Ansible roles
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22 lines
870 B

- name: Deploy httpd configuration
template: src=httpd.conf.j2 dest=/etc/httpd/ansible_conf.d/10-{{ app_id }}.conf
notify: reload httpd
- name: Deploy PHP config
template: src=php.conf.j2 dest={{ httpd_php_versions[php_version].conf_path }}/php-fpm.d/{{ app_id }}.conf
when: php_fpm_pool is not defined or php_fpm_pool == ''
notify: restart php-fpm
- name: Remove PHP config from other versions
file: path={{ httpd_php_versions[item].conf_path }}/php-fpm.d/{{ app_id }}.conf state=absent
with_items: "{{ httpd_php_versions.keys() | list | difference([ php_version ]) }}"
notify: restart php-fpm
- name: Remove PHP config (using a custom pool)
file: path={{ httpd_php_versions[item].conf_path }}/php-fpm.d/{{ app_id }}.conf state=absent
with_items: "{{ httpd_php_versions.keys() | list }}"
when: php_fpm_pool != ''
notify: restart php-fpm