Ansible roles
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- name: Ensure openssl is installed
yum: name=openssl
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- name: Ensure openssl is installed
apt: name=openssl
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- name: Create cert dir
file: path={{ cert_path | dirname }} state=directory
- name: Create private key directory
file: path={{ cert_key_path | dirname }} state=directory mode=700 owner={{ cert_user | default(omit) }}
- name: Create the self signed certificate
command: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:{{ cert_key_size | default(4096) }} \
-subj "{{ cert_subj | default('/C=FR/ST=Aquitaine/L=Firewall Services/O=IT Security/CN=' + inventory_hostname) }}" \
-nodes -keyout {{ cert_key_path }} -out {{ cert_path }} -days {{ cert_validity | default(3650) }}
creates: "{{ cert_path }}"
- name: Restrict permissions of the private key
file: path={{ cert_key_path }} owner={{ cert_user | default(omit) }} group={{ cert_user | default(omit) }} mode=600