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- name: Install backup tools
yum: name=rsync
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- name: Install backup tools
apt: name=rsync
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- name: Create a local backup user account
user: name=lbkp comment="Local backup account" system=yes shell={{ backup_shell }}
tags: backup
- name: Deploy sudo configuration
template: src=sudo.j2 dest=/etc/sudoers.d/backup mode=400
tags: backup
- name: Deploy SSH keys for the backup account
user: lbkp
key: "{{ backup_ssh_keys | join(\"\n\") }}"
key_options: "{{ backup_ssh_keys_options | join(',') }}"
exclusive: yes
when: backup_src_ip is not defined or backup_src_ip | length < 1
tags: backup
- name: Deploy SSH keys for the backup account (with source IP restriction)
user: lbkp
key: "{{ backup_ssh_keys | join(\"\n\") }}"
key_options: "from=\"{{ backup_src_ip | join(',') }}\",{{ backup_ssh_keys_options | join(',') }}"
exclusive: yes
- backup_src_ip is defined
- backup_src_ip | length > 0
tags: backup
- name: Create pre and post backup hook dir
file: path={{ item }} state=directory mode=750
- /etc/backup/pre.d
- /etc/backup/post.d
tags: backup
- name: Deploy default pre/post backup hooks
content: "{{ item.content }}"
dest: /etc/backup/{{ item.type }}.d/default
mode: 755
- type: pre
content: "{{ backup_pre_script }}"
- type: post
content: "{{ backup_post_script }}"
tags: backup
- name: Copy pre-backup script
copy: src={{ item }} dest=/usr/local/bin/{{ item }} mode=750 group=lbkp
- pre-backup
- post-backup
tags: backup
- name: Deploy rpm dump list script
copy: src=dump-rpms-list dest=/etc/backup/pre.d/dump-rpms-list mode=755
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
tags: backup
- name: Create megaraid dump dir
file: path=/home/lbkp/megaraid state=directory
tags: backup
- name: Deploy MegaCli backup scripts
copy: src={{ item.script }} dest=/etc/backup/{{ item.type }}.d/{{ item.script }} mode=750
- script: dump-megaraid-cfg
type: pre
- script: rm-megaraid-cfg
type: post
when: lsi_controllers | default([]) | length > 0
tags: backup