER, 'error'); } } // Promote a peer (he will be owner) function promotePeer(id){ if (peers[id] && peers[id].role != 'owner'){ $.ajax({ data: { action: 'promote', room: roomName, peer: id }, error: function(data) { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'success' && data.msg){ webrtc.sendToAll('owner_promoted', {peer: id}); $.notify(data.msg, 'success'); } else if (data.msg){ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); suspendButton($('#actionPromote_' + id)); } else if (peers[id]){ $.notify(locale.CANT_PROMOTE_OWNER, 'error'); } } // Kick a peer function kickPeer(id){ if (peers[id] && peers[id].role != 'owner'){ webrtc.sendToAll('owner_kick', {peer: id}); // Wait a bit for the peer to leave, but end connection if it's still here // after 2 seconds setTimeout(function(){ if (peers[id]){ peers[id].obj.end(); } }, 2000); var who = (peers[id].hasName) ? peers[id].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT; $.notify(sprintf(locale.YOU_HAVE_KICKED_s, who), 'info'); } else{ $.notify(locale.CANT_KICK_OWNER, 'error'); } } // Mute our mic function muteMic(){ webrtc.mute(); peers.local.micMuted = true; showVolume($('#localVolume'), -45); } // Unmute function unmuteMic(){ webrtc.unmute(); peers.local.micMuted = false; } // Suspend or webcam function suspendCam(){ webrtc.pauseVideo(); peers.local.videoPaused = true; } // Resume webcam function resumeCam(){ webrtc.resumeVideo(); peers.local.videoPaused = false; } // Check if MoH is needed function checkMoh(){ setTimeout(function(){ if (countPeers() < 1){ if ($('#pauseMohButton').is(':checked')){ $('#mohPlayer').get(0).volume = .25; $('#mohPlayer').get(0).play(); } else{ $('#pauseMohButton').notify(locale.WAIT_WITH_MUSIC, 'info'); } $('.aloneEl').show(200); } }, 3000); } // Load etherpad in its iFrame function loadEtherpadIframe(){ $('#etherpadContainer').pad({ host: etherpad.uri, padId: etherpad.group + '$' + room, showControls: true, showLineNumbers: false, height: maxHeight()-7 + 'px', border: 2, userColor: peers.local.color, userName: peers.local.displayName }); } // Wipe data function wipeRoomData(){ if (etherpad.enabled){ $.ajax({ data: { action: 'wipeData', room: roomName }, async: false, error: function(data){ $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data){ if (data.status && data.status == 'success'){ loadEtherpadIframe(); } else if (data.msg){ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); } webrtc.sendToAll('wipe_data', {}); wipeChatHistory(); $('#wipeModal').modal('hide'); $.notify(locale.DATA_WIPED, 'info'); } // An owner is muting/unmuting someone webrtc.on('owner_toggle_mute', function(data){ // Ignore this if the remote peer isn't the owner of the room // or if the peer receiving it is our local screen sharing if (peers[data.id].role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen'){ return; } // We are the one being (un)muted, and we're not owner // Be nice and obey if (data.payload.peer && data.payload.peer == peers.local.id && peers.local.role != 'owner'){ var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN; if (!peers.local.micMuted){ muteMic(); $('#muteMicLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#muteMicButton').prop('checked', true); $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_MUTING_YOU, who), 'info'); } else { unmuteMic(); $('#muteMicLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); $('#muteMicButton').prop('checked', false); $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_UNMUTING_YOU, who), 'info'); } } // It's another peer of the room else if (data.payload.peer != peers.local.id && peers[data.payload.peer]){ var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN; var target = (peers[data.payload.peer].hasName) ? peers[data.payload.peer].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT; if (peers[data.payload.peer].micMuted){ $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_UNMUTING_s, who, target), 'info'); } else{ $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_MUTING_s, who, target), 'info'); } } }); // An owner is pausing/resuming a webcam. // More or less the same dance than mute/unmute. Both fonctions should be merged webrtc.on('owner_toggle_pause', function(data){ if (peers[data.id].role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen'){ return; } if (data.payload.peer && data.payload.peer == peers.local.id && peers.local.role != 'owner'){ var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN; if (!peers.local.videoPaused){ suspendCam(); $('#suspendCamLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#suspendCamButton').prop('checked', true); $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_SUSPENDING_YOU, who), 'info'); } else{ resumeCam(); $('#suspendCamLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); $('#suspendCamButton').prop('checked', false); $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_RESUMING_YOU, who), 'info'); } } else if (data.payload.peer != peers.local.id && peers[data.payload.peer]){ var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN; var target = (peers[data.payload.peer].hasName) ? peers[data.payload.peer].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT; if (peers[data.payload.peer].videoPaused){ $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_RESUMING_s, who, target), 'info'); } else{ $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_SUSPENDING_s, who, target), 'info'); } } }); // This peer indicates he has no webcam webrtc.on('media_info', function(data){ if (!data.payload.video){ $('#overlay_' + data.id).append('
    '); $('#actionPause_' + data.id).addClass('disabled'); peers[data.id].hasVideo = false; } }); // An owner has just promoted a participant of the room to the owner role webrtc.on('owner_promoted', function(data){ if (peers[data.id].role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen'){ return; } if (data.payload.peer && data.payload.peer == peers.local.id && peers.local.role != 'owner'){ var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN; getRoomInfo(); if (peers.local.role == 'owner'){ $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_PROMOTING_YOU, who), 'success'); } } else if (data.payload.peer != peers.local.id && peers[data.payload.peer]){ var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN; var target = (peers[data.payload.peer].hasName) ? peers[data.payload.peer].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT; $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_PROMOTING_s, who, target), 'info'); } }); // An owner is kicking someone out of the room webrtc.on('owner_kick', function(data){ if (peers[data.id].role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen'){ return; } if (data.payload.peer && data.payload.peer == peers.local.id && peers.local.role != 'owner'){ hangupCall; window.location.assign(rootUrl + 'kicked/' + roomName); } else if (data.payload.peer != peers.local.id && peers[data.payload.peer] && peers[data.payload.peer].role != 'owner'){ var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN; var target = (peers[data.payload.peer].hasName) ? peers[data.payload.peer].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT; $.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_KICKING_s, who, target), 'info'); // Wait a bit for the peer to leave, but end connection if it's still here // after 2 seconds setTimeout(function(){ if (peers[data.payload.id]){ peers[data.payload.id].obj.end(); } }, 2000); } }); // An owner is terminating the call, obey and leave the room now webrtc.on('terminate_room', function(data){ if (peers[data.id].role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen'){ return; } hangupCall; window.location.assign(rootUrl + 'goodbye/' + roomName); }); // Handle volume changes from our own mic webrtc.on('volumeChange', function (volume, treshold){ // Record the highest level (used for the "no sound" detection) if (volume > maxVol){ maxVol = volume; } // Do nothing if we're muted if (peers.local.micMuted) { return; } showVolume($('#localVolume'), volume); }); // Handle dataChannel messages (incoming) webrtc.on('channelMessage', function (peer, label, data){ // Handle volume changes from remote peers if (data.type == 'volume'){ showVolume($('#volume_' + peer.id), data.volume); } // We only want to act on data received from the vroom channel if (label !== 'vroom'){ return; } // Ping from the peer, lets just respond else if (data.type == 'ping'){ peers[peer.id].obj.sendDirectly('vroom', 'pong', data.payload); } // Pong from the peer, lets compute reponse time else if (data.type == 'pong'){ var diff = +new Date - parseInt(data.payload); peers[peer.id].lastPong = +new Date; updatePeerLatency(peer.id,diff); } // The peer sets a displayName, record this in our peers object else if (data.type == 'setDisplayName'){ var name = data.payload; // Ignore it if it's too long if (name.length > 50){ return; } peer.logger.log('Received displayName ' + stringEscape(name) + ' from peer ' + peer.id); // Set display name under the video peers[peer.id].displayName = name; if (name !== ''){ peers[peer.id].hasName = true; } else { peers[peer.id].hasName = false; } updateDisplayName(peer.id); } // This peer asked for our chat history, lets send him else if (data.type == 'getHistory'){ peer.sendDirectly('vroom', 'chatHistory', JSON.stringify(chatHistory)); } // This peer is sending its chat history (and we don't have it yet) else if (data.type == 'chatHistory' && !peers.local.hasHistory){ peers.local.hasHistory = true; var history = JSON.parse(data.payload); for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(history).length; i++){ newChatMessage(history[i].from,history[i].message,history[i].time,history[i].color); } } // One peer just sent a text chat message else if (data.type == 'textChat'){ // Notify if the chat menu is collapsed if ($('#chatDropdown').hasClass('collapsed')){ $('#chatDropdown').addClass('btn-danger'); playSound('newmsg.mp3'); $('#unreadMsg').text(parseInt($('#unreadMsg').text())+1).show(1000); } newChatMessage(peer.id,data.payload); } }); // A peer is sending its color webrtc.on('peer_color', function(data){ var color = data.payload.color; if (!color.match(/#[\da-f]{6}/i)){ return; } peers[data.id].color = color; $('#name_' + data.id).css('background-color', color); $('#name_' + data.id + '_screen').css('background-color', color); // Update the displayName but only if it has been set (no need to display a cryptic peer ID) if (peers[data.id].hasName){ updateDisplayName(data.id); } }); // Received when a peer mute his mic, or pause the video webrtc.on('mute', function(data){ // Muting if (data.name === 'audio'){ // put the volume bar at the minimum showVolume($('#volume_' + data.id), -46); var div = 'mute_' + data.id, cl = 'muted'; peers[data.id].micMuted = true; $('#actionMute_' + data.id).addClass('btn-danger'); } // Pausing webcam else if (data.name === 'video'){ var div = 'pause_' + data.id, cl = 'paused'; peers[data.id].videoPaused = true; $('#actionPause_' + data.id).addClass('btn-danger'); } else{ return; } $('#overlay_' + data.id).append('
    '); }); // Handle unmute/resume webrtc.on('unmute', function(data){ if (data.name === 'audio'){ var el = '#mute_' + data.id; peers[data.id].micMuted = false; $('#actionMute_' + data.id).removeClass('btn-danger'); } else if (data.name === 'video'){ var el = '#pause_' + data.id; peers[data.id].videoPaused = false; $('#actionPause_' + data.id).removeClass('btn-danger'); } else{ return; } $(el).remove(); }); // This peer claims he changed its role (usually from participant to owner) // Lets check this webrtc.on('role_change', function(data){ if (data.roomType == 'screen'){ return; } getPeerRole(data.id); }); // A new notified email has been added or removed // We need to refresh the whole list webrtc.on('notif_change', function(data){ if (peers.local.role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen' || peers[data.id].role != 'owner'){ return; } $('#emailNotificationList > li').remove(); getRoomInfo(); }); // askForName set/unset webrtc.on('ask_for_name', function(data){ if (peers.local.role != 'owner' || peers[data.id].role != 'owner'){ return; } if (data.payload.action == 'set'){ roomInfo.ask_for_name = 'yes'; $('#askForNameLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#askForNameButton').prop('checked', true); } else{ roomInfo.ask_for_name = 'no'; $('#askForNameLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); $('#askForNameButton').prop('checked', false); } }); // A few notif on password set/unset or lock/unlock webrtc.on('room_lock', function(data){ if (data.roomType == 'screen' || peers[data.id].role != 'owner'){ return; } if (data.payload.action == 'lock'){ roomInfo.locked = 'yes'; $('#lockLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#lockButton').prop('checked', true); $.notify(sprintf(locale.ROOM_LOCKED_BY_s, stringEscape(peers[data.id].displayName)), 'info'); } else{ roomInfo.locked = 'no'; $('#lockLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); $('#lockButton').prop('checked', false); $.notify(sprintf(locale.ROOM_UNLOCKED_BY_s, stringEscape(peers[data.id].displayName)), 'info'); } }); webrtc.on('password_protect', function(data){ if (data.roomType == 'screen' || peers[data.id].role != 'owner'){ return; } var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN; if (data.payload.action == 'set'){ $.notify(sprintf(locale.PASSWORD_PROTECT_ON_BY_s, stringEscape(who)), 'info'); $('#joinPassLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#joinPassButton').prop('checked', true); } else{ $.notify(sprintf(locale.PASSWORD_PROTECT_OFF_BY_s, stringEscape(who)), 'info'); $('#joinPassLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); $('#joinPassButton').prop('checked', false); } }); webrtc.on('owner_password', function(data){ if (data.roomType == 'screen' || peers[data.id].role != 'owner'){ return; } if (peers.local.role == 'owner'){ var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN; if (data.payload.action == 'set'){ $.notify(sprintf(locale.OWNER_PASSWORD_CHANGED_BY_s, stringEscape(who)), 'info'); $('#persistentLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#persistentButton').prop('checked', true); } else{ $.notify(sprintf(locale.OWNER_PASSWORD_REMOVED_BY_s, stringEscape(who)), 'info'); $('#persistentLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); $('#persistentButton').prop('checked', false); } } else{ getRoomInfo(); } }); // An owner has wiped data webrtc.on('wipe_data', function(data){ if (data.roomType == 'screen' || peers[data.id].role != 'owner'){ return; } wipeChatHistory(); if (etherpad.enabled){ $.ajax({ data: { action: 'padSession', room: roomName, }, error: function(data) { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'success'){ if (data.msg){ $.notify(data.msg, 'success'); } loadEtherpadIframe(); } else if (data.msg){ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); } var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN; $.notify(sprintf(locale.ROOM_DATA_WIPED_BY_s, stringEscape(who)), 'info'); }); // Handle the readyToCall event: join the room // Or prompt for a name first webrtc.once('readyToCall', function () { peers.local.id = webrtc.connection.socket.sessionid; getRoomInfo(); if (roomInfo.ask_for_name && roomInfo.ask_for_name == 'yes'){ $('#setDisplayName').modal('show'); } else{ webrtc.joinRoom(room); } }); // When we joined the room webrtc.on('joinedRoom', function(){ // Check if sound is detected and warn if it hasn't if (window.webkitAudioContext || window.AudioContext){ setTimeout(function (){ if (maxVol < -80){ $.notify(locale.NO_SOUND_DETECTED, { className: 'error', autoHide: false }); } }, 10000); } // Notify the server a new participant has joined (ourself) // If we were prompted for our display name before joining // we send it. Not that I like sending this kind of data to the server // but it's needed for email notifications $.ajax({ data: { action: 'join', room: roomName, name: (peers.local.hasName) ? peers.local.displayName : '' }, error: function(data) { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'success' && data.msg){ $.notify(data.msg, 'success'); } else if (data.msg){ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); checkMoh(); $('#videoLocalContainer').show(200); $('#timeCounter').tinyTimer({ from: new Date }).show(200); }); // Handle new video stream added: someone joined the room webrtc.on('videoAdded', function(video,peer){ addVideo(video,peer); }); // We share our screen webrtc.on('localScreenAdded', function(video){ addVideo(video); }); // error opening the webcam or mic stream webrtc.on('localMediaError', function(){ $('#noWebcam').modal('show'); }); // Handle video stream removed: someone leaved the room webrtc.on('videoRemoved', function(video,peer){ playSound('leave.mp3'); var id = (peer) ? peer.id : 'local'; // Is the screen sharing of a peer being removed ? if (video.id.match(/_screen_/)){ id = id + '_screen'; } // Or the peer itself else if (peer && peers[peer.id] && id != 'local'){ delete peers[peer.id]; } $("#peer_" + id).hide(300); // Remove the div, but wait for the fade out to complete setTimeout(function(){ $("#peer_" + id).remove(); }, 300); if (mainVid == id + '_video_incoming' || mainVid == id + '_incoming' || mainVid == id + 'Screen'){ $('#mainVideo').hide(500); setTimeout(function(){ if ($.browser.mozilla && $('#mainVideo video').length > 0){ $($('#mainVideo video').get(0)).attr('src', $($('#mohPlayer').get(0)).attr('src')); $('#mainVideo video').get(0).pause(); } $('#mainVideo').html(''); }, 500); mainVid = false; } if (id != 'local'){ checkMoh(); } if (countPeers() < 2){ $('.threePeersEl').hide(500); } }); // Detect connection lost webrtc.connection.socket.on('disconnect', function(){ setTimeout(function(){ $('#disconnected').modal('show'); }, 2000); }); // Do not close the dropdown menus (invite/conf) when filling fields $('.dropdown-menu').on('click', 'li', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); // Handle Email Invitation $('#inviteEmail').submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var rcpt = $('#recipient').val(); message = $('#message').val(); // Simple email address verification // not fullproof, but email validation is a real nightmare if (!rcpt.match(/\S+@\S+\.\S+/)){ $.notify(locale.ERROR_MAIL_INVALID, 'error'); return; } $.ajax({ data: { action: 'invite', recipient: rcpt, message: message, room: roomName }, error: function(data) { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { $('#recipient').val(''); if (data.status == 'success'){ $.notify(data.msg, 'success'); } else{ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); }); // Set your DisplayName $('#displayName').on('input', function(){ var name = $('#displayName').val(); if (name.length > 50){ $('#displayName').parent().addClass('has-error'); $('#displayName').notify(locale.DISPLAY_NAME_TOO_LONG, 'error'); return; } else{ $('#displayName').parent().removeClass('has-error'); } // Enable chat input when you set your disaplay name if (name != '' && $('#chatBox').attr('disabled')){ $('#chatBox').removeAttr('disabled').removeAttr('placeholder'); peers.local.hasName = true; } // And disable it again if you remove your display name else if (name == ''){ $('#chatBox').attr('disabled', true).attr('placeholder', locale.SET_YOUR_NAME_TO_CHAT); peers.local.hasName = false; } peers.local.displayName = name; updateDisplayName('local'); webrtc.sendDirectlyToAll('vroom', 'setDisplayName', name); lastNameChange = +new Date; // Should we reload etherpad iFrame with this new name ? if (etherpad.enabled){ // Wait ~3 sec and reload etherpad setTimeout(function(){ if (lastNameChange && lastNameChange + 3000 < +new Date){ loadEtherpadIframe(); } }, 3100); } }); // This is the displayName input before joining the room $('#displayNamePre').on('input', function() { var name = $('#displayNamePre').val(); if (name.length > 0 && name.length < 50){ $('#displayNamePreButton').removeClass('disabled'); $('#displayNamePre').parent().removeClass('has-error'); } else{ $('#displayNamePreButton').addClass('disabled'); $('#displayNamePre').parent().addClass('has-error'); if (name.length < 1){ $('#displayNamePre').notify(locale.DISPLAY_NAME_REQUIRED, 'error'); } else{ $('#displayNamePre').notify(locale.DISPLAY_NAME_TOO_LONG, 'error'); } } }); $('#displayNamePreForm').submit(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var name = $('#displayNamePre').val(); if (name.length > 0 && name.length < 50){ $('#setDisplayName').modal('hide'); $('#displayName').val(name); peers.local.hasName = true; peers.local.displayName = name; updateDisplayName('local'); $('#chatBox').removeAttr('disabled').removeAttr('placeholder'); webrtc.joinRoom(room); } }); // Handle room lock/unlock $('#lockButton').change(function() { var action = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? 'lock':'unlock'; $.ajax({ data: { action: action, room: roomName }, error: function(data) { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'success'){ $.notify(data.msg, 'info'); if (action === 'lock'){ $('#lockLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); } else{ on_off = 'off'; $('#lockLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); } webrtc.sendToAll('room_lock', {action: action}); } else{ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); // DIsable the button for a moment so you cannot overload the server suspendButton($(this)); }); // Force participants to set a name $('#askForNameButton').change(function() { var type = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? 'set':'unset'; $.ajax({ data: { action: 'askForName', type: type, room: roomName }, error: function(data) { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'success'){ $.notify(data.msg, 'info'); if (type === 'set'){ $('#askForNameLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); } else{ $('#askForNameLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); } webrtc.sendToAll('ask_for_name', {action: type}); } else{ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); suspendButton($(this)); }); // ScreenSharing $('#shareScreenButton').change(function() { var action = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? 'share':'unshare'; function cantShare(err){ $.notify(err, 'error'); return; } if (!peers.local.screenShared && action === 'share'){ webrtc.shareScreen(function(err){ // An error occured while sharing our screen if(err){ if (err.name == 'EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE'){ var ver = 34; if ($.browser.linux){ ver = 35; } if ($.browser.webkit && $.browser.versionNumber >= ver){ $('#chromeExtMessage').modal('show'); } else{ cantShare(locale.SCREEN_SHARING_ONLY_FOR_CHROME); } } // This error usually means you have denied access (old flag way) // or you cancelled screen sharing (new extension way) else if (err.name == 'PERMISSION_DENIED' || err.name == 'PermissionDeniedError'){ cantShare(locale.SCREEN_SHARING_CANCELLED); } else{ cantShare(locale.CANT_SHARE_SCREEN); } $('#shareScreenLabel').removeClass('active'); return; } // Screen sharing worked, warn that everyone can see it else{ $("#shareScreenLabel").addClass('btn-danger'); peers.local.screenShared = true; $.notify(locale.EVERYONE_CAN_SEE_YOUR_SCREEN, 'info'); } }); } else{ peers.local.screenShared = false; webrtc.stopScreenShare(); $('#shareScreenLabel').removeClass('btn-danger'); $.notify(locale.SCREEN_UNSHARED, 'info'); } }); // Handle microphone mute/unmute $('#muteMicButton').change(function() { var action = ($(this).is(':checked')) ? 'mute':'unmute'; if (action === 'mute'){ muteMic(); $('#muteMicLabel').addClass('btn-danger'); $.notify(locale.MIC_MUTED, 'info'); } else{ unmuteMic(); $('#muteMicLabel').removeClass('btn-danger'); $.notify(locale.MIC_UNMUTED, 'info'); } }); // Disable suspend webcam button if no webcam if (!videoConstraints){ $('#suspendCamButton').attr('disabled', true); $('#suspendCamLabel').addClass('disabled'); } // Suspend the webcam $('#suspendCamButton').change(function() { var action = ($(this).is(':checked')) ? 'pause':'resume'; if (action === 'pause'){ suspendCam(); $('#suspendCamLabel').addClass('btn-danger'); $.notify(locale.CAM_SUSPENDED, 'info'); } else{ resumeCam(); $('#suspendCamLabel').removeClass('btn-danger'); $.notify(locale.CAM_RESUMED, 'info'); } }); // Mute all the peers $('#muteEveryoneButton').click(function(){ $.each(peers, function(id){ if (id != 'local'){ mutePeer(id, 'mute'); } }); }); // Unmute all the peers $('#unmuteEveryoneButton').click(function(){ $.each(peers, function(id){ if (id != 'local'){ mutePeer(id, 'unmute'); } }); }); // Suspend all the peers $('#suspendEveryoneButton').click(function(){ $.each(peers, function(id){ if (id != 'local' && peers[id].hasVideo){ pausePeer(id, 'pause'); } }); }); // Resum all the peers $('#resumeEveryoneButton').click(function(){ $.each(peers, function(id){ if (id != 'local' && peers[id].hasVideo){ pausePeer(id, 'resume'); } }); }); // Handle auth to become room owner $('#authPass').on('input', function() { if ($('#authPass').val() == ''){ $('#authPassButton').addClass('disabled'); } else{ $('#authPassButton').removeClass('disabled'); } }); $('#authForm').submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var pass = $('#authPass').val(); $.ajax({ data: { action: 'authenticate', password: pass, room: roomName }, error: function(data) { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { $('#authPass').val(''); if (data.status == 'success'){ getRoomInfo(); $.notify(data.msg, 'success'); } else{ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } // Close the auth menu $('#authMenu').dropdown('toggle'); } }); }); // Enable the submit button when the corresponding input is filled $('#joinPassConfirm').on('input', function() { if ($('#joinPass').val() == $('#joinPassConfirm').val() && $('#joinPass').val() != ''){ $('#setJoinPassButton').removeClass('disabled'); $('#joinPassConfirm').parent().removeClass('has-error'); } else{ $('#setJoinPassButton').addClass('disabled'); $('#joinPassConfirm').parent().addClass('has-error'); } }); $('#joinPassButton').change(function(){ var action = ($(this).is(':checked')) ? 'set':'unset'; if (action == 'set'){ $('#joinPassModal').modal('show'); // Uncheck the button now // so it's not inconsistent if we just close the modal dialog // submitting the form will recheck it $('#joinPassButton').prop('checked', false); $('#joinPassLabel').removeClass('active'); } else{ $.ajax({ data: { action: 'setPassword', type: 'join', room: roomName }, error: function() { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { $('#joinPass').val(''); $('#joinPassConfirm').val(''); if (data.status == 'success'){ $.notify(data.msg, 'info'); $('#joinPassLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); webrtc.sendToAll('password_protect', {action: 'unset'}); } else{ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); suspendButton($(this)); } }); // Join password protection $('#joinPassForm').submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var pass = $('#joinPass').val(); var pass2 = $('#joinPassConfirm').val(); if (pass == pass2 && pass != ''){ $('#setJoinPassButton').addClass('disabled'); $.ajax({ data: { action: 'setPassword', password: pass, type: 'join', room: roomName }, error: function() { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { $('#joinPass').val(''); $('#joinPassConfirm').val(''); if (data.status == 'success'){ $.notify(data.msg, 'info'); $('#joinPassModal').modal('hide'); $('#joinPassLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#joinPassButton').prop('checked', true); webrtc.sendToAll('password_protect', {action: 'set'}); } else{ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); } else{ $('#joinPassConfirm').notify(locale.PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH, 'error'); } }); $('#persistentButton').change(function(){ var action = ($(this).is(':checked')) ? 'set':'unset'; if (action == 'set'){ $('#persistentModal').modal('show'); // Uncheck the button now // so it's not inconsistent if we just close the modal dialog // submitting the form will recheck it $('#persistentButton').prop('checked', false); $('#persistentLabel').removeClass('active'); } else{ $.ajax({ data: { action: 'setPassword', type: 'owner', room: roomName }, error: function() { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { $('#ownerPass').val(''); if (data.status == 'success'){ $.notify(data.msg, 'info'); webrtc.sendToAll('owner_password', {action: 'remove'}); $('#persistentLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); } else{ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); suspendButton($(this)); } }); // Set owner password $('#ownerPassConfirm').on('input', function() { if ($('#ownerPassConfirm').val() == $('#ownerPass').val() && $('#ownerPassConfirm').val() != ''){ $('#setOwnerPassButton').removeClass('disabled'); $('#ownerPassConfirm').parent().removeClass('has-error'); } else{ $('#setOwnerPassButton').addClass('disabled'); $('#ownerPassConfirm').parent().addClass('has-error'); } }); $('#persistentForm').submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var pass = $('#ownerPass').val(); var pass2 = $('#ownerPassConfirm').val(); if (pass == pass2 && pass != ''){ $('#setOwnerPassButton').addClass('disabled'); $.ajax({ data: { action: 'setPassword', password: pass, type: 'owner', room: roomName }, error: function() { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); $('#persistentLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active'); }, success: function(data) { $('#ownerPass').val(''); $('#ownerPassConfirm').val(''); if (data.status == 'success'){ $('#persistentModal').modal('hide'); $('#persistentLabel').addClass('btn-danger active'); $('#persistentButton').prop('checked', true); $.notify(data.msg, 'info'); webrtc.sendToAll('owner_password', {action: 'set'}); } else{ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); } else{ $('#ownerPassConfirm').notify(locale.PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH, 'error'); } }); // Add an email to be notified when someone joins // First, enable the add button when the input looks like an email address $('#newEmailNotification').on('input', function() { if (!$('#newEmailNotification').val().match(/^\S+\@\S+\.\S+$/)){ $('#newEmailNotificationButton').addClass('disabled'); } else{ $('#newEmailNotificationButton').removeClass('disabled'); } }); // Then send this new address to the server $('#newEmailNotificationForm').submit(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ data: { action: 'emailNotification', type: 'add', email: $('#newEmailNotification').val(), room: roomName }, error: function() { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'success'){ $.notify(data.msg, 'info'); addNotifiedEmail($('#newEmailNotification').val()); webrtc.sendToAll('notif_change', {}); $('#newEmailNotification').val(''); } else{ $.notify(data.msg, 'error'); } } }); }); // Choose another color. Useful if two peers have the same $('#changeColorButton').click(function(){ peers.local.color = chooseColor(); // Reload etherpadiFrame if required if (etherpad.enabled){ loadEtherpadIframe(); } webrtc.sendToAll('peer_color', {color: peers.local.color}); updateDisplayName('local'); }); $('#saveChat').click(function(){ downloadContent('VROOM Tchat (' + room + ').html', $('#chatHistory').html()); }); // Suspend/Play MoH $('#pauseMohButton').change(function(){ if ($(this).is(":checked")){ $('#mohPlayer')[0].play(); $('#pauseMohLabel').addClass('btn-danger'); } else{ $('#mohPlayer')[0].pause(); $('#pauseMohLabel').removeClass('btn-danger'); } }); // Handle hangup/close window $('#logoutButton').click(function(){ $('#quitModal').modal('show'); }); // Remove the active class on the logout button if // the modal is closed $('#quitModal').on('hide.bs.modal',function(){ $('#logoutButton').removeClass('active'); }); $('#confirmQuitButton').click(function() { hangupCall; window.location.assign(rootUrl + 'goodbye/' + roomName); }); $('#confirmWipeAndQuitButton').click(function(){ wipeRoomData(); hangupCall; window.location.assign(rootUrl + 'goodbye/' + roomName); }); window.onunload = window.onbeforeunload = hangupCall; // Go fullscreen on double click $('#webRTCVideoLocal').dblclick(function(){ fullScreen(this); }); // And put it in the main div on simple click $('#webRTCVideoLocal').click(function(){ handlePreviewClick($(this), 'self'); }); // On click, remove the red label on the button // and reset the unread msg counter $('#chatDropdown').click(function (){ $('#chatDropdown').removeClass('btn-danger'); $('#unreadMsg').text('0').hide(1000); }); // The input is a textarea, trigger a submit // when the user hit enter, unless shift is pressed $('#chatForm').keypress(function(e) { if (e.which == 13 && !e.shiftKey){ // Do not add \n e.preventDefault(); $(this).trigger('submit'); } }); // Fix height in Firefox if ($.browser.mozilla){ $('#saveChat,#sendChat').css('height', '47px'); } // Adapt the chat input (textarea) size $('#chatBox').on('input', function(){ var h = parseInt($(this).css('height')); var mh = parseInt($(this).css('max-height')); // Scrollbar, we need to add a row if ($(this).prop('scrollHeight') > $(this).prop('clientHeight') && h < mh){ // Do a loop so that we can adapt to copy/pastes of several lines // But do not add more than 10 rows at a time for (var i = 0; $(this).prop('scrollHeight') > $(this).prop('clientHeight') && h < mh && i<10; i++){ $(this).prop('rows', $(this).prop('rows')+1); } } // Check if we have empty lines in our textarea // If we do, remove one row // TODO: we should only check for the last row and don't remove a row if we have empty lines in the middle else{ lines = $('#chatBox').val().split(/\r?\n/); for(var i=0; i1; i++) { var val = lines[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, ''); if (val.length == 0){ $(this).prop('rows', $(this).prop('rows')-1); } } } // In any case, adapt height of the buttons $('#saveChat,#sendChat').css('height', $(this).css('height')); }); // Chat: send to other peers $('#chatForm').submit(function (e){ e.preventDefault(); if ($('#chatBox').val()){ webrtc.sendDirectlyToAll('vroom', 'textChat', $('#chatBox').val()); // Local echo of our own message newChatMessage('local',$('#chatBox').val()); // reset the input box $('#chatBox').val('').prop('rows', 1); $('#saveChat,#sendChat').css('height', $('#chatBox').css('height')); } }); // Empty password fields on modal dismiss $('#joinPassModal,#persistentModal').on('hide.bs.modal',function(){ $(this).find(':input').val(''); }); // Remove the active class on the help button $('#helpModal').on('hide.bs.modal',function(){ $('#helpButton').removeClass('active'); }); // Display the wipe data modal $('#wipeDataButton').click(function(){ $('#wipeModal').modal('show'); }); // Really wipe data $('#confirmWipeButton').click(function(){ wipeRoomData(); }); // Display terminate room modal $('#terminateRoomButton').click(function(){ $('#terminateModal').modal('show'); }); // Really terminate the room now $('#confirmTerminateButton').click(function(){ // Ask all the peers to quit now webrtc.sendToAll('terminate_room', {}); wipeRoomData(); $.ajax({ data: { action: 'deleteRoom', room: roomName }, async: false, error: function(data) { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'success' && data.msg && data.msg != ''){ $.notify(data.msg, 'info'); } } }); hangupCall; window.location.assign(rootUrl + 'goodbye/' + roomName); }); if (etherpad.enabled){ $('#etherpadButton').change(function(){ var action = ($(this).is(':checked')) ? 'show':'hide'; if (action == 'show'){ // If not already loaded, load etherpad in the iFrame if ($('#etherpadContainer').html() == ''){ loadEtherpadIframe(); } $('#etherpadLabel').addClass('btn-danger'); $('#etherpadContainer').slideDown('200'); } else{ $('#etherpadLabel').removeClass('btn-danger'); $('#etherpadContainer').slideUp('200'); } }); } // Ping the room every minutes // Used to detect inactive rooms setInterval(function pingRoom(){ $.ajax({ data: { action: 'ping', room: roomName }, error: function(data) { $.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error'); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'success' && data.msg && data.msg != ''){ $.notify(data.msg, { className: 'info', autoHide: false }); } } }); }, 60000); // Ping all the peers every 5 sec to measure latency // Do this through dataChannel setInterval(function(){ $.each(peers, function(id){ // No response from last ping ? mark latency as poor if (parseInt(peers[id].lastPong)+5000 > +new Date){ $('#' + id + '_video_incoming').removeClass('latencyUnknown latencyGood latencyMedium latencyWarn').addClass('latencyPoor'); } }); webrtc.sendDirectlyToAll('vroom', 'ping', +new Date); }, 5000); window.onresize = function (){ $('#webRTCVideo').css('max-height', maxHeight()); $('#mainVideo>video').css('max-height', maxHeight()); $('#etherpadContainer').css('max-height', maxHeight()); }; // Preview heigh is limited to the windows heigh, minus the navbar, minus 25px $('#webRTCVideo').css('max-height', maxHeight()); $('#etherpadContainer').css('max-height', maxHeight()); };