# VROOM is a simple WebRTC app # Copyright (C) 2015 # This file is distributed under the same license as the VROOM package. # Daniel Berteaud \n" "
  • A device (PC, MAC, pad*, smartphone* doesn't matter)
  • \n" "
  • A webcam (optional but recommended)
  • \n" "
  • A microphone and speakers (or headphones)
  • \n" "
  • A web browser
  • \n" "\n" "*: except iPad and iPhone" #: templates/default/about.html.ep:26 msgid "ABOUT_WHO_IS_BEHIND_VROOM" msgstr "VROOM started as a simple personal project, developed by a single person (Daniel Berteaud) on my spare time. This project wouldn't be that far without my employer Firewall Services who hosts the demo instance" #: templates/default/admin.html.ep:1 #: templates/default/public_toolbar.html.ep:29 msgid "ADMINISTRATION" msgstr "Administration" #: templates/default/admin_audit.html.ep:1 msgid "ADMIN_AUDIT" msgstr "Audit" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:174 msgid "ALLOW_SCREEN_SHARING" msgstr "You have to allow screen sharing" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:179 msgid "ALLOW_SCREEN_SHARING_ON_FF" msgstr "For security reasons, your browser do not allow screen sharing by default. To enable it, please follow these steps:" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:378 msgid "ALONE_IN_ROOM" msgstr "Please wait a moment while nobody is here yet" #: templates/default/kicked.html.ep:7 msgid "AN_ADMIN_HAS_KICKED_YOU" msgstr "An administrator of the room has excluded you" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:127 msgid "ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_LEAVE" msgstr "Are you sure you want to leave this room ?" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:29 msgid "ASK_FOR_NAME" msgstr "Require to enter a name" #: templates/default/admin.html.ep:10 msgid "AUDIT" msgstr "Audit" #: templates/default/auth_modal.html.ep:9 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:96 msgid "AUTHENTICATE" msgstr "Authentication" #: templates/default/error.html.ep:29 msgid "AUTH_IF_OWNER" msgstr "Authenticate if you are the room owner" #: vroom.pl:1817 msgid "AUTH_SUCCESS" msgstr "You are now authenticated" #: templates/default/invite.mail.ep:15 msgid "A_MIC" msgstr "A microphone and speakers (or headphones)" #: templates/default/invite.mail.ep:9 msgid "A_MODERN_BROWSER" msgstr "A modern web browser, recent versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera will work" #: public/js/vroom.js:1394 #: public/js/vroom.js:1416 #: public/js/vroom.js:1468 #: public/js/vroom.js:1555 #: public/js/vroom.js:1587 #: public/js/vroom.js:1630 #: public/js/vroom.js:1648 msgid "A_PARTICIPANT" msgstr "a participant" #: vroom.pl:1830 msgid "A_PASSWORD_IS_NEEDED_TO_JOIN" msgstr "You must provide a password to join this room" #: public/js/vroom.js:1539 #: public/js/vroom.js:1553 #: public/js/vroom.js:1572 #: public/js/vroom.js:1585 #: public/js/vroom.js:1599 #: public/js/vroom.js:1622 #: public/js/vroom.js:1628 #: public/js/vroom.js:1646 msgid "A_ROOM_ADMIN" msgstr "a room administrator" #: templates/default/invite.mail.ep:12 msgid "A_WEBCAM" msgstr "A webcam (optional but recommended)" #: templates/default/error.html.ep:15 #: templates/default/feedback_thanks.html.ep:10 #: templates/default/goodbye.html.ep:16 #: templates/default/invitation_thanks.html.ep:10 #: templates/default/kicked.html.ep:9 msgid "BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU" msgstr "Back to main menu" #: public/js/vroom.js:2107 msgid "CAM_RESUMED" msgstr "Your webcam is on again" #: public/js/vroom.js:2103 msgid "CAM_SUSPENDED" msgstr "Your webcam is now suspended" #: templates/default/auth_modal.html.ep:28 #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:153 #: templates/default/delete_room_modal.html.ep:25 #: templates/default/feedback.html.ep:28 #: templates/default/invite_modal.html.ep:44 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:135 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:262 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:287 msgid "CANCEL" msgstr "Cancel" #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:11 msgid "CANNOT_JOIN_NOW" msgstr "You cannot join this conference ? Leave a message to the organizer so he won't wait for you" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:232 msgid "CANT_ACCESS_WEBCAM" msgstr "We couldn't access your webcam. Please check it's connected, powered on, and that you've allowed the browser to access it, then reload this page" #: public/js/vroom.js:1472 msgid "CANT_KICK_OWNER" msgstr "You can't kick this participant out of the room" #: public/js/vroom.js:1405 msgid "CANT_MUTE_OWNER" msgstr "You can't mute the microphone of this participant" #: public/js/vroom.js:1453 msgid "CANT_PROMOTE_OWNER" msgstr "This participant already has administration privileges on the room" #: public/js/vroom.js:2058 msgid "CANT_SHARE_SCREEN" msgstr "Your configuration does not allow screen sharing" #: public/js/vroom.js:1425 msgid "CANT_SUSPEND_OWNER" msgstr "You can't suspend this participant's webcam" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:39 msgid "CHANGE_COLOR" msgstr "Change your color" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:201 msgid "CHECK_INTERNET_ACCESS" msgstr "Please, check your Internet connection, then reload this page" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:49 msgid "CHOOSE_ANOTHER_NAME" msgstr "Choose another name" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:237 msgid "CLICK_IF_NO_WEBCAM" msgstr "If you don't have a webcam, click the following link, you'll be able to join the room with audio only" #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:37 msgid "CLICK_SEND_OR_JOIN_NOW" msgstr "Click send to deliver your message, or join the room now" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:47 msgid "CLICK_TO_CHAT" msgstr "Click to access the chat" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:153 #: templates/default/index.html.ep:159 msgid "COLLABORATIVE_NOTETAKING" msgstr "Real time notetaking" #: templates/default/feedback.html.ep:20 #: templates/default/feedback.mail.ep:6 msgid "COMMENT" msgstr "Comment" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:9 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:89 msgid "CONFIGURE" msgstr "Configuration" #: templates/default/delete_room_modal.html.ep:9 msgid "CONFIRM_DELETE" msgstr "Confirm delation" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:43 msgid "CONFIRM_OR_CHOOSE_ANOTHER_NAME" msgstr "Do you want to join it or choose another name ?" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:61 #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:64 #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:88 #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:91 msgid "CONFIRM_PASSWORD" msgstr "Confirm password" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:212 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:217 msgid "CONNECTING" msgstr "Connecting" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:220 msgid "CONNECTING_PLEASE_WAIT" msgstr "Please wait while establishing the connection" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:194 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:198 msgid "CONNECTION_LOST" msgstr "You have been disconnected" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:9 msgid "CREATE_ROOM" msgstr "Create a new room" #: templates/default/error.html.ep:33 msgid "CREATE_THIS_ROOM" msgstr "Create this room" #: templates/default/admin_manage_rooms.html.ep:32 msgid "CREATION_DATE" msgstr "Creation date" #: vroom.pl:2233 msgid "DATA_WIPED" msgstr "Room data has been wiped" #: templates/default/delete_room_modal.html.ep:22 msgid "DELETE" msgstr "Delete" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:275 msgid "DISPLAY_NAME" msgstr "Display name" #: public/js/vroom.js:913 msgid "DISPLAY_NAME_REQUIRED" msgstr "You need to enter your name" #: public/js/vroom.js:1991 #: public/js/vroom.js:916 msgid "DISPLAY_NAME_TOO_LONG" msgstr "This name is too long" #: templates/default/documentation.html.ep:1 #: templates/default/public_toolbar.html.ep:25 msgid "DOCUMENTATION" msgstr "Documentation" #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:30 msgid "DONT_WAIT_FOR_ME" msgstr "Don't wait for me" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:299 msgid "DOWNLOAD_ONE_OF_THESE_BROWSERS" msgstr "We recommend you download one of the following browsers which support the latest web technologies required to use VROOM" #: vroom.pl:1862 msgid "EMAIL_INVITATION" msgstr "Video conference invitation" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:137 #: templates/default/feedback.html.ep:16 #: templates/default/invite_modal.html.ep:20 msgid "EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER" msgstr "j.smith@example.com" #: templates/default/feedback.mail.ep:11 #: templates/default/invite.mail.ep:57 #: templates/default/notification.mail.ep:30 msgid "EMAIL_SIGN" msgstr "VROOM! And video conferencing becomes free, simple and safe" #: vroom.pl:1963 msgid "ERROR_COMMON_ROOM_NAME" msgstr "This room name is too common to be reserved" #: public/js/vroom.js:825 #: public/js/vroom.js:832 msgid "ERROR_DATE_INVALID" msgstr "Please enter the date respecting this format: YYY-MM-DD" #: public/js/vroom.js:839 msgid "ERROR_END_MUST_BE_AFTER_START" msgstr "Start date must be before end date" #: public/js/vroom.js:1918 msgid "ERROR_ESTABLISHING_P2P" msgstr "Cannot establish a connection with a participant" #: vroom.pl:2330 msgid "ERROR_EXPORT_XLSX" msgstr "An error occurred during export" #: vroom.pl:2320 msgid "ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE" msgstr "This feature is not available" #: vroom.pl:1707 msgid "ERROR_INPUT_INVALID" msgstr "Invalid input" #: vroom.pl:1581 msgid "ERROR_INVITATION_INVALID" msgstr "This link is invalid, your invitation has probably expired, or you've already responded" #: public/js/vroom.js:1949 #: public/js/vroom.js:341 #: vroom.pl:1848 #: vroom.pl:2030 msgid "ERROR_MAIL_INVALID" msgstr "Please enter a valid email address" #: vroom.pl:1747 msgid "ERROR_NAME_CONFLICT" msgstr "A room with this name already exists, please choose another one" #: public/js/vroom.js:450 #: vroom.pl:1742 #: vroom.pl:2359 msgid "ERROR_NAME_INVALID" msgstr "This name is not valid" #: public/js/vroom.js:115 #: public/js/vroom.js:482 #: templates/default/error.html.ep:7 #: vroom.pl:1624 #: vroom.pl:1734 #: vroom.pl:1752 #: vroom.pl:1873 #: vroom.pl:1902 #: vroom.pl:1934 #: vroom.pl:1998 #: vroom.pl:2017 #: vroom.pl:2052 #: vroom.pl:2151 #: vroom.pl:2220 #: vroom.pl:2239 #: vroom.pl:2256 #: vroom.pl:2273 msgid "ERROR_OCCURRED" msgstr "An error occurred" #: vroom.pl:2131 #: vroom.pl:2205 msgid "ERROR_PEER_ID_MISSING" msgstr "Peer ID is missing" #: vroom.pl:2165 msgid "ERROR_PEER_NOT_FOUND" msgstr "This peer doesn't exist" #: vroom.pl:1767 msgid "ERROR_ROOM_NAME_MISSING" msgstr "Room name is missing" #: vroom.pl:1548 #: vroom.pl:1563 #: vroom.pl:1778 #: vroom.pl:2368 msgid "ERROR_ROOM_s_DOESNT_EXIST" msgstr "Room %s doesn't exist" #: vroom.pl:1826 msgid "ERROR_ROOM_s_LOCKED" msgstr "Room %s is locked, you cannot join it" #: vroom.pl:2378 msgid "ERROR_TOO_MANY_MEMBERS" msgstr "This room reached its members limit" #: templates/default/admin_audit.html.ep:59 msgid "EVENT" msgstr "Event" #: templates/default/admin_audit.html.ep:53 msgid "EVENT_DATE" msgstr "Date" #: templates/default/admin_audit.html.ep:56 msgid "EVENT_FROM_IP" msgstr "IP Address" #: templates/default/admin_audit.html.ep:50 msgid "EVENT_ID" msgstr "ID" #: templates/default/admin_audit.html.ep:65 msgid "EVENT_MESSAGE" msgstr "Message" #: templates/default/admin_audit.html.ep:62 msgid "EVENT_USER" msgstr "User" #: public/js/vroom.js:2067 msgid "EVERYONE_CAN_SEE_YOUR_SCREEN" msgstr "All other participants can see your screen now" #: templates/default/admin_audit.html.ep:30 msgid "EXPORT_EVENTS" msgstr "Export in a spreadsheet" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:149 msgid "EXTENSION_REQUIRED" msgstr "An extension is required" #: templates/default/feedback.html.ep:1 #: templates/default/feedback_thanks.html.ep:1 #: templates/default/public_toolbar.html.ep:21 msgid "FEEDBACK" msgstr "Feedback" #: vroom.pl:1532 msgid "FEEDBACK_FROM_VROOM" msgstr "VROOM feedback" #: templates/default/feedback.mail.ep:3 msgid "FROM" msgstr "From" #: templates/default/about.html.ep:53 msgid "FROM_AUTHOR" msgstr "from" #: templates/default/feedback.html.ep:8 #: templates/default/goodbye.html.ep:21 msgid "GIVE_US_YOUR_FEEDBACK" msgstr "Give us your feedback" #: templates/default/goodbye.html.ep:1 msgid "GOODBYE" msgstr "Goodbye" #: templates/default/invite.mail.ep:52 #: templates/default/notification.mail.ep:25 msgid "HAVE_A_NICE_MEETING" msgstr "Have a nice meeting :-)" #: vroom.pl:1454 msgid "HE_WILL_TRY_TO_JOIN_LATER" msgstr "This person will try to join later" #: vroom.pl:1457 msgid "HE_WONT_JOIN" msgstr "This person won't be able to join the conference" #: templates/default/public_toolbar.html.ep:15 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Home" #: templates/default/invite.mail.ep:43 msgid "IF_YOU_CANNOT_JOIN" msgstr "If you cannot join the conference, or if you'll be late" #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:1 #: templates/default/invitation_thanks.html.ep:1 msgid "INVITATION" msgstr "Invitation" #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:8 msgid "INVITATION_RESPONSE" msgstr "Respond to an invitation" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:83 msgid "INVITE_PEOPLE" msgstr "Invite other people" #: vroom.pl:1452 msgid "INVITE_REPONSE_FROM_s" msgstr "%s responded to your invitation" #: vroom.pl:1884 msgid "INVITE_SENT_TO_s" msgstr "" "An invitation was sent to the following addresses\n" "%s" #: templates/default/error.html.ep:21 #: templates/default/index.html.ep:46 #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:41 msgid "JOIN_THIS_ROOM" msgstr "Join this room" #: templates/default/noscript.html.ep:5 msgid "JS_REQUIRED" msgstr "ROOM needs javascript to work properly" #: templates/default/kicked.html.ep:1 msgid "KICKED" msgstr "Kicked" #: public/js/vroom.js:1241 msgid "KICK_PEER" msgstr "Kick this participant out of the room" #: templates/default/admin_manage_rooms.html.ep:35 msgid "LAST_ACTIVITY" msgstr "Last activity" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:122 msgid "LEAVE_THIS_ROOM" msgstr "Leave the room" #: templates/default/admin_audit.html.ep:39 msgid "LOADING" msgstr "Loading" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:226 msgid "LOCKED" msgstr "Locked" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:16 msgid "LOCK_ROOM" msgstr "Prevent room access" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:106 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:27 msgid "LOGOUT" msgstr "Leave the room" #: templates/default/admin_manage_rooms.html.ep:41 msgid "MANAGE" msgstr "Manage" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:110 msgid "MAX_MEMBERS" msgstr "Participants limit" #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:28 #: templates/default/invite_modal.html.ep:32 #: templates/default/invite_modal.html.ep:35 #: vroom.pl:1460 msgid "MESSAGE" msgstr "Message" #: templates/default/invite.mail.ep:36 msgid "MESSAGE_FROM_ORGANIZER" msgstr "Message from the meeting organizer" #: templates/default/invitation_thanks.html.ep:7 msgid "MESSAGE_SENT" msgstr "Message sent" #: public/js/vroom.js:2084 msgid "MIC_MUTED" msgstr "Your microphone is now muted" #: public/js/vroom.js:2088 msgid "MIC_UNMUTED" msgstr "Your microphone is now unmuted" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:88 msgid "MODERN_BROWSERS" msgstr "VROOM works with modern browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera), you don't have to install plugins, codecs, client software, then send the tech documentation to all other parties. Just click, and hangout" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:103 #: templates/default/index.html.ep:97 msgid "MULTI_USER" msgstr "Multi User" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:62 msgid "MUTE_MIC" msgstr "Turn off your microphone" #: public/js/vroom.js:1226 msgid "MUTE_PEER" msgstr "Mute or unmute this participant's microphone" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:37 msgid "NAME_SENT_TO_OTHERS" msgstr "This name will be sent to the other peers" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:128 msgid "NOTIFICATION_ON_JOIN" msgstr "Notification when someone joins this room" #: vroom.pl:1662 msgid "NOT_ALLOWED" msgstr "You are not allowed to do this" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:108 #: templates/default/index.html.ep:114 msgid "NO_SIGNIN" msgstr "No need to register" #: public/js/vroom.js:1827 msgid "NO_SOUND_DETECTED" msgstr "No sound detected, please check your microphone (input level might be too low)" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:295 msgid "NO_WEBRTC_SUPPORT" msgstr "Video conference will not work because your web browser doesn't have the required functionalities." #: templates/default/admin_manage_rooms.html.ep:38 msgid "NUMBER_OF_PARTICIPANTS" msgstr "Number of participants" #: templates/default/error.html.ep:1 msgid "OOOPS" msgstr "Ooops" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:55 msgid "OPEN_ETHERPAD" msgstr "Collaborative notetaking" #: templates/default/invitation_thanks.html.ep:8 msgid "ORGANIZER_WILL_GET_YOUR_MESSAGE" msgstr "The organizer will get your message in a few seconds" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:77 msgid "P2P_COMMUNICATION" msgstr "With VROOM, your communications are done directly between users. No spying or recording of your conversations" #: templates/default/not_found.html.ep:1 msgid "PAGE_NOT_FOUND" msgstr "This page does not exist" #: templates/default/notification.mail.ep:10 msgid "PARTICIPANT_NAME" msgstr "The one who just joined your room is named" #: templates/default/auth_modal.html.ep:16 #: templates/default/auth_modal.html.ep:19 #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:55 #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:58 #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:82 #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:85 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:250 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:253 msgid "PASSWORD" msgstr "Password" #: public/js/vroom.js:327 #: public/js/vroom.js:333 msgid "PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH" msgstr "Passwords do not match" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:42 msgid "PASSWORD_PROTECT" msgstr "Password protect" #: public/js/vroom.js:885 msgid "PASSWORD_REQUIRED" msgstr "Password required" #: public/js/vroom.js:888 msgid "PASSWORD_TOO_LONG" msgstr "This password is too long" #: vroom.pl:2214 msgid "PEER_PROMOTED" msgstr "You have granted administration privileges on the roo" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:97 msgid "PERSISTENT" msgstr "Persistent" #: templates/default/footer.html.ep:8 msgid "POWERED_BY" msgstr "Powered by" #: public/js/vroom.js:1236 msgid "PROMOTE_PEER" msgstr "Grant this participant administration privileges on the room" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:119 #: templates/default/index.html.ep:125 msgid "QUICK" msgstr "Quick" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:132 msgid "QUIT" msgstr "Leave the room" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:25 msgid "RANDOM_IF_EMPTY" msgstr "If you let this empty, a random name will be given to the room" #: templates/default/invite_modal.html.ep:16 msgid "RECIPIENT" msgstr "Recipient" #: templates/default/admin_audit.html.ep:25 msgid "REFRESH_EVENTS" msgstr "Refresh" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:69 msgid "RESERVE_THIS_ROOM" msgstr "Reserve this room" #: vroom.pl:1928 msgid "ROOM_CONFIG_UPDATED" msgstr "Room configuration has been updated" #: vroom.pl:2267 msgid "ROOM_DELETED" msgstr "This room has been deleted" #: vroom.pl:1823 msgid "ROOM_LOCKED_ENTER_OWNER_PASSWORD" msgstr "This room is locked. Only an administrator can joint it. Please enter the administrator's password" #: templates/default/admin.html.ep:7 #: templates/default/admin_manage_rooms.html.ep:1 msgid "ROOM_MANAGEMENT" msgstr "Room management" #: templates/default/admin_manage_rooms.html.ep:29 #: templates/default/index.html.ep:25 msgid "ROOM_NAME" msgstr "Room nam" #: templates/default/delete_room_modal.html.ep:14 msgid "ROOM_WILL_BE_DELETED" msgstr "This room, and its configuration will be deleted" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:1 msgid "ROOM_s" msgstr "room %s" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:350 msgid "SAVE_HISTORY" msgstr "Save history to a file" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:130 #: templates/default/index.html.ep:136 msgid "SCREEN_SHARING" msgstr "Screen Sharing" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:180 msgid "SCREEN_SHARING_ABOUT_CONFIG_s" msgstr "" "
      \n" "
    1. Open a new tab, and type about:config in the address bar
    2. \n" "
    3. Accept the warning by clicking on the \"I'll be careful, I promise !\" button
    4. \n" "
    5. Search for screensharing in the search bar
    6. \n" "
    7. Double click on media.getusermedia.screensharing.allowed_domains to edit it
    8. \n" "
    9. Add %s at the end of the list
    10. \n" "
    11. You can now use the screen sharing feature
    12. \n" "
    " #: public/js/vroom.js:2055 msgid "SCREEN_SHARING_CANCELLED" msgstr "Screen sharing has been cancelled" #: public/js/vroom.js:2043 msgid "SCREEN_SHARING_ONLY_FOR_CHROME" msgstr "Sorry, but you can't share your screen. Only Google Chrome supports this feature for now" #: public/js/vroom.js:2075 msgid "SCREEN_UNSHARED" msgstr "You do no longer share your screen" #: public/js/vroom.js:277 msgid "SCREEN_s" msgstr "%s's screen" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:75 #: templates/default/index.html.ep:81 msgid "SECURE" msgstr "Secure" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:143 msgid "SECURED_TEXT_CHAT" msgstr "Video and audio are not enough ? You can also use the included text chat." #: templates/default/invite_modal.html.ep:9 msgid "SEND_INVITE" msgstr "Send an email invitation" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:346 msgid "SEND_MESSAGE" msgstr "Send the message" #: templates/default/exception.html.ep:1 msgid "SERVER_ERROR" msgstr "Sorry for the inconvinience" #: vroom.pl:2250 msgid "SESSION_CREATED" msgstr "Session created" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:271 msgid "SET_A_DISPLAY_NAME" msgstr "Please set your name before you can join the room" #: public/js/vroom.js:2004 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:344 msgid "SET_YOUR_NAME_TO_CHAT" msgstr "You need to set your name to be able to chat" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:132 msgid "SHARE_DESKTOP_OR_WINDOW" msgstr "Share your entire screen, or only a window in a single click, with an great quality. With this feature, broadcast any content (images, presentations, documents etc...)" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:70 msgid "SHARE_YOUR_SCREEN" msgstr "Share your screen with the other members of this room" #: vroom.pl:2181 msgid "SOMEONE" msgstr "Someone" #: templates/default/notification.mail.ep:6 msgid "SOMEONE_JOINED_A_ROOM" msgstr "Someone joined a video conference room, and your address is configured to receive this notifications" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:121 msgid "STOP_WASTING_TIME" msgstr "Stop wasting time checking, installing, explaining. Just click, send a link, and talk. It couldn't be simpler or faster" #: templates/default/auth_modal.html.ep:25 #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:150 #: templates/default/feedback.html.ep:25 #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:44 #: templates/default/invite_modal.html.ep:41 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:259 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:284 msgid "SUBMIT" msgstr "Submit" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:66 msgid "SUSPEND_CAM" msgstr "Suspend your webcam, other will see a black screen instead, but can still hear you" #: public/js/vroom.js:1231 msgid "SUSPEND_PEER" msgstr "Suspend or resume this participant's webcam" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:155 msgid "TAKE_NOTE_IN_REALTIME" msgstr "Write your meeting notes with others, all in real time with the included text pad" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:141 #: templates/default/index.html.ep:147 msgid "TEXT_CHAT" msgstr "Chat Included" #: templates/default/about.html.ep:34 msgid "THANKS" msgstr "Thanks" #: templates/default/goodbye.html.ep:11 msgid "THANKS_FOR_USING" msgstr "Thank you for using VROOM, we hope you enjoyed your meeting" #: templates/default/feedback_thanks.html.ep:8 msgid "THANKS_FOR_YOUR_FEEDBACK" msgstr "Your message has been sent, thank your for taking time to share your experience with us" #: templates/default/goodbye.html.ep:8 msgid "THANKS_SEE_YOU_SOON" msgstr "Thanks and see you soo" #: templates/default/feedback_thanks.html.ep:7 msgid "THANK_YOU" msgstr "Thank you :-)" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:99 msgid "THE_LIMIT_IS_YOUR_PIPE" msgstr "VROOM you can chat with several people at the same time. The only limit is the capacity of your Internet pipe." #: templates/default/index.html.ep:39 msgid "THIS_ROOM_ALREADY_EXISTS" msgstr "This room already exists" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:30 msgid "TOOLTIP_ASK_FOR_NAME" msgstr "Everyone will be be asked for their name before they can join the room" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:17 msgid "TOOLTIP_LOCK_ROOM" msgstr "Once this option is enabled, no one else can join the room. Only enable it after every participant is here. This way, nobody will be able to disturb your meeting" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:111 msgid "TOOLTIP_MAX_MEMBERS" msgstr "Define the upper limit of connected peer in the room. A value of 0 means no limit. (Note that an admin might define a limit anyway)" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:129 msgid "TOOLTIP_NOTIFICATION_ON_JOIN" msgstr "One or more email address which will be notified when someone joins the room" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:43 msgid "TOOLTIP_PASSWORD_PROTECT" msgstr "This password will be needed to join the room" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:98 msgid "TOOLTIP_PERSISTENT" msgstr "The room will be persistent (kept forever)" #: templates/default/configure_modal.html.ep:70 msgid "TOOLTIP_RESERVE_THIS_ROOM" msgstr "If this password is set, you'll be able to access the configuration menus next time you connect" #: templates/default/error.html.ep:25 msgid "TRY_AGAIN" msgstr "Try again" #: vroom.pl:1635 msgid "UNSUPPORTED_LANG" msgstr "Unsupported lanbguage" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:154 msgid "VROOM_CHROME_EXTENSION" msgstr "To enable screen sharing, you need to install an extension. Click on the following link and refresh this page" #: templates/default/header.html.ep:6 msgid "VROOM_DESC" msgstr "VROOM is a simple video conferencing solution" #: templates/default/feedback.html.ep:22 msgid "VROOM_IS_AWESOME" msgstr "VROOM is really awesome ;-)" #: templates/default/footer.html.ep:5 msgid "VROOM_IS_FREE_SOFTWARE" msgstr "VROOM is free software" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:76 msgid "WAIT_WITH_MUSIC" msgstr "Why don't you listen to some music while waiting for others ?" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:1 msgid "WELCOME" msgstr "Welcome on VROOM !!" #: templates/default/invite.mail.ep:20 #: templates/default/notification.mail.ep:14 msgid "WHEN_YOU_ARE_READY" msgstr "When you are ready, go to this address to join the conference" #: templates/default/about.html.ep:21 msgid "WHO_IS_BEHIND_VROOM" msgstr "Who's behind VROOM ?" #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:19 msgid "WILL_TRY_TO_JOIN_LATER" msgstr "I will try to join later, but don't wait for me" #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:15 msgid "WILL_YOU_JOIN" msgstr "Will you join later ?" #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:22 msgid "WONT_BE_ABLE_TO_JOIN" msgstr "I cannot participate" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:86 #: templates/default/index.html.ep:92 msgid "WORKS_EVERYWHERE" msgstr "Universal" #: public/js/vroom.js:2146 #: vroom.pl:1833 msgid "WRONG_PASSWORD" msgstr "Wrong password" #: templates/default/feedback.html.ep:11 msgid "YOUR_FEEDBACK_HELPS_US" msgstr "Your feedback (good or bad) can help us improve this application" #: templates/default/feedback.html.ep:15 msgid "YOUR_MAIL_OPTIONAL" msgstr "Your email address (optional)" #: templates/default/join.html.ep:278 #: templates/default/join.html.ep:37 msgid "YOUR_NAME" msgstr "Your name" #: templates/default/invite.mail.ep:6 msgid "YOU_ARE_INVITED_TO_A_MEETING" msgstr "You are awaited on a video conferencing room. Before joining it, make sure you have all the necessary" #: templates/default/invite.mail.ep:46 msgid "YOU_CAN_NOTIFY_THE_ORGANIZER" msgstr "you can notify the organizer" #: templates/default/invitation.html.ep:34 msgid "YOU_CAN_STILL_CHANGE_YOUR_MIND" msgstr "It's not too late to change your mind" #: templates/default/index.html.ep:110 msgid "YOU_DONT_HAVE_TO_REGISTER" msgstr "Tired of creating an account on each and every service you can find ? Well, great news, with VROOM, you do not need to register at all" #: templates/default/kicked.html.ep:6 msgid "YOU_HAVE_BEEN_KICKED" msgstr "You've been kicked out of the room" #: public/js/vroom.js:1469 msgid "YOU_HAVE_KICKED_s" msgstr "You have kicked %s out of the room" #: public/js/vroom.js:1393 msgid "YOU_HAVE_MUTED_s" msgstr "You have muted %s's microphone" #: public/js/vroom.js:1418 msgid "YOU_HAVE_RESUMED_s" msgstr "You have resumed %s's webcam" #: public/js/vroom.js:1415 msgid "YOU_HAVE_SUSPENDED_s" msgstr "You have suspended %s's webcam" #: public/js/vroom.js:1396 msgid "YOU_HAVE_UNMUTED_s" msgstr "You have unmuted %s's microphone" #: public/js/vroom.js:1601 msgid "s_CHANGED_ROOM_CONFIG" msgstr "%s changed room configuration" #: public/js/vroom.js:1649 msgid "s_IS_KICKING_s" msgstr "%s has kicked %s out of the room" #: public/js/vroom.js:1542 msgid "s_IS_MUTING_YOU" msgstr "%s has muted your microphone" #: public/js/vroom.js:1560 msgid "s_IS_MUTING_s" msgstr "%s has muted %s's microphone" #: public/js/vroom.js:1624 msgid "s_IS_PROMOTING_YOU" msgstr "%s has granted you administration privileges on the room" #: public/js/vroom.js:1631 msgid "s_IS_PROMOTING_s" msgstr "%s has granted %s administration privileges on the room" #: public/js/vroom.js:1579 msgid "s_IS_RESUMING_YOU" msgstr "%s has resumed your webcam" #: public/js/vroom.js:1589 msgid "s_IS_RESUMING_s" msgstr "%s has resumed %s's webcam" #: public/js/vroom.js:1575 msgid "s_IS_SUSPENDING_YOU" msgstr "%s has suspended your webcam" #: public/js/vroom.js:1592 msgid "s_IS_SUSPENDING_s" msgstr "%s has suspended %s's webcam" #: public/js/vroom.js:1546 msgid "s_IS_UNMUTING_YOU" msgstr "%s has unmuted your microphon" #: public/js/vroom.js:1557 msgid "s_IS_UNMUTING_s" msgstr "%s has unmuted %s's microphone" #: vroom.pl:2181 msgid "s_JOINED_ROOM_s" msgstr "%s joined room %s" #: vroom.pl:2039 msgid "s_WILL_BE_NOTIFIED" msgstr "%s will receive a notification each time someone joins this room" #: vroom.pl:2046 msgid "s_WONT_BE_NOTIFIED_ANYMORE" msgstr "%s won't be notified anymore"