Ansible roles
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

98 lines
2.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::Simple qw($ua getstore);
use Net::Domain qw(hostname hostfqdn hostdomain domainname);
use Mail::Sendmail;
my $cert;
my $ca = '/etc/radius/certs/ca.pem';
my $crl;
my $issuer;
my $notify_crl;
'certificate=s' => \$cert,
'cacert=s' => \$ca,
'crl=s' => \$crl,
'notify-crl=s' => \$notify_crl,
'issuer=s' => \$issuer
# Set a 5 sec timeout to fetch the CRL
my $crl_file;
my $crl_age;
if ($crl){
if ($crl =~ m{^/} && -e $crl){
$crl_file = $crl;
$crl_age = time - ( stat($crl) )[9];
} elsif ($crl =~ m{^https?://}) {
$crl_age = 9999999;
if (-e '/run/radiusd/tls/crl.pem'){
$crl_age = time - ( stat('/run/radiusd/tls/crl.pem') )[9];
$crl_file = '/run/radiusd/tls/crl.pem';
if (!-e '/run/radiusd/tls/crl.pem' or $crl_age > 900){
my $code = getstore($crl,$crl_file);
if ($code == 200){
$crl_age = 0;
$crl_file = '/run/radiusd/tls/crl.pem';
if (defined $crl and (not defined $crl_file or ($crl =~ m{https?://} and $crl_age > 7200))){
if (defined $notify_crl){
my %mail = (
To => $notify_crl,
From => 'radius@' . hostdomain(),
Subject => 'CRL issue',
Message => 'Authentication done with an outdated CRL'
} else {
die "CRL is too old or missing\n";
my $cmd = "openssl verify -trusted $ca -purpose sslclient";
$cmd .= " -crl_check -CRLfile $crl_file" if (defined $crl_file);
$cmd .= " $cert";
my $ca_check = qx($cmd);
if ($? != 0){
print "openssl verify command returned non zero\n";
print $ca_check;
exit 1;
if ($ca_check !~ m/^$cert:\s+OK$/){
print "openssl failed to verify $cert against $ca\n";
exit 1;
my $expire_check = qx(openssl x509 -in $cert -checkend 0);
if ($? != 0 || $expire_check !~ m/^Certificate will not expire/){
print "certificate is expired\n";
exit 1;
if ($issuer){
my $issuer_check = qx(openssl x509 -in $cert -noout -issuer);
$issuer_check =~ s/^issuer=\s*//;
unless ($issuer_check eq $issuer){
print "Certificate is signed by $issuer_check instead of $issuer\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;