Init project.

Heuzef 5 years ago
parent 40ced83d22
commit 05ecc24182
  1. 186
  2. 20
  3. 8

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
# BackupPC::CGI::Check package
# This module implements the Check action for the CGI interface.
# Heuze Florent <>
# Released November 2019 -
package BackupPC::CGI::Check;
use strict;
use lib "/usr/share/BackupPC/lib";
use BackupPC::Lib;
use BackupPC::CGI::Lib qw(:all);
use Statistics::Descriptive;
sub action
# Init
my($str, $strGood, $header);
GetStatusInfo("hosts info");
my $Privileged = CheckPermission();
my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new();
# Start loop
foreach my $host ( GetUserHosts(1) ) {
my($incrAge, $reasonHilite, $frequency, $idBackup, $lastAge, $lastAgeColor, $tempState, $tempReason, $lastXferErrors, $lastXferErrorsColor, $ifErrors, $sizeConsistency, $sizeConsistencyColor);
my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host);
%Conf = $bpc->Conf();
next if ( $Conf{XferMethod} eq "archive" );
next if ( !$Privileged && !CheckPermission($host) );
# Get frequency for this host
if ( $Conf{IncrPeriod} < $Conf{FullPeriod} ) {
$frequency = $Conf{IncrPeriod};
} else {
$frequency = $Conf{FullPeriod};
# ID
my $idBackup = $Backups[@Backups-1]->{num} if ( @Backups );
# Age
my $lastBackup = ( $Backups[-1]->{type} =~ m/^full|incr$/ ) ? -1 : -2;
$lastAge = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $Backups[$lastBackup]->{startTime}) / (24 * 3600));
# Color for age
if ( $lastAge < $frequency ) {
$lastAgeColor = "MediumSeaGreen";
} else {
$lastAgeColor = "Tomato";
# Color and link for errors
$lastXferErrors = $Backups[@Backups-1]->{xferErrs} if ( @Backups );
if ( $lastXferErrors == 0 ) {
$lastXferErrorsColor = "MediumSeaGreen";
$ifErrors = "";
} else {
$lastXferErrorsColor = "Tomato";
my $browseErrors = "?action=view&type=XferErr&num=$idBackup&host=$host";
$ifErrors = "| <a href=\"$browseErrors\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Read me !</strong></a>";
# Colors statuts
$reasonHilite = $Conf{CgiStatusHilightColor}{$Status{$host}{reason}} || $Conf{CgiStatusHilightColor}{$Status{$host}{state}};
$reasonHilite = " bgcolor=\"$reasonHilite\"" if ( $reasonHilite ne "" );
# Check Size Consistency
my $new_size = 0;
my $new_size_avg = 0;
my $new_size_q1 = 0;
my $new_size_q3 = 0;
my $sizes = new Statistics::Descriptive::Full;
foreach my $backup ( @Backups ) {
my $idBackup = $Backups[@Backups-1]->{num} if ( @Backups );
# Skip partial or active backups
next if ( $backup->{type} !~ m/^full|incr$/ );
# Push all the sizes in our data set to compute avg sizes
# Exclude backup N°0 as it'll always have much more new data than normal backups
$sizes->add_data($backup->{sizeNew}) unless ( $backup->{num} == 0 );
# Ignore the last backup if it's not full or incr (which means it's either partial or active)
my $i = ( $Backups[-1]->{type} =~ m/^full|incr$/ ) ? -1 : -2;
$new_size = $Backups[$i]->{sizeNew};
$new_size_avg = int $sizes->mean;
$new_size_q1 = eval { int $sizes->quantile(1) } || 0;
$new_size_q3 = eval { int $sizes->quantile(3) } || 0;
# Using a mathematical formula to calculate the consistency of the average size, for new files, on all backups
my $toobig = 0;
my $toosmall = 0;
my $sizeConsistencyColor = "Tomato";
my $sizeConsistency = "<strong>ANOMALOUS</strong>";
# TOO BIG ? If the size is 6 times higher than usual :
if ( $new_size > ($new_size_q3 + ($new_size_q3 - $new_size_q1) ) * 1.5 and $new_size > $new_size_avg * 6 ) {
$toobig = 1;
# TOO SMALL ? If the size is 3 times lower than usual :
if ( $new_size < ($new_size_q1 - ($new_size_q3 - $new_size_q1) ) * 1.5 and $new_size < $new_size_avg / 3 ) {
$toosmall = 1;
# Get result
if ( not $idBackup > 4) {
$sizeConsistencyColor = "Gray";
$sizeConsistency = "Not enough backups";
elsif ( not $toobig and not $toosmall and not $idBackup < 4) {
$sizeConsistencyColor = "MediumSeaGreen";
$sizeConsistency = "Normal";
# Get URL for explore file
my $browseFile = "?action=browse&host=$host";
# Show summary
$str .= <<EOF;
<td class="border"><a href="$browseFile" target="_blank">$host ($idBackup)</a></td>
<td align="center" class="border" style="color:$lastAgeColor;">$lastAge <em>(Freq: $frequency)</em></td>
<td align="center" class="border" style="color:$lastXferErrorsColor;">$lastXferErrors $ifErrors</td>
<td align="center" class="border" style="color:$sizeConsistencyColor;">$sizeConsistency</td>
# End loop
# Time set
my $now = timeStamp2(time);
my $DUmaxTime = timeStamp2($Info{DUDailyMaxTime});
my $DUInodemaxTime = timeStamp2($Info{DUInodeDailyMaxTime});
# Show header
$header = <<EOF;
\${h1(qq{BackupPC: Check})}
<p>This check was generated at <strong>\$now</strong>.</p>
<p>File system pool size usage (\$DUmaxTime) :</p>
<div style="background-color:#f1f1f1!important">
<div style="color:#fff!important;background-color:#2196F3!important; text-align:center; width:\$Info{DUDailyMax}%">\$Info{DUDailyMax}%</div>
<p>File system inode size usage (\$DUInodemaxTime) :</p>
<div style="background-color:#f1f1f1!important">
<div style="color:#fff!important;background-color:#2196F3!important; text-align:center; width:\$Info{DUInodeDailyMax}%">\$Info{DUInodeDailyMax}%</div>
\${h2("Backups summary")}
<table class="sortable" id="host_summary_backups" border cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
<tr class="tableheader">
<td>Host (Explore files)</td>
<td>Last backup in days</td>
<td>Size Consistency</td>
# Show page
my $content = eval ("qq{$header}");
Header("BackupPC: Check", $content);

@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
# BackupPC-Check
Vérification des sauvegardes BackupPC
Verifying BackupPC Backups
# Install
## Install dependencies
``yum -y perl-Statistics-Descriptive``
## Install Backup-Check
``cd /root ; git clone ssh:// ; sh /root/BackupPC-Check/``
## Add menu link
Edit config -> CGI -> CgiNavBarLinks and add name "Check" with link "?action=check".
# Update
``sh /root/BackupPC-Check/``

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
echo ""
echo "Updating ..."
echo ""
git pull
sleep 1
\cp -v /usr/share/BackupPC/lib/BackupPC/CGI/
echo ""
echo "OK"