Ansible roles
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- name: Allow network connections in SELinux
seboolean: name={{ item }} state=True persistent=True
- httpd_can_network_connect
when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
tags: web
- name: Allow nginx to bind on ports
seport: ports={{ (nginx_ports + nginx_ssl_ports ) | join(',') }} proto=tcp setype=http_port_t state=present
when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
tags: web
- name: Ensure correct context on cache
target: '/var/cache/nginx(/.*)?'
setype: httpd_cache_t
register: nginx_cache_context
tags: web
- name: Restore context of cache files
command: restorecon -R /var/cache/nginx
changed_when: nginx_cache_context.changed
tags: web