BackupPC verification helper
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1563 lines
56 KiB

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------
$Lang{Start_Archive} = "Start Archive";
$Lang{Stop_Dequeue_Archive} = "Stop/Dequeue Archive";
$Lang{Start_Full_Backup} = "Start Full Backup";
$Lang{Start_Incr_Backup} = "Start Incr Backup";
$Lang{Stop_Dequeue_Backup} = "Stop/Dequeue Backup";
$Lang{Restore} = "Restore";
$Lang{Type_full} = "full";
$Lang{Type_incr} = "incremental";
# -----
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_view_admin_options} = "Only privileged users can view admin options.";
$Lang{H_Admin_Options} = "BackupPC Server: Admin Options";
$Lang{Admin_Options} = "Admin Options";
$Lang{Admin_Options_Page} = <<EOF;
\${h2("Server Control")}
<form name="ReloadForm" action="\$MyURL" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="">
<table class="tableStnd">
<tr><td>Reload the server configuration:<td><input type="button" value="Reload"
\${h2("Server Configuration")}
<li><i>Other options can go here... e.g.,</i>
<li>Edit server configuration
$Lang{Unable_to_connect_to_BackupPC_server} = "Unable to connect to BackupPC server";
$Lang{Unable_to_connect_to_BackupPC_server_error_message} = <<EOF;
This CGI script (\$MyURL) is unable to connect to the BackupPC
server on \$Conf{ServerHost} port \$Conf{ServerPort}.<br>
The error was: \$err.<br>
Perhaps the BackupPC server is not running or there is a configuration error.
Please report this to your Sys Admin.
$Lang{Admin_Start_Server} = <<EOF;
<form action="\$MyURL" method="get">
The BackupPC server at <tt>\$Conf{ServerHost}</tt> port <tt>\$Conf{ServerPort}</tt>
is not currently running (maybe you just stopped it, or haven't yet started it).<br>
Do you want to start it?
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="startServer">
<input type="submit" value="Start Server" name="ignore">
# -----
$Lang{H_BackupPC_Server_Status} = "BackupPC Server Status";
$Lang{BackupPC_Server_Status_General_Info}= <<EOF;
\${h2(\"General Server Information\")}
<li> The servers PID is \$Info{pid}, on host \$Conf{ServerHost},
version \$Info{Version}, started at \$serverStartTime.
<li> This status was generated at \$now.
<li> The configuration was last loaded at \$configLoadTime.
<li> PCs will be next queued at \$nextWakeupTime.
<li> Other info:
<li>\$numBgQueue pending backup requests from last scheduled wakeup,
<li>\$numUserQueue pending user backup requests,
<li>\$numCmdQueue pending command requests,
<li>Pool file system was recently at \$Info{DUlastValue}%
(\$DUlastTime), today\'s max is \$Info{DUDailyMax}% (\$DUmaxTime)
and yesterday\'s max was \$Info{DUDailyMaxPrev}%.
<li>Pool file system inode usage was recently at \$Info{DUInodelastValue}%
(\$DUlastTime), today\'s max is \$Info{DUInodeDailyMax}% (\$DUInodemaxTime)
and yesterday\'s max was \$Info{DUInodeDailyMaxPrev}%.
$Lang{BackupPC_Server_Status} = <<EOF;
\${h2("Currently Running Jobs")}
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
<tr class="tableheader"><td> Host </td>
<td> Type </td>
<td> User </td>
<td> Start Time </td>
<td> Command </td>
<td align="center"> PID </td>
<td align="center"> Xfer PID </td>
<td align="center"> Status </td>
<td align="center"> Count </td>
\${h2("Failures that need attention")}
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
<tr class="tableheader"><td align="center"> Host </td>
<td align="center"> Type </td>
<td align="center"> User </td>
<td align="center"> Last Try </td>
<td align="center"> Details </td>
<td align="center"> Error Time </td>
<td> Last error (other than no ping) </td></tr>
# --------------------------------
$Lang{BackupPC__Server_Summary} = "BackupPC: Host Summary";
$Lang{BackupPC__Archive} = "BackupPC: Archive";
$Lang{BackupPC_Summary} = <<EOF;
<li>This status was generated at \$now.
<li>Pool file system was recently at \$Info{DUlastValue}%
(\$DUlastTime), today\'s max is \$Info{DUDailyMax}% (\$DUmaxTime)
and yesterday\'s max was \$Info{DUDailyMaxPrev}%.
<li>Pool file system inode usage was recently at \$Info{DUInodelastValue}%
(\$DUlastTime), today\'s max is \$Info{DUInodeDailyMax}% (\$DUInodemaxTime)
and yesterday\'s max was \$Info{DUInodeDailyMaxPrev}%.
\${h2("Hosts with good Backups")}
There are \$hostCntGood hosts that have been backed up, for a total of:
<li> \$fullTot full backups of total size \${fullSizeTot}GiB
(prior to pooling and compression),
<li> \$incrTot incr backups of total size \${incrSizeTot}GiB
(prior to pooling and compression).
<table class="sortable" id="host_summary_backups" border cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
<tr class="tableheader"><td> Host </td>
<td align="center"> User </td>
<td align="center"> Comment </td>
<td align="center"> #Full </td>
<td align="center"> Full Age (days) </td>
<td align="center"> Full Size (GiB) </td>
<td align="center"> Speed (MiB/s) </td>
<td align="center"> #Incr </td>
<td align="center"> Incr Age (days) </td>
<td align="center"> Last Backup (days) </td>
<td align="center"> State </td>
<td align="center"> #Xfer errs </td>
<td align="center"> Last attempt </td></tr>
\${h2("Hosts with no Backups")}
There are \$hostCntNone hosts with no backups.
<table class="sortable" id="host_summary_nobackups" border cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
<tr class="tableheader"><td> Host </td>
<td align="center"> User </td>
<td align="center"> Comment </td>
<td align="center"> #Full </td>
<td align="center"> Full Age (days) </td>
<td align="center"> Full Size (GiB) </td>
<td align="center"> Speed (MiB/s) </td>
<td align="center"> #Incr </td>
<td align="center"> Incr Age/days </td>
<td align="center"> Last Backup (days) </td>
<td align="center"> State </td>
<td align="center"> #Xfer errs </td>
<td align="center"> Last attempt </td></tr>
$Lang{BackupPC_Archive} = <<EOF;
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function checkAll(location)
for (var i=0;i<document.form1.elements.length;i++)
var e = document.form1.elements[i];
if ((e.checked || !e.checked) && != \'all\') {
if (eval("document.form1."+location+".checked")) {
e.checked = true;
} else {
e.checked = false;
function toggleThis(checkbox)
var cb = eval("document.form1."+checkbox);
cb.checked = !cb.checked;
There are \$hostCntGood hosts that have been backed up for a total size of \${fullSizeTot}GiB
<form name="form1" method="post" action="\$MyURL">
<input type="hidden" name="fcbMax" value="\$checkBoxCnt">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\${EscHTML(\$archHost)}">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Archive">
<table class="tableStnd" border cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
<tr class="tableheader"><td align=center> Host</td>
<td align="center"> User </td>
<td align="center"> Backup Size </td>
$Lang{BackupPC_Archive2} = <<EOF;
About to archive the following hosts
<form action="\$MyURL" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Archive">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\${EscHTML(\$archHost)}">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="2">
<input type="hidden" value="0" name="archive_type">
<table class="tableStnd" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
<td colspan=2><input type="submit" value="Start the Archive" name="ignore"></td>
$Lang{BackupPC_Archive2_location} = <<EOF;
<td>Archive Location/Device</td>
<td><input type="text" value="\$ArchiveDest" name="archive_device"></td>
$Lang{BackupPC_Archive2_compression} = <<EOF;
<input type="radio" value="0" name="compression" \$ArchiveCompNone>None<br>
<input type="radio" value="1" name="compression" \$ArchiveCompGzip>gzip<br>
<input type="radio" value="2" name="compression" \$ArchiveCompBzip2>bzip2
$Lang{BackupPC_Archive2_parity} = <<EOF;
<td>Percentage of Parity Data (0 = disable, 5 = typical)</td>
<td><input type="numeric" value="\$ArchivePar" name="par"></td>
$Lang{BackupPC_Archive2_split} = <<EOF;
<td>Split output into</td>
<td><input type="numeric" value="\$ArchiveSplit" name="splitsize">Megabytes</td>
# -----------------------------------
$Lang{Pool_Stat} = <<EOF;
<li>Pool is \${poolSize}GiB comprising \$info->{"\${name}FileCnt"} files
and \$info->{"\${name}DirCnt"} directories (as of \$poolTime),
<li>Pool hashing gives \$info->{"\${name}FileCntRep"} repeated
files with longest chain \$info->{"\${name}FileRepMax"},
<li>Nightly cleanup removed \$info->{"\${name}FileCntRm"} files of
size \${poolRmSize}GiB (around \$poolTime),
# --------------------------------
$Lang{BackupPC__Backup_Requested_on__host} = "BackupPC: Backup Requested on \$host";
$Lang{BackupPC__Delete_Requested_for_a_backup_of__host} = "BackupPC: Delete Requested for a backup of \$host";
# --------------------------------
Reply from server was: \$reply
Go back to <a href="\$MyURL?host=\$host">\$host home page</a>.
# --------------------------------
$Lang{BackupPC__Start_Backup_Confirm_on__host} = "BackupPC: Start Backup Confirm on \$host";
# --------------------------------
$Lang{Are_you_sure_start} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Are you sure?")}
You are about to start a \$type backup on \$host.
<form name="Confirm" action="\$MyURL" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\$host">
<input type="hidden" name="hostIP" value="\$ipAddr">
<input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="">
Do you really want to do this?
<input type="button" value="\$buttonText"
<input type="submit" value="No" name="ignore">
# --------------------------------
$Lang{BackupPC__Stop_Backup_Confirm_on__host} = "BackupPC: Stop Backup Confirm on \$host";
# --------------------------------
$Lang{Are_you_sure_stop} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Are you sure?")}
You are about to stop/dequeue backups on \$host;
<form name="Confirm" action="\$MyURL" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\$host">
<input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="">
Also, please don\'t start another backup for
<input type="text" name="backoff" size="10" value="\$backoff"> hours.
Do you really want to do this?
<input type="button" value="\$buttonText"
<input type="submit" value="No" name="ignore">
# --------------------------------
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_view_queues_} = "Only privileged users can view queues.";
# --------------------------------
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_archive} = "Only privileged users can Archive.";
# --------------------------------
$Lang{BackupPC__Queue_Summary} = "BackupPC: Queue Summary";
# --------------------------------
$Lang{Backup_Queue_Summary} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Backup Queue Summary")}
\${h2("User Queue Summary")}
The following user requests are currently queued:
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td> Host </td>
<td> Action </td>
<td> Req Time </td>
<td> User </td></tr>
\${h2("Background Queue Summary")}
The following background requests are currently queued:
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td> Host </td>
<td> Action </td>
<td> Req Time </td>
<td> User </td></tr>
\${h2("Command Queue Summary")}
The following command requests are currently queued:
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td> Host </td>
<td> Action </td>
<td> Req Time </td>
<td> User </td>
<td> Command </td></tr>
# --------------------------------
$Lang{Backup_PC__Log_File__file} = "BackupPC: File \$file";
$Lang{Log_File__file__comment} = <<EOF;
\${h1("File \$file \$comment")}
# --------------------------------
$Lang{Contents_of_log_file} = <<EOF;
Contents of file <tt>\$file</tt>, modified \$mtimeStr \$comment
# --------------------------------
$Lang{skipped__skipped_lines} = "[ skipped \$skipped lines ]\n";
# --------------------------------
$Lang{_pre___Can_t_open_log_file__file} = "<pre>\nCan\'t open log file \$file\n";
# --------------------------------
$Lang{BackupPC__Log_File_History} = "BackupPC: Log File History";
$Lang{Log_File_History__hdr} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Log File History \$hdr")}
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td align="center"> File </td>
<td align="center"> Size </td>
<td align="center"> Modification time </td></tr>
# -------------------------------
$Lang{Recent_Email_Summary} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Recent Email Summary (Reverse time order)")}
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td align="center"> Recipient </td>
<td align="center"> Host </td>
<td align="center"> Time </td>
<td align="center"> Subject </td></tr>
# ------------------------------
$Lang{Browse_backup__num_for__host} = "BackupPC: Browse backup \$num for \$host";
# ------------------------------
$Lang{Restore_Options_for__host} = "BackupPC: Restore Options for \$host";
$Lang{Restore_Options_for__host2} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Restore Options for \$host")}
You have selected the following files/directories from
share \$share, backup number #\$num:
You have three choices for restoring these files/directories.
Please select one of the following options.
\${h2("Option 1: Direct Restore")}
$Lang{Restore_Options_for__host_Option1} = <<EOF;
You can start a restore that will restore these files directly onto
<b>Warning:</b> any existing files that match the ones you have
selected will be overwritten!
<form action="\$MyURL" method="post" name="direct">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\${EscHTML(\$host)}">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="\$num">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="3">
<input type="hidden" value="\$In{action}" name="action">
<table class="tableStnd" border="0">
<td>Restore the files to host</td>
<td><!--<input type="text" size="40" value="\${EscHTML(\$host)}"
<select name="hostDest" onChange="''">
<script language="Javascript">
function myOpen(URL) {,'','width=500,height=400');
<!--<a href="javascript:myOpen('\$MyURL?action=findShares&host='">Search for available shares (NOT IMPLEMENTED)</a>--></td>
<td>Restore the files to share</td>
<td><input type="text" size="40" value="\${EscHTML(\$share)}"
<td>Restore the files below dir<br>(relative to share)</td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" size="40" maxlength="256"
value="\${EscHTML(\$pathHdr)}" name="pathHdr"></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Start Restore" name="ignore"></td>
$Lang{Restore_Options_for__host_Option1_disabled} = <<EOF;
Direct restore has been disabled for host \${EscHTML(\$hostDest)}.
Please select one of the other restore options.
# ------------------------------
$Lang{Option_2__Download_Zip_archive} = <<EOF;
\${h2("Option 2: Download Zip archive")}
You can download a Zip archive containing all the files/directories you have
selected. You can then use a local application, such as WinZip,
to view or extract any of the files.
<b>Warning:</b> depending upon which files/directories you have selected,
this archive might be very very large. It might take many minutes to
create and transfer the archive, and you will need enough local disk
space to store it.
<form action="\$MyURL" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\${EscHTML(\$host)}">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="\$num">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="2">
<input type="hidden" value="\$In{action}" name="action">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="relative" checked> Make archive relative
to \${EscHTML(\$pathHdr eq "" ? "/" : \$pathHdr)}
(otherwise archive will contain full paths).
<table class="tableStnd" border="0">
<td>Compression (0=off, 1=fast,...,9=best)</td>
<td><input type="text" size="6" value="5" name="compressLevel"></td>
<td>Code page (e.g. cp866)</td>
<td><input type="text" size="6" value="utf8" name="codePage"></td>
<input type="submit" value="Download Zip File" name="ignore">
# ------------------------------
$Lang{Option_2__Download_Zip_archive2} = <<EOF;
\${h2("Option 2: Download Zip archive")}
Archive::Zip is not installed so you will not be able to download a
zip archive.
Please ask your system adminstrator to install Archive::Zip from
<a href=""></a>.
# ------------------------------
$Lang{Option_3__Download_Zip_archive} = <<EOF;
\${h2("Option 3: Download Tar archive")}
You can download a Tar archive containing all the files/directories you
have selected. You can then use a local application, such as tar or
WinZip to view or extract any of the files.
<b>Warning:</b> depending upon which files/directories you have selected,
this archive might be very very large. It might take many minutes to
create and transfer the archive, and you will need enough local disk
space to store it.
<form action="\$MyURL" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\${EscHTML(\$host)}">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="\$num">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="1">
<input type="hidden" value="\$In{action}" name="action">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="relative" checked> Make archive relative
to \${EscHTML(\$pathHdr eq "" ? "/" : \$pathHdr)}
(otherwise archive will contain full paths).
<input type="submit" value="Download Tar File" name="ignore">
# ------------------------------
$Lang{Restore_Confirm_on__host} = "BackupPC: Restore Confirm on \$host";
$Lang{Are_you_sure} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Are you sure?")}
You are about to start a restore directly to the machine \$In{hostDest}.
The following files will be restored to share \$In{shareDest}, from
backup number \$num:
<table class="tableStnd" border>
<tr class="tableheader"><td>Original file/dir</td><td>Will be restored to</td></tr>
<form name="RestoreForm" action="\$MyURL" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\${EscHTML(\$host)}">
<input type="hidden" name="hostDest" value="\${EscHTML(\$In{hostDest})}">
<input type="hidden" name="shareDest" value="\${EscHTML(\$In{shareDest})}">
<input type="hidden" name="pathHdr" value="\${EscHTML(\$In{pathHdr})}">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="\$num">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="4">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="">
Do you really want to do this?
<input type="button" value="\$Lang->{Restore}"
<input type="submit" value="No" name="ignore">
# --------------------------
$Lang{Restore_Requested_on__hostDest} = "BackupPC: Restore Requested on \$hostDest";
$Lang{Reply_from_server_was___reply} = <<EOF;
Reply from server was: \$reply
Go back to <a href="\$MyURL?host=\$hostDest">\$hostDest home page</a>.
$Lang{BackupPC_Archive_Reply_from_server} = <<EOF;
Reply from server was: \$reply
# --------------------------------
$Lang{BackupPC__Delete_Backup_Confirm__num_of__host} = "BackupPC: Delete Backup Confirm #\$num of \$host";
# --------------------------------
$Lang{A_filled} = "a filled";
$Lang{An_unfilled} = "an unfilled";
$Lang{Are_you_sure_delete} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Are you sure?")}
You are about to delete \$filled \$type backup #\$num of \$host.
<form name="Confirm" action="\$MyURL" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\${EscHTML(\$host)}">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="\$num">
<input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="">
Do you really want to do this?
<input type="button" value="\${EscHTML(\$Lang->{CfgEdit_Button_Delete})}"
<input type="submit" value="No" name="ignore">
# -------------------------
$Lang{Host__host_Backup_Summary} = "BackupPC: Host \$host Backup Summary";
$Lang{Host__host_Backup_Summary2} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Host \$host Backup Summary")}
\${h2("User Actions")}
<form name="StartStopForm" action="\$MyURL" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\$host">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="">
<input type="button" value="\$Lang->{Start_Full_Backup}"
<input type="button" value="\$Lang->{Stop_Dequeue_Backup}"
\${h2("Backup Summary")}
Click on the backup number to browse and restore backup files.
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
<tr class="tableheader"><td align="center"> Backup# </td>
<td align="center"> Type </td>
<td align="center"> Filled </td>
<td align="center"> Level </td>
<td align="center"> Start Date </td>
<td align="center"> Duration/mins </td>
<td align="center"> Age/days </td>
<td align="center"> Server Backup Path </td>
\${h2("Xfer Error Summary")}
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td align="center"> Backup# </td>
<td align="center"> Type </td>
<td align="center"> View </td>
<td align="center"> #Xfer errs </td>
<td align="center"> #bad files </td>
<td align="center"> #bad share </td>
<td align="center"> #tar errs </td>
\${h2("File Size/Count Reuse Summary")}
Existing files are those already in the pool; new files are those added
to the pool.
Empty files and SMB errors aren\'t counted in the reuse and new counts.
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#ffffff"></td>
<td align="center" colspan="3"> Totals </td>
<td align="center" colspan="2"> Existing Files </td>
<td align="center" colspan="2"> New Files </td>
<tr class="tableheader sortheader">
<td align="center"> Backup# </td>
<td align="center"> Type </td>
<td align="center"> #Files </td>
<td align="center"> Size/MiB </td>
<td align="center"> MiB/sec </td>
<td align="center"> #Files </td>
<td align="center"> Size/MiB </td>
<td align="center"> #Files </td>
<td align="center"> Size/MiB </td>
\${h2("Compression Summary")}
Compression performance for files already in the pool and newly
compressed files.
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td colspan="3" bgcolor="#ffffff"></td>
<td align="center" colspan="3"> Existing Files </td>
<td align="center" colspan="3"> New Files </td>
<tr class="tableheader sortheader"><td align="center"> Backup# </td>
<td align="center"> Type </td>
<td align="center"> Comp Level </td>
<td align="center"> Size/MiB </td>
<td align="center"> Comp/MiB </td>
<td align="center"> Comp </td>
<td align="center"> Size/MiB </td>
<td align="center"> Comp/MiB </td>
<td align="center"> Comp </td>
$Lang{Host__host_Archive_Summary} = "BackupPC: Host \$host Archive Summary";
$Lang{Host__host_Archive_Summary2} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Host \$host Archive Summary")}
\${h2("User Actions")}
<form name="StartStopForm" action="\$MyURL" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="archivehost" value="\$host">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\$host">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="">
<input type="button" value="\$Lang->{Start_Archive}"
<input type="button" value="\$Lang->{Stop_Dequeue_Archive}"
# -------------------------
$Lang{Error} = "BackupPC: Error";
$Lang{Error____head} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Error: \$head")}
# -------------------------
$Lang{NavSectionTitle_} = "Server";
# -------------------------
$Lang{Backup_browse_for__host} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Backup browse for \$host")}
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function checkAll(location)
for (var i=0;i<document.form1.elements.length;i++)
var e = document.form1.elements[i];
if ((e.checked || !e.checked) && != \'all\') {
if (eval("document.form1."+location+".checked")) {
e.checked = true;
} else {
e.checked = false;
function toggleThis(checkbox)
var cb = eval("document.form1."+checkbox);
cb.checked = !cb.checked;
<form name="form0" method="post" action="\$MyURL">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="\$num">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\$host">
<input type="hidden" name="share" value="\${EscHTML(\$share)}">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="browse">
<li> You are browsing backup #\$num, which started around \$backupTime
(\$backupAge days ago),
<li> Enter directory: <input type="text" name="dir" size="50" maxlength="4096" value="\${EscHTML(\$dir)}"> <input type="submit" value="\$Lang->{Go}" name="Submit">
<li> Click on a directory below to navigate into that directory,
<li> Click on a file below to restore that file,
<li> You can view the backup <a href="\$MyURL?action=dirHistory&host=\${EscURI(\$host)}&share=\$shareURI&dir=\$pathURI">history</a> of the current directory.
\${h2("Contents of \$dirDisplay")}
<form name="form1" method="post" action="\$MyURL">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="\$num">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="\$host">
<input type="hidden" name="share" value="\${EscHTML(\$share)}">
<input type="hidden" name="fcbMax" value="\$checkBoxCnt">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Restore">
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="top" width="30%">
<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td width="3%">
</td><td valign="top">
<table border width="100%" align="left" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
This is now in the checkAll row
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Restore selected files">
# ------------------------------
$Lang{DirHistory_backup_for__host} = "BackupPC: Directory backup history for \$host";
# These two strings are used to build the links for directories and
# file versions. Files are appended with a version number.
$Lang{DirHistory_dirLink} = "dir";
$Lang{DirHistory_fileLink} = "v";
$Lang{DirHistory_for__host} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Directory backup history for \$host")}
This display shows each unique version of files across all
the backups:
<li> Click on a backup number to return to the backup browser,
<li> Click on a directory link (\$Lang->{DirHistory_dirLink}) to navigate
into that directory,
<li> Click on a file version link (\$Lang->{DirHistory_fileLink}0,
\$Lang->{DirHistory_fileLink}1, ...) to download that file,
<li> Files with the same contents between different backups have the same
version number (except between v3 and v4 backups),
<li> Files or directories not present in a particular backup have an
empty box.
<li> Files shown with the same version might have different attributes.
Select the backup number to see the file attributes.
\${h2("History of \$dirDisplay")}
<table border cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3">
<tr class="fviewheader"><td>Backup number</td>\$backupNumStr</tr>
<tr class="fviewheader"><td>Backup time</td>\$backupTimeStr</tr>
# ------------------------------
$Lang{Restore___num_details_for__host} = "BackupPC: Restore #\$num details for \$host";
$Lang{Restore___num_details_for__host2} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Restore #\$num Details for \$host")}
<table class="tableStnd" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%">
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Number </td><td class="border"> \$Restores[\$i]{num} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Requested by </td><td class="border"> \$RestoreReq{user} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Request time </td><td class="border"> \$reqTime </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Result </td><td class="border"> \$Restores[\$i]{result} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Error Message </td><td class="border"> \$Restores[\$i]{errorMsg} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Source host </td><td class="border"> \$RestoreReq{hostSrc} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Source backup num </td><td class="border"> \$RestoreReq{num} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Source share </td><td class="border"> \$RestoreReq{shareSrc} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Destination host </td><td class="border"> \$RestoreReq{hostDest} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Destination share </td><td class="border"> \$RestoreReq{shareDest} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Start time </td><td class="border"> \$startTime </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Duration </td><td class="border"> \$duration min </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Number of files </td><td class="border"> \$Restores[\$i]{nFiles} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Total size </td><td class="border"> \${MB} MiB </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Transfer rate </td><td class="border"> \$MBperSec MiB/sec </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> TarCreate errors </td><td class="border"> \$Restores[\$i]{tarCreateErrs} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Xfer errors </td><td class="border"> \$Restores[\$i]{xferErrs} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Xfer log file </td><td class="border">
<a href="\$MyURL?action=view&type=RestoreLOG&num=\$Restores[\$i]{num}&host=\$host">View</a>,
<a href="\$MyURL?action=view&type=RestoreErr&num=\$Restores[\$i]{num}&host=\$host">Errors</a>
\${h1("File/Directory list")}
<table class="tableStnd" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="100%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td>Original file/dir</td><td>Restored to</td></tr>
# ------------------------------
$Lang{Archive___num_details_for__host} = "BackupPC: Archive #\$num details for \$host";
$Lang{Archive___num_details_for__host2 } = <<EOF;
\${h1("Archive #\$num Details for \$host")}
<table class="tableStnd" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Number </td><td class="border"> \$Archives[\$i]{num} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Requested by </td><td class="border"> \$ArchiveReq{user} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Request time </td><td class="border"> \$reqTime </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Result </td><td class="border"> \$Archives[\$i]{result} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Error Message </td><td class="border"> \$Archives[\$i]{errorMsg} </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Start time </td><td class="border"> \$startTime </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Duration </td><td class="border"> \$duration min </td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableheader"> Xfer log file </td><td class="border">
<a href="\$MyURL?action=view&type=ArchiveLOG&num=\$Archives[\$i]{num}&host=\$host">View</a>,
<a href="\$MyURL?action=view&type=ArchiveErr&num=\$Archives[\$i]{num}&host=\$host">Errors</a>
\${h1("Host list")}
<table class="tableStnd" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td>Host</td><td>Backup Number</td></tr>
# -----------------------------------
$Lang{Email_Summary} = "BackupPC: Email Summary";
# -----------------------------------
# !! ERROR messages !!
# -----------------------------------
$Lang{BackupPC__Lib__new_failed__check_apache_error_log} = "BackupPC::Lib->new failed: check apache error_log\n";
$Lang{Wrong_user__my_userid_is___} =
"Wrong user: my userid is \$>, instead of \$uid"
. "(\$Conf{BackupPCUser})\n";
# $Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_view_PC_summaries} = "Only privileged users can view PC summaries.";
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_stop_or_start_backups} =
"Only privileged users can stop or start backups on"
. " \${EscHTML(\$host)}.";
$Lang{Invalid_number__num} = "Invalid number \${EscHTML(\$In{num})}";
$Lang{Unable_to_open__file__configuration_problem} = "Unable to open \$file: configuration problem?";
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_view_log_or_config_files} = "Only privileged users can view log or config files.";
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_view_log_files} = "Only privileged users can view log files.";
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_view_email_summaries} = "Only privileged users can view email summaries.";
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_browse_backup_files} = "Only privileged users can browse backup files"
. " for host \${EscHTML(\$In{host})}.";
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_delete_backups} = "Only privileged users can delete backups"
. " of host \${EscHTML(\$host)}.";
$Lang{Empty_host_name} = "Empty host name.";
$Lang{Directory___EscHTML} = "Directory \${EscHTML(\"\$TopDir/pc/\$host/\$num\")}"
. " is empty";
$Lang{Can_t_browse_bad_directory_name2} = "Can\'t browse bad directory name"
. " \${EscHTML(\$relDir)}";
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_restore_backup_files} = "Only privileged users can restore backup files"
. " for host \${EscHTML(\$In{host})}.";
$Lang{Bad_host_name} = "Bad host name \${EscHTML(\$host)}";
$Lang{You_haven_t_selected_any_files__please_go_Back_to} = "You haven\'t selected any files; please go Back to"
. " select some files.";
$Lang{You_haven_t_selected_any_hosts} = "You haven\'t selected any hosts; please go Back to"
. " select some hosts.";
$Lang{Nice_try__but_you_can_t_put} = "Nice try, but you can\'t put \'..\' in any of the file names";
$Lang{Host__doesn_t_exist} = "Host \${EscHTML(\$In{hostDest})} doesn\'t exist";
$Lang{You_don_t_have_permission_to_restore_onto_host} = "You don\'t have permission to restore onto host"
. " \${EscHTML(\$In{hostDest})}";
$Lang{Can_t_open_create__openPath} = "Can\'t open/create "
. "\${EscHTML(\"\$openPath\")}";
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_restore_backup_files2} = "Only privileged users can restore backup files"
. " for host \${EscHTML(\$host)}.";
$Lang{Empty_host_name} = "Empty host name";
$Lang{Unknown_host_or_user} = "Unknown host or user \${EscHTML(\$host)}";
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_view_information_about} = "Only privileged users can view information about"
. " host \${EscHTML(\$host)}." ;
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_view_archive_information} = "Only privileged users can view archive information.";
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_view_restore_information} = "Only privileged users can view restore information.";
$Lang{Restore_number__num_for_host__does_not_exist} = "Restore number \$num for host \${EscHTML(\$host)} does"
. " not exist.";
$Lang{Archive_number__num_for_host__does_not_exist} = "Archive number \$num for host \${EscHTML(\$host)} does"
. " not exist.";
$Lang{Can_t_find_IP_address_for} = "Can\'t find IP address for \${EscHTML(\$host)}";
$Lang{host_is_a_DHCP_host} = <<EOF;
\$host is a DHCP host, and I don\'t know its IP address. I checked the
netbios name of \$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}\$tryIP, and found that that machine
is not \$host.
Until I see \$host at a particular DHCP address, you can only
start this request from the client machine itself.
# ------------------------------------
# !! Server Mesg !!
# ------------------------------------
$Lang{Backup_requested_on_DHCP__host} = "Backup requested on DHCP \$host (\$In{hostIP}) by"
. " \$User from \$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}";
$Lang{Backup_requested_on__host_by__User} = "Backup requested on \$host by \$User";
$Lang{Backup_stopped_dequeued_on__host_by__User} = "Backup stopped/dequeued on \$host by \$User";
$Lang{Restore_requested_to_host__hostDest__backup___num} = "Restore requested to host \$hostDest, backup #\$num,"
. " by \$User from \$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}";
$Lang{Delete_requested_for_backup_of__host_by__User} = "Delete requested for backup #\$num of \$host"
. " by \$User from \$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}";
$Lang{Archive_requested} = "Archive requested by \$User from \$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}";
# -------------------------------------------------
# ------- Stuff that was forgotten ----------------
# -------------------------------------------------
$Lang{Status} = "Status";
$Lang{PC_Summary} = "Host Summary";
$Lang{LOG_file} = "LOG file";
$Lang{LOG_files} = "LOG files";
$Lang{Old_LOGs} = "Old LOGs";
$Lang{Email_summary} = "Email summary";
$Lang{Config_file} = "Config file";
# $Lang{Hosts_file} = "Hosts file";
$Lang{Current_queues} = "Current queues";
$Lang{Check} = "Checkup";
$Lang{Documentation} = "Documentation";
#$Lang{Host_or_User_name} = "<small>Host or User name:</small>";
$Lang{Go} = "Go";
$Lang{Hosts} = "Hosts";
$Lang{Select_a_host} = "Select a host...";
$Lang{There_have_been_no_archives} = "<h2> There have been no archives </h2>\n";
$Lang{This_PC_has_never_been_backed_up} = "<h2> This PC has never been backed up!! </h2>\n";
$Lang{This_PC_is_used_by} = "<li>This PC is used by \${UserLink(\$user)}";
$Lang{Extracting_only_Errors} = "(Extracting only Errors)";
$Lang{XferLOG} = "XferLOG";
$Lang{Errors} = "Errors";
# ------------
$Lang{Last_email_sent_to__was_at___subject} = <<EOF;
<li>Last email sent to \${UserLink(\$user)} was at \$mailTime, subject "\$subj".
# ------------
$Lang{The_command_cmd_is_currently_running_for_started} = <<EOF;
<li>The command \$cmd is currently running for \$host, started \$startTime.
# -----------
$Lang{Host_host_is_queued_on_the_background_queue_will_be_backed_up_soon} = <<EOF;
<li>Host \$host is queued on the background queue (will be backed up soon).
# ----------
$Lang{Host_host_is_queued_on_the_user_queue__will_be_backed_up_soon} = <<EOF;
<li>Host \$host is queued on the user queue (will be backed up soon).
# ---------
$Lang{A_command_for_host_is_on_the_command_queue_will_run_soon} = <<EOF;
<li>A command for \$host is on the command queue (will run soon).
# --------
$Lang{Last_status_is_state_StatusHost_state_reason_as_of_startTime} = <<EOF;
<li>Last status is state \"\$Lang->{\$StatusHost{state}}\"\$reason as of \$startTime.
# --------
$Lang{Last_error_is____EscHTML_StatusHost_error} = <<EOF;
<li>Last error is \"\${EscHTML(\$StatusHost{error})}\".
# ------
$Lang{Pings_to_host_have_failed_StatusHost_deadCnt__consecutive_times} = <<EOF;
<li>Pings to \$host have failed \$StatusHost{deadCnt} consecutive times.
# -----
$Lang{Prior_to_that__pings} = "Prior to that, pings";
# -----
$Lang{priorStr_to_host_have_succeeded_StatusHostaliveCnt_consecutive_times} = <<EOF;
<li>\$priorStr to \$host have succeeded \$StatusHost{aliveCnt}
consecutive times.
$Lang{Because__host_has_been_on_the_network_at_least__Conf_BlackoutGoodCnt_consecutive_times___} = <<EOF;
<li>Because \$host has been on the network at least \$Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt}
consecutive times, it will not be backed up from \$blackoutStr.
$Lang{__time0_to__time1_on__days} = "\$t0 to \$t1 on \$days";
$Lang{Backups_are_deferred_for_hours_hours_change_this_number} = <<EOF;
<li>Backups are deferred for \$hours hours
(<a href=\"\$MyURL?action=Stop_Dequeue_Backup&host=\$host\">change this number</a>).
$Lang{tryIP} = " and \$StatusHost{dhcpHostIP}";
# $Lang{Host_Inhost} = "Host \$In{host}";
$Lang{checkAll} = <<EOF;
<tr><td class="fviewborder">
<input type="checkbox" name="allFiles" onClick="return checkAll('allFiles');">&nbsp;Select all
</td><td colspan="5" align="center" class="fviewborder">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Restore selected files">
$Lang{checkAllHosts} = <<EOF;
<tr><td class="fviewborder">
<input type="checkbox" name="allFiles" onClick="return checkAll('allFiles');">&nbsp;Select all
</td><td colspan="2" align="center" class="fviewborder">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Archive selected hosts">
$Lang{fileHeader} = <<EOF;
<tr class="fviewheader"><td align=center> Name</td>
<td align="center"> Type</td>
<td align="center"> Mode</td>
<td align="center"> #</td>
<td align="center"> Size</td>
<td align="center"> Date modified</td>
$Lang{Home} = "Home";
$Lang{Browse} = "Browse backups";
$Lang{Last_bad_XferLOG} = "Last bad XferLOG";
$Lang{Last_bad_XferLOG_errors_only} = "Last bad XferLOG (errors&nbsp;only)";
$Lang{This_display_is_merged_with_backup} = <<EOF;
<li> This display is merged with backup #\$numF.
$Lang{Visit_this_directory_in_backup} = <<EOF;
<li> Select the backup you wish to view: <select onChange="window.location=this.value">\$otherDirs </select>
$Lang{Restore_Summary} = <<EOF;
\${h2("Restore Summary")}
Click on the restore number for more details.
<table class="tableStnd sortable" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td align="center"> Restore# </td>
<td align="center"> Result </td>
<td align="right"> Start Date</td>
<td align="right"> Dur/mins</td>
<td align="right"> #files </td>
<td align="right"> MiB </td>
<td align="right"> #tar errs </td>
<td align="right"> #xferErrs </td>
$Lang{Archive_Summary} = <<EOF;
\${h2("Archive Summary")}
Click on the archive number for more details.
<table class="tableStnd" border cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="80%">
<tr class="tableheader"><td align="center"> Archive# </td>
<td align="center"> Result </td>
<td align="right"> Start Date</td>
<td align="right"> Dur/mins</td>
$Lang{BackupPC__Documentation} = "BackupPC: Documentation";
$Lang{No} = "no";
$Lang{Yes} = "yes";
$Lang{The_directory_is_empty} = <<EOF;
<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff">The directory \$dirDisplay is empty
#$Lang{on} = "on";
$Lang{off} = "off";
$Lang{backupType_full} = "full";
$Lang{backupType_incr} = "incr";
$Lang{backupType_active} = "active";
$Lang{backupType_partial} = "partial";
$Lang{failed} = "failed";
$Lang{success} = "success";
$Lang{and} = "and";
# ------
# Hosts states and reasons
$Lang{Status_idle} = "idle";
$Lang{Status_backup_starting} = "backup starting";
$Lang{Status_backup_in_progress} = "backup in progress";
$Lang{Status_restore_starting} = "restore starting";
$Lang{Status_restore_in_progress} = "restore in progress";
$Lang{Status_admin_pending} = "link pending";
$Lang{Status_admin_running} = "link running";
$Lang{Reason_backup_done} = "done";
$Lang{Reason_restore_done} = "restore done";
$Lang{Reason_archive_done} = "archive done";
$Lang{Reason_nothing_to_do} = "idle";
$Lang{Reason_backup_failed} = "backup failed";
$Lang{Reason_restore_failed} = "restore failed";
$Lang{Reason_archive_failed} = "archive failed";
$Lang{Reason_no_ping} = "no ping";
$Lang{Reason_backup_canceled_by_user} = "backup canceled by user";
$Lang{Reason_restore_canceled_by_user} = "restore canceled by user";
$Lang{Reason_archive_canceled_by_user} = "archive canceled by user";
$Lang{Disabled_OnlyManualBackups} = "auto disabled";
$Lang{Disabled_AllBackupsDisabled} = "disabled";
# ---------
# Email messages
# No backup ever
$Lang{EMailNoBackupEverSubj} = "BackupPC: no backups of \$host have succeeded";
$Lang{EMailNoBackupEverMesg} = <<'EOF';
To: $user$domain
Subject: $subj
Dear $userName,
Your PC ($host) has never been successfully backed up by our
PC backup software. PC backups should occur automatically
when your PC is connected to the network. You should contact
computer support if:
- Your PC has been regularly connected to the network, meaning
there is some configuration or setup problem preventing
backups from occurring.
- You don't want your PC backed up and you want these email
messages to stop.
Otherwise, please make sure your PC is connected to the network
next time you are in the office.
BackupPC Genie
# No recent backup
$Lang{EMailNoBackupRecentSubj} = "BackupPC: no recent backups on \$host";
$Lang{EMailNoBackupRecentMesg} = <<'EOF';
To: $user$domain
Subject: $subj
Dear $userName,
Your PC ($host) has not been successfully backed up for $days days.
Your PC has been correctly backed up $numBackups times from $firstTime to $days days
ago. PC backups should occur automatically when your PC is connected
to the network.
If your PC has been connected for more than a few hours to the
network during the last $days days you should contact IS to find
out why backups are not working.
Otherwise, if you are out of the office, there's not much you can
do, other than manually copying especially critical files to other
media. You should be aware that any files you have created or
changed in the last $days days (including all new email and
attachments) cannot be restored if your PC disk crashes.
BackupPC Genie
# Old Outlook files
$Lang{EMailOutlookBackupSubj} = "BackupPC: Outlook files on \$host need to be backed up";
$Lang{EMailOutlookBackupMesg} = <<'EOF';
To: $user$domain
Subject: $subj
Dear $userName,
The Outlook files on your PC have $howLong.
These files contain all your email, attachments, contact and calendar
information. Your PC has been correctly backed up $numBackups times from
$firstTime to $lastTime days ago. However, Outlook locks all its files when
it is running, preventing these files from being backed up.
It is recommended you backup the Outlook files when you are connected
to the network by exiting Outlook and all other applications, and,
using just your browser, go to this link:
Select "Start Incr Backup" twice to start a new incremental backup.
You can select "Return to $host page" and then hit "reload" to check
the status of the backup. It should take just a few minutes to
BackupPC Genie
$Lang{howLong_not_been_backed_up} = "not been backed up successfully";
$Lang{howLong_not_been_backed_up_for_days_days} = "not been backed up for \$days days";
# RSS strings
$Lang{RSS_Doc_Title} = "BackupPC Server";
$Lang{RSS_Doc_Description} = "RSS feed for BackupPC";
$Lang{RSS_Host_Summary} = <<EOF;
Full Count: \$fullCnt;
Full Age/days: \$fullAge;
Full Size/GiB: \$fullSize;
Speed MiB/sec: \$fullRate;
Incr Count: \$incrCnt;
Incr Age/Days: \$incrAge;
State: \$host_state;
Disabled: \$host_disabled;
Last Attempt: \$host_last_attempt;
# Configuration editor strings
$Lang{Only_privileged_users_can_edit_config_files} = "Only privileged users can edit configuration settings.";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Edit_Config} = "Edit Config";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Edit_Hosts} = "Edit Hosts";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Server} = "Server";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_General_Parameters} = "General Parameters";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Wakeup_Schedule} = "Wakeup Schedule";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Concurrent_Jobs} = "Concurrent Jobs";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Pool_Filesystem_Limits} = "Pool Filesystem Limits";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Other_Parameters} = "Other Parameters";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Remote_Apache_Settings} = "Remote Apache Settings";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Program_Paths} = "Program Paths";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Install_Paths} = "Install Paths";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Email} = "Email";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Email_settings} = "Email settings";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Email_User_Messages} = "Email User Messages";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_CGI} = "CGI";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Admin_Privileges} = "Admin Privileges";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Page_Rendering} = "Page Rendering";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Paths} = "Paths";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_User_URLs} = "User URLs";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_User_Config_Editing} = "User Config Editing";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Xfer} = "Xfer";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Xfer_Settings} = "Xfer Settings";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Ftp_Settings} = "FTP Settings";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Smb_Settings} = "Smb Settings";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Tar_Settings} = "Tar Settings";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Rsync_Settings} = "Rsync Settings";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Rsyncd_Settings} = "Rsyncd Settings";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Archive_Settings} = "Archive Settings";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Include_Exclude} = "Include/Exclude";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Smb_Paths_Commands} = "Smb Paths/Commands";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Tar_Paths_Commands} = "Tar Paths/Commands";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Rsync_Paths_Commands_Args} = "Rsync Paths/Commands/Args";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Rsyncd_Port_Args} = "Rsyncd Port/Args";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Archive_Paths_Commands} = "Archive Paths/Commands";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Schedule} = "Schedule";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Full_Backups} = "Full Backups";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Incremental_Backups} = "Incremental Backups";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Blackouts} = "Blackouts";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Other} = "Other";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Backup_Settings} = "Backup Settings";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Client_Lookup} = "Client Lookup";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_User_Commands} = "User Commands";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Title_Hosts} = "Hosts";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Hosts_Comment} = <<EOF;
To add a new host, select Add and then enter the name. To start with
the per-host configuration from another host, enter the host name
as NEWHOST=COPYHOST. This will overwrite any existing per-host
configuration for NEWHOST. You can also do this for an existing
host. To delete a host, hit the Delete button. For Add, Delete,
and configuration copy, changes don't take effect until you select
Save. None of the deleted host's backups will be removed,
so if you accidently delete a host, simply re-add it. To completely
remove a host's backups, you need to manually remove the files
below \$topDir/pc/HOST
$Lang{CfgEdit_Header_Main} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Main Configuration Editor")}
$Lang{CfgEdit_Header_Host} = <<EOF;
\${h1("Host \$host Configuration Editor")}
Note: Check Override if you want to modify a value specific to this host.
$Lang{CfgEdit_Button_Save} = "Save";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Button_Insert} = "Insert";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Button_Delete} = "Delete";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Button_Add} = "Add";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Button_Override} = "Override";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Button_New_Key} = "New Key";
$Lang{CfgEdit_Button_New_Share} = "New ShareName or '*'";
= "Error: No save due to errors";
= "Error: \$var must be an integer";
= "Error: \$var must be a real-valued number";
= "Error: \$var entry \$k must be an integer";
= "Error: \$var entry \$k must be a real-valued number";
= "Error: \$var must be a valid executable path";
= "Error: \$var must be a valid option";
= "Copy host \$copyHost doesn't exist; creating full host name \$fullHost. Delete this host if that is not what you wanted.";
= "\$User copied config from host \$fromHost to \$host\n";
= "\$User deleted \$p from \$conf\n";
= "\$User added \$p to \$conf, set to \$value\n";
= "\$User changed \$p in \$conf to \$valueNew from \$valueOld\n";
= "\$User deleted host \$host\n";
= "\$User host \$host changed \$key from \$valueOld to \$valueNew\n";
= "\$User added host \$host: \$value\n";
# --------------------------------
$Lang{BackupPC__Server_Check} = "BackupPC: Check";
$Lang{BackupPC_Check} = <<EOF;
<p>This check was generated at <strong>\$now</strong>.</p>
<p>File system pool size usage (\$DUmaxTime) :</p>
<div style="background-color:#f1f1f1!important">
<div style="color:#fff!important;background-color:#2196F3!important; text-align:center; width:\$Info{DUDailyMax}%">\$Info{DUDailyMax}%</div>
<p>File system inode size usage (\$DUInodemaxTime) :</p>
<div style="background-color:#f1f1f1!important">
<div style="color:#fff!important;background-color:#2196F3!important; text-align:center; width:\$Info{DUInodeDailyMax}%">\$Info{DUInodeDailyMax}%</div>
\${h2("Backups summary")}
<table class="sortable" id="host_summary_backups" border cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
<tr class="tableheader"><td> Host </td>
<td> Last Backup (days) </td>
<td> Errors </td>
<td> Size Consistency </td>
<td> Random file </td>
#end of