- include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
tags: web
- name: Install common packages
yum: name={{ llng_common_packages }}
tags: web
- name: Install Lemonldap::NG handler
yum: name=lemonldap-ng-handler
when: llng_handler == True
tags: web
- name: Install Lemonldap::NG portal
yum: name={{ llng_portal_packages }}
when: llng_portal == True
tags: web
- name: Install Lemonldap::NG manager
yum: name={{ llng_manager_packages }}
when: llng_manager == True
tags: web
- name: Create directories
file: name={{ item }} state=directory group=apache mode=770
- /var/cache/lemonldap-ng
tags: web
- include: "{{ llng_server }}.yml"
- name: Deploy manager's nginx configuration
template: src=nginx_manager.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/ansible_conf.d/23-llng_manager.conf
when: llng_manager == True and llng_server == 'nginx'
notify: reload nginx
- include: mysql.yml
when: llng_conf_backend == 'mysql'
- name: Deploy Lemonldap::NG main configuration
template: src=lemonldap-ng.ini.j2 dest=/etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini group=apache mode=640
notify: restart {{ (llng_server == 'nginx') | ternary('llng-fastcgi-server','httpd') }}
tags: web
- name: Deploy Lemonldap::NG migration configuration
template: src=lemonldap-ng-file.ini.j2 dest=/etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng-file.ini group=apache mode=640
tags: web
- name: Copy applications logo
copy: src=logos/ dest=/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/htdocs/static/common/apps/
when: llng_portal == True
tags: web
- name: Remove old custom logo dir
file: path=/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal-skins/ state=absent
tags: web
- name: Check if there are custom app logo
local_action: stat path=config/{{ inventory_hostname }}/lemonldap_ng/logos
register: llng_custom_logo
ansible_become: False
tags: web
- name: Copy custom logos
copy: src=config/{{ inventory_hostname }}/lemonldap_ng/logos/ dest=/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/htdocs/static/common/apps/
when: llng_custom_logo.stat.exists and llng_custom_logo.stat.exists.isdir
tags: web
- name: Check if there're a custom backgrounds
local_action: stat path=config/{{ inventory_hostname }}/lemonldap_ng/backgrounds
register: llng_custom_background
ansible_become: False
tags: web
- name: Copy custom backgrounds
copy: src=config/{{ inventory_hostname }}/lemonldap_ng/backgrounds/ dest=/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/htdocs/static/common/backgrounds/
when: llng_custom_background.stat.exists and llng_custom_background.stat.isdir
tags: web
- name: Create htpasswd file for API endpoints
path: /etc/lemonldap-ng/api.htpasswd
name: "{{ llng_api_user }}"
password: "{{ llng_api_pass }}"
owner: root
group: "{{ (llng_server == 'nginx') | ternary('nginx','apache') }}"
mode: 0640
- llng_api_pass is defined
- llng_portal == True
tags: web
- name: Add a cron task to renew OIDC keys
name: lemonldap_rotate_oidc
special_time: weekly
user: apache
job: '/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/rotateOidcKeys'
cron_file: lemonldap_rotate_oidc
state: "{{ (llng_portal and llng_server != 'nginx') | ternary('present','absent') }}"
tags: web
# provided cron job has a syntaxe error
- name: Override purgeCentralCache cron job
content: |
# Regular cron jobs for LemonLDAP::NG
10 * * * * apache [ -x /usr/libexec/lemonldap-ng/bin/purgeCentralCache ] && /usr/libexec/lemonldap-ng/bin/purgeCentralCache
dest: /etc/cron.d/lemonldap-ng-portal
when: llng_portal == True
tags: web
- when: llng_server == 'nginx'
- name: Deploy custom llng-fastcgi-server unit
template: src=llng-fastcgi-server.service.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/llng-fastcgi-server.service
notify: restart llng-fastcgi-server
register: llng_fastcgi_unit
- name: Reload systemd
systemd: daemon_reload=True
- name: Deploy llng-fastcgi-server config
template: src=llng-fastcgi-server.j2 dest=/etc/default/llng-fastcgi-server
notify: restart llng-fastcgi-server
tags: web
- name: Handle Fast CGI server
name: llng-fastcgi-server
state: "{{ (llng_server == 'nginx') | ternary('started','stopped') }}"
enabled: "{{ (llng_server == 'nginx') | ternary(True,False) }}"
tags: web
- name: Set correct SELinux context for Lemonldap::NG files
target: "{{ item.target }}"
setype: "{{ item.type }}"
state: present
- target: "/var/lib/lemonldap-ng(/.*)?"
type: httpd_var_lib_t
- target: "/var/cache/lemonldap-ng(/.*)?"
type: httpd_cache_t
when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
tags: web
- name: Restore SELinux context
command: restorecon -R /var/lib/lemonldap-ng /var/cache/lemonldap-ng
changed_when: False
when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
tags: web