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- name: List http ports
set_fact: nginx_ports={{ nginx_ports + (nginx_vhosts | selectattr('port','defined') | map(attribute='port') | list) | flatten | unique }}
tags: [firewall,web]
- name: List https ports
set_fact: nginx_ssl_ports={{ nginx_ssl_ports + (nginx_vhosts | selectattr('ssl','defined') | selectattr('ssl.port','defined') | map(attribute='ssl.port') | list) | flatten | unique }}
tags: [firewall,web]
- set_fact: nginx_cert_path={{ '/var/lib/dehydrated/certificates/certs/' + nginx_letsencrypt_cert + '/fullchain.pem' }}
when: nginx_letsencrypt_cert is defined
tags: [web,conf]
- set_fact: nginx_key_path={{ '/var/lib/dehydrated/certificates/certs/' + nginx_letsencrypt_cert + '/privkey.pem' }}
when: nginx_letsencrypt_cert is defined
tags: [web,conf]
- name: Merge vhosts settings with defaults
set_fact: nginx_vhosts_conf={{ nginx_vhosts_conf | default([]) + [ nginx_default_vhost | combine(item, recursive=True) ] }}
with_items: "{{ nginx_vhosts }}"
tags: [web,conf]
- set_fact: nginx_vhosts={{ nginx_vhosts_conf | default([]) }}
tags: [web,conf]
- name: Check if Lemonldap::NG is installed
stat: path=/etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini
register: nginx_llng
tags: web