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- name: Install needed tools
- tar
- mariadb
- acl
- patch
tags: dolibarr
- name: Download Dolibarr
url: "{{ dolibarr_archive_url }}"
dest: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/tmp/"
checksum: "sha1:{{ dolibarr_archive_sha1 }}"
when: dolibarr_install_mode != 'none'
tags: dolibarr
- name: Extract dolibarr archive
src: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/tmp/dolibarr-{{ dolibarr_version }}.tgz"
dest: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/tmp"
remote_src: yes
when: dolibarr_install_mode != 'none'
tags: dolibarr
- name: Move files to the correct directory
src: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/tmp/dolibarr-{{ dolibarr_version }}/"
dest: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/"
recursive: True
delete: True
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
when: dolibarr_install_mode != 'none'
tags: dolibarr
- name: Apply local patches
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
backup: True
- src: dolibarr_token.patch
dest: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/htdocs/"
tags: dolibarr
# Custom dir is where custom modules are installed.
# This dir was in data previously, but this is not working with
# some modules which use relative path for their includes
- name: Check if custom dir is linked to the data dir
stat: path={{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/htdocs/custom
register: dolibarr_custom_link
tags: dolibarr
- stat: path={{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/data/custom
register: dolibarr_custom_data
tags: dolibarr
- name: Remove custom symlink
file: path={{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/htdocs/custom state=absent
- dolibarr_custom_link.stat.islnk is defined
- dolibarr_custom_link.stat.islnk == True
tags: dolibarr
- name: Make sure the custom dir exists
file: path={{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/htdocs/custom state=directory
tags: dolibarr
- name: Move custom content to the htdocs/custom dir
src: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/data/custom/"
dest: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/htdocs/custom/"
recursive: True
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
- dolibarr_custom_link.stat.islnk is defined
- dolibarr_custom_link.stat.islnk == True
- dolibarr_custom_data.stat.isdir is defined
- dolibarr_custom_data.stat.isdir == True
tags: dolibarr
- name: Remove custom dir from the data dir
file: path={{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/data/custom/ state=absent
- dolibarr_custom_data.stat.isdir is defined
- dolibarr_custom_data.stat.isdir == True
tags: dolibarr
- name: Restore custom dir after an upgrade
src: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dolibarr_current_version }}/web/htdocs/custom/"
dest: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/htdocs/custom/"
recursive: True
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
when: dolibarr_install_mode == 'upgrade'
tags: dolibarr
- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_create_mysql_db.yml
- db_name: "{{ dolibarr_db_name }}"
- db_user: "{{ dolibarr_db_user }}"
- db_server: "{{ dolibarr_db_server }}"
- db_pass: "{{ dolibarr_db_pass }}"
tags: dolibarr
- name: Add a script to sync from LDAP
content: |
/bin/php{{ dolibarr_php_version }} {{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/scripts/user/sync_users_ldap2dolibarr.php now -y
/bin/php{{ dolibarr_php_version }} {{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/scripts/user/sync_groups_ldap2dolibarr.php now -y
dest: "{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/scripts/user/"
tags: dolibarr
- name: Deploy backup scripts
template: src={{ item }}-backup.j2 dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/dolibarr_{{ dolibarr_id }} mode=750
- pre
- post
tags: dolibarr
- name: Setup cron job to sync users and groups from LDAP
name: dolibarr_{{ dolibarr_id }}_ldap
minute: '*/15'
user: "{{ dolibarr_php_user }}"
job: "sleep $[ ( $RANDOM \\% 30 ) ] && {{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/web/scripts/user/ | /bin/systemd-cat -t dolibarr_{{ dolibarr_id }}"
cron_file: dolibarr_{{ dolibarr_id }}_ldap
state: "{{ (dolibarr_sync_from_ldap is defined and dolibarr_sync_from_ldap) | ternary('present','absent') }}"
tags: dolibarr
- name: Set var_log_t context for log files
target: '{{ dolibarr_root_dir }}/data/.*\.log'
setype: httpd_log_t
when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
tags: dolibarr
- name: Install logrotate configuration
template: src=logrotate.conf.j2 dest=/etc/logrotate.d/dolibarr_{{ dolibarr_id }}
tags: dolibarr