package Vroom::I18N::en;
use base 'Vroom::I18N';
our %Lexicon = (
_AUTO => 1,
"WELCOME" => "Welcome on VROOM !!",
"VROOM_DESC" => "VROOM is a simple video conferencing solution",
"VROOM_IS_FREE_SOFTWARE" => "VROOM is a free software",
"POWERED_BY" => "Powered by",
"ERROR_NAME_INVALID" => "This name is not valid",
"ERROR_ROOM_NAME_MISSING" => "Vous devez fournir un nom de salon",
"ERROR_NAME_RESERVED" => "This name is reserved and cannot be used",
"ERROR_NAME_CONFLICT" => "A room with this name already exists, please choose another one",
"ERROR_ROOM_s_DOESNT_EXIST" => "The room %s doesn't exist",
"ERROR_ROOM_s_LOCKED" => "The room %s is locked, you cannot join it",
"ERROR_OCCURRED" => "An error occurred",
"ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN" => "Sorry, your not logged in",
"ERROR_DB_UNAVAILABLE" => "The database is not available",
"JS_REQUIRED" => "VROOM needs javascript to work properly",
"EMAIL_INVITATION" => "Video conference invitation",
"INVITE_SENT_TO_s" => "An invitation was sent to the following addresses\n%s",
"YOU_ARE_INVITED_TO_A_MEETING" => "You are awaited on a video conferecing room. " .
"Before joining it, make sure you have all the necessary",
"A_MODERN_BROWSER" => "A modern web browser, recent versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera will work",
"A_WEBCAM" => "A webcam (optional but recommanded)",
"A_MIC" => "A microphone and speakers (or headphones)",
"WHEN_YOU_ARE_READY" => "When you are ready, go to this address to join the conference",
"MESSAGE_FROM_ORGANIZER" => "Message from the meeting organizer",
"HAVE_A_NICE_MEETING" => "Have a nice meeting :-)",
"EMAIL_SIGN" => "VROOM! And video conferencing becomes free, simple and safe",
"FEEDBACK" => "Feedback",
"YOUR_MAIL_OPTIONAL" => "Your email address (optional)",
"COMMENT" => "Comment",
"VROOM_IS_AWESOME" => "VROOM is really awesome ;-)",
"SUBMIT" => "Submit",
"THANK_YOU" => "Thank you :-)",
"THANKS_FOR_YOUR_FEEDBACK" => "Your message has been sent, thank your for taking time to share your experience with us",
"FROM" => "From",
"GIVE_US_YOUR_FEEDBACK" => "Give us your feedback",
"YOUR_FEEDBACK_HELPS_US" => "Your feedback (good or bad) can help us improve this application",
"DATA_WIPED" => "Data has been wiped",
"ROOM_DATA_WIPED_BY_s" => "Room data (chat history and pad content) has been wiped by %s",
"NOT_ENABLED" => "This feature isn't enabled",
"OOOPS" => "Ooops",
"GOODBYE" => "Goodbye",
"THANKS_SEE_YOU_SOON" => "Thanks and see you soon",
"THANKS_FOR_USING" => "Thank you for using VROOM, we hope you enjoyed your meeting",
"BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU" => "Back to main menu",
"JOIN_THIS_ROOM" => "Join this room",
"CREATE_ROOM" => "Create a new room",
"ROOM_NAME" => "Room name",
"RANDOM_IF_EMPTY" => "If you let this empty, a random name will be given to the room",
"THIS_ROOM_ALREADY_EXISTS" => "This room already exists",
"CONFIRM_OR_CHOOSE_ANOTHER_NAME" => "Do you want to join it or choose another name ?",
"CHOOSE_ANOTHER_NAME" => "Choose another name",
"ROOM_s" => "room %s",
"INVITE_PEOPLE" => "Invite other people",
"EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER" => "j.smith\",
"ERROR_INVITATION_INVALID" => "This link is invalid, your invitation has probably expired, or you've already responded",
"MESSAGE_SENT" => "Message sent",
"ORGANIZER_WILL_GET_YOUR_MESSAGE" => "The organizer will get your message in a few seconds",
"INVITATION" => "Invitation",
"INVITATION_RESPONSE" => "Respond to an invitation",
"CANNOT_JOIN_NOW" => "You cannot join this conference ? Leave a message to the organizer so he won't wait for you",
"WILL_YOU_JOIN" => "Will you join later ?",
"WILL_TRY_TO_JOIN_LATER" => "I will try to join later, but don't wait for me",
"WONT_BE_ABLE_TO_JOIN" => "I cannot participate",
"DONT_WAIT_FOR_ME" => "Don't wait for me",
"YOU_CAN_STILL_CHANGE_YOUR_MIND" => "It's not too late to change your mind",
"CLICK_SEND_OR_JOIN_NOW" => "Click send to deliver your message, or join the room now",
"IF_YOU_CANNOT_JOIN" => "If you cannot join the conference, or if you'll be late",
"YOU_CAN_NOTIFY_THE_ORGANIZER" => "you can notify the organizer",
"INVITE_REPONSE_FROM_s" => "%s response to your invitation",
"HE_WILL_TRY_TO_JOIN_LATER" => "This person will tryu to join later",
"HE_WONT_JOIN" => "This person won't be able to join the conference",
"SEND_INVITE" => "Send an email invitation",
"RECIPIENT" => "Recipient",
"MESSAGE" => "Message",
"SEND_CUSTOM_MESSAGE" => "You can add a custom message",
"DISPLAY_NAME" => "Display name",
"YOUR_NAME" => "Your name",
"NAME_SENT_TO_OTHERS" => "This name will be sent to the other peers",
"DISPLAY_NAME_TOO_LONG" => "This name is too long",
"DISPLAY_NAME_REQUIRED" => "You need to enter your name",
"SET_A_DISPLAY_NAME" => "Please set your name before you can join the room",
"WIPE_CHAT_AND_PAD" => "Wipe chat history and pad content",
"WIPE_CHAT" => "Wipe chat history",
"WIPE_ROOM_DATA" => "Wipe room data",
"YOU_ARE_ABOUT_TO_WIPE_DATA" => "You are about to wipe room data",
"THIS_INCLUDE" => "This includes",
"CHAT_HISTORY" => "Chat history",
"PAD_CONTENT" => "The collaborative pad content",
"CONFIRM_WIPE" => "Wipe",
"TERMINATE_ROOM" => "Stop the call and delete the room",
"YOU_ARE_ABOUT_TO_TERMINATE_ROOM" => "You are about to delete this room. This will have the following effects",
"ALL_PEERS_WILL_HANGUP" => "All the peers will hangup immediatly",
"ALL_DATA_WILL_BE_WIPED" => "All the data of the room will be deleted",
"ROOM_WILL_BE_DELETED" => "The room itself, including all its configuration will be deleted",
"CONFIRM_TERMINATE" => "Stop the call and delete the room",
"ROOM_DELETED" => "This room has been deleted",
"CANCEL" => "Cancel",
"CHANGE_COLOR" => "Change your color",
"CLICK_TO_CHAT" => "Click to access the chat",
"OPEN_ETHERPAD" => "Collaborative notetaking",
"PREVENT_TO_JOIN" => "Prevent other participants to join this room",
"MUTE_MIC" => "Turn off your microphone",
"NO_SOUND_DETECTED" => "No sound detected, please check your microphone (input level might be too low)",
"SUSPEND_CAM" => "Suspend your webcam, other will see a black screen instead, but can still hear you",
"CONFIGURE" => "Configuration",
"YOU_CAN_PASSWORD_PROTECT_JOIN" => "You can protect this room with a password",
"PASSWORD" => "Password",
"PASSWORD_PROTECT" => "Password protect",
"PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH" => "Passwords do not match",
"RESERVE_THIS_ROOM" => "Reserve this room",
"SET_OWNER_PASS" => "Keep this password carefully, it'll grant you access to the configuration menus " .
"next time you connect.",
"A_STANDARD_ROOM_EXPIRES_AFTER_d" => "A standard room will be deleted after %d hour(s) without activity",
"A_RESERVED_ROOM" => "A reserved room",
"EXPIRE_AFTER_d" => "will be deleted after %d day(s) without activity",
"WILL_NEVER_EXPIRE" => "will be kept forever",
"CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => "Confirm password",
"PROTECT_ROOM_WITH_PASSWORD" => "If this password is set, participants will have to type it before the system let them in",
"ERROR_COMMON_ROOM_NAME" => "Sorry, this room name is too comon to be reserved",
"AUTHENTICATE" => "Authentication",
"ADD_NOTIFICATION" => "Add a notification",
"ADD_THIS_ADDRESS" => "Add this address",
"REMOVE_THIS_ADDRESS" => "Remove this address",
"NOTIFICATION_ON_JOIN" => "Notification when someone joins this room",
"s_WILL_BE_NOTIFIED" => "%s will receive a notification each time someone joins this room",
"s_WONT_BE_NOTIFIED_ANYMORE" => "%s won't be notified anymore",
"ROOM_CONFIG_UPDATED" => "Room configuration has been updated",
"s_JOINED_ROOM_s" => "%s joined room %s",
"SOMEONE" => "Someone",
"SOMEONE_JOINED_A_ROOM" => "Someone joined a video conference room, and your address is configured to receive " .
"this notifications",
"PARTICIPANT_NAME" => "The one who just joined your room is named",
"AUTH_SUCCESS" => "You are now authenticated",
"NOT_ALLOWED" => "You are not allowed to do this",
"WRONG_PASSWORD" => "Wrong password",
"PASSWORD_REQUIRED" => "Password required",
"A_PASSWORD_IS_NEEDED_TO_JOIN" => "You must provide a password to join this room",
"TRY_AGAIN" => "Try again",
"AUTH_IF_OWNER" => "Authenticate if you are the room owner",
"CREATE_THIS_ROOM" => "Create this room",
"ADMINISTRATION" => "Administration",
"EXISTING_ROOMS" => "Existing rooms",
"MANAGE" => "Manage",
"ROOM_DETAILS" => "Room details",
"ROOM_ID" => "ID",
"CREATION_DATE" => "Creation date",
"LAST_ACTIVITY" => "Last activity",
"NUMBER_OF_PARTICIPANTS" => "Number of participants",
"LOCKED" => "Locked",
"LOCK_ROOM" => "Prevent room access",
"ASK_FOR_NAME" => "Require to enter a name",
"JOIN_PASSWORD" => "Password to join the room",
"OWNER_PASSWORD" => "Password to manage the room",
"PERSISTENT" => "Persistent",
"TOOLTIP_LOCK_ROOM" => "Once this option is enabled, no one else can join the room. " .
"Only enable it after every participant is here. This way, nobody will be able to disturb " .
"your meeting",
"TOOLTIP_ASK_FOR_NAME" => "Everyone will be be asked for their name before they can join the room",
"TOOLTIP_PASSWORD_PROTECT" => "This password will be needed to join the room",
"TOOLTIP_RESERVE_THIS_ROOM" => "If this password is set, you'll be able to access the configuration menus ".
"next time you connect",
"TOOLTIP_PERSISTENT" => "The room will be persistent (kept forever)",
"TOOLTIP_NOTIFICATION_ON_JOIN" => "One or more email addresse(s) which will be notified when someone joins the room",
"ROOM_NOW_PERSISTENT" => "This room is now persistent",
"ROOM_NO_MORE_PERSISTENT" => "This rooms isn't persistent anymore",
"EMAIL_INVITE" => "Email invitation",
"DELETE" => "Delete",
"CONFIRM_DELETE" => "Confirm delation",
"LOGOUT" => "Leave the room",
"LEAVE_THIS_ROOM" => "Leave the room",
"ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_LEAVE" => "Are you sure you want to leave this room ?",
"QUIT" => "Leave the room",
"SET_YOUR_NAME_TO_CHAT" => "You need to set your name to be able to chat",
"SEND_MESSAGE" => "Send the message",
"SAVE_HISTORY" => "Save history to a file",
"MUTE_PEER" => "Mute or unmute this participant's microphone",
"SUSPEND_PEER" => "Suspend or resume this participant's webcam",
"PROMOTE_PEER" => "Grant this participant administration privileges on the room",
"KICK_PEER" => "Kick this participant out of the room",
"s_IS_MUTING_YOU" => "%s has muted your microphone",
"s_IS_MUTING_s" => "%s has muted %s's microphone",
"s_IS_UNMUTING_YOU" => "%s has unmuted your microphone",
"s_IS_UNMUTING_s" => "%s has unmuted %s's microphone",
"s_IS_SUSPENDING_YOU" => "%s has suspended your webcam",
"s_IS_SUSPENDING_s" => "%s has suspended %s's webcam",
"s_IS_RESUMING_YOU" => "%s has resumed your webcam",
"s_IS_RESUMING_s" => "%s has resumed %s's webcam",
"s_IS_PROMOTING_YOU" => "%s has granted you administration privileges on the room",
"s_IS_PROMOTING_s" => "%s has granted %s administration privileges on the room",
"PEER_PROMOTED" => "You have granted administration privileges on the room",
"s_IS_KICKING_s" => "%s has kicked %s out of the room",
"s_CHANGED_ROOM_CONFIG" => "%s changed room configuration",
"KICKED" => "Kicked",
"YOU_HAVE_BEEN_KICKED" => "You've been kicked out of the room",
"AN_ADMIN_HAS_KICKED_YOU" => "An administrator of the room has excluded you",
"YOU_HAVE_MUTED_s" => "You have muted %s's microphone",
"YOU_HAVE_UNMUTED_s" => "You have unmuted %s's microphone",
"CANT_MUTE_OWNER" => "You can't mute the microphone of this participant",
"YOU_HAVE_SUSPENDED_s" => "You have suspended %s's webcam",
"YOU_HAVE_RESUMED_s" => "You have resumed %s's webcam",
"CANT_SUSPEND_OWNER" => "You can't suspend this participant's webcam",
"YOU_HAVE_KICKED_s" => "You have kicked %s out of the room",
"CANT_KICK_OWNER" => "You can't kick this participant out of the room",
"CANT_PROMOTE_OWNER" => "This participant already has administration privileges on the room",
"A_ROOM_ADMIN" => "a room administrator",
"A_PARTICIPANT" => "a participant",
"MIC_MUTED" => "Your microphone is now muted",
"MIC_UNMUTED" => "Your microphone is now unmuted",
"CAM_SUSPENDED" => "Your webcam is now suspended",
"CAM_RESUMED" => "Your webcam is on again",
"GROUP_ACTIONS" => "Grouped actions",
"SHARE_YOUR_SCREEN" => "Share your screen with the other members of this room",
"CANT_SHARE_SCREEN" => "Sorry, your configuration does not allow screen sharing",
"SCREEN_SHARING_ONLY_FOR_CHROME" => "Sorry, but you can't share your screen. Only Google Chrome supports this feature for now",
"SCREEN_SHARING_CANCELLED" => "Screen sharing has been cancelled",
"EXTENSION_REQUIRED" => "An extension is required",
"VROOM_CHROME_EXTENSION" => "To enable screen sharing, you need to install an extension. Click on the following link and refresh this page",
"ALLOW_SCREEN_SHARING" => "You have to allow screen sharing",
"ALLOW_SCREEN_SHARING_ON_FF_s" => "For security reasons, your browser do not allow screen sharing by default. " .
"To enable it, please follow these steps:
" .