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- name: Install needed tools
- unzip
- acl
- git
- ffmpeg
- mariadb
tags: ampache
- import_tasks: ../includes/create_system_user.yml
- user: "{{ ampache_php_user }}"
- comment: "PHP FPM for ampache {{ ampache_id }}"
tags: ampache
- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_set_install_mode.yml
- root_dir: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}"
- version: "{{ ampache_version }}"
tags: ampache
- set_fact: ampache_install_mode={{ (install_mode == 'upgrade' and not ampache_manage_upgrade) | ternary('none',install_mode) }}
tags: ampache
- set_fact: ampache_current_version={{ current_version | default('') }}
tags: ampache
- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_archive.yml
- root_dir: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}"
- version: "{{ ampache_current_version }}"
- db_name: "{{ ampache_mysql_db }}"
when: ampache_install_mode == 'upgrade'
tags: ampache
- name: Create directory structure
file: path={{ item }} state=directory
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/web"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/tmp"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/sessions"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/meta"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/logs"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/data"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/data/metadata"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/data/music"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/data/video"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/backup"
failed_when: False # Don't fail when a fuse FS is mount on /music for example
tags: ampache
- when: ampache_install_mode != 'none'
- name: Create tmp dir
file: path={{ ampache_root_dir }}/tmp/ampache state=directory
- name: Download Ampache
url: "{{ ampache_zip_url }}"
dest: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/tmp/"
checksum: "sha1:{{ ampache_zip_sha1 }}"
- name: Extract ampache archive
src: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/tmp/ampache-{{ ampache_version }}"
dest: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/tmp/ampache"
remote_src: yes
- name: Move files to the correct directory
src: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/tmp/ampache/"
dest: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/"
delete: True
compress: False
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
tags: ampache
- name: Check if htaccess files needs to be moved
stat: path={{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/public/{{ item }}/.htaccess.dist
- channel
- play
- rest
register: htaccess
tags: ampache
- name: Rename htaccess files
command: mv -f {{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/public/{{ item.item }}/.htaccess.dist {{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/public/{{ item.item }}/.htaccess
with_items: "{{ htaccess.results }}"
when: item.stat.exists
tags: ampache
- import_tasks: ../includes/get_rand_pass.yml
- pass_file: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/meta/key.txt"
tags: ampache
- set_fact: ampache_key={{ rand_pass }}
tags: ampache
- import_tasks: ../includes/get_rand_pass.yml
- pass_file: "{{ampache_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_dbpass"
when: ampache_mysql_pass is not defined
tags: ampache
- set_fact: ampache_mysql_pass={{ rand_pass }}
when: ampache_mysql_pass is not defined
tags: ampache
- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_create_mysql_db.yml
- db_name: "{{ ampache_mysql_db }}"
- db_user: "{{ ampache_mysql_user }}"
- db_server: "{{ ampache_mysql_server }}"
- db_pass: "{{ ampache_mysql_pass }}"
tags: ampache
- name: Inject SQL structure
name: "{{ ampache_mysql_db }}"
state: import
target: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/sql/ampache.sql"
login_host: "{{ ampache_mysql_server }}"
login_user: sqladmin
login_password: "{{ mysql_admin_pass }}"
when: ampache_install_mode == 'install'
tags: ampache
- name: Deploy ampache configuration
template: src=ampache.cfg.php.j2 dest={{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/config/ampache.cfg.php group={{ ampache_php_user }} mode=640
tags: ampache
#- name: Upgrade SQL database
# command: php{{ ampache_php_version }} {{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/bin/cli admin:updateDatabase
# become_user: "{{ ampache_php_user }}"
# when: ampache_install_mode == 'upgrade'
# tags: ampache
- name: Grant admin privileges
command: mysql --host={{ ampache_mysql_server }} --user=sqladmin --password={{ mysql_admin_pass }} {{ ampache_mysql_db }} -e "UPDATE `user` SET `access`='100' WHERE `username`='{{ item }}'"
changed_when: False
become_user: "{{ ampache_php_user }}"
with_items: "{{ ampache_admin_users }}"
tags: ampache
- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_webconf.yml
- app_id: ampache_{{ ampache_id }}
- php_version: "{{ ampache_php_version }}"
- php_fpm_pool: "{{ ampache_php_fpm_pool | default('') }}"
tags: ampache
- name: Deploy motd
template: src=motd.php.j2 dest={{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/config/motd.php
when: ampache_motd is defined
tags: ampache
- name: Remove motd
file: path={{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/config/motd.php state=absent
when: ampache_motd is not defined
tags: ampache
- name: Deploy cron scripts
template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest={{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/bin/{{ item }}
tags: ampache
- name: Enable cronjob
name: ampache_{{ ampache_id }}
special_time: daily
user: "{{ ampache_php_user }}"
job: "/bin/sh {{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/bin/"
cron_file: ampache_{{ ampache_id }}
tags: ampache
- name: Deploy sso script
template: src=sso.php.j2 dest={{ ampache_root_dir }}/web/sso.php
tags: ampache
- name: Deploy backup scripts
template: src={{ item }}-backup.j2 dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/ampache_{{ ampache_id }} mode=750
- pre
- post
tags: ampache
- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_compress_archive.yml
- root_dir: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}"
- version: "{{ ampache_current_version }}"
when: ampache_install_mode == 'upgrade'
tags: ampache
- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_post.yml
- root_dir: "{{ ampache_root_dir }}"
- version: "{{ ampache_version }}"
tags: ampache
- name: Remove temp and obsolete files
file: path={{ item }} state=absent
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/tmp/ampache-{{ ampache_version }}"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/tmp/ampache/"
- "{{ ampache_root_dir }}/db_dumps"
- /etc/backup/pre.d/ampache_{{ ampache_id }}_dump_db
- /etc/backup/post.d/ampache_{{ ampache_id }}_rm_dump
tags: ampache