Ansible roles
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Version to install
crowdsec_version: 1.0.7
# URL of the archive
crowdsec_archive_url:{{ crowdsec_version }}/crowdsec-release.tgz
# Expected sha1 of the archive
crowdsec_archive_sha1: 7c9dc58c6648c8fd43b297427d6a53fe940cbf13
# Can be sqlite or mysql
crowdsec_db_engine: sqlite
# This is for mysql backend
crowdsec_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}"
crowdsec_db_port: 3306
crowdsec_db_name: crowdsec
crowdsec_db_user: crowdsec
# If not defined, a random one will be generated and store in /etc/crowdsec/meta/ansible_dbpass
# crowdsec_db_pass: S3cr3t.
# You can disable the Local API, if using a remote one for example
crowdsec_lapi_enabled: True
# Set to true if Local API is enabled, and you intend to use it through a trusted reverse proxy
crowdsec_use_forwarded_headers: False
# Port on which the Local API will listen
crowdsec_lapi_port: 8080
# List of IP/CIDR allowed to access crowdsec_lapi_port
crowdsec_lapi_src_ip: []
# Address of the Local API server
# The default config will make it standalone
crowdsec_lapi_url: http://localhost:{{ crowdsec_lapi_port }}/
crowdsec_lapi_user: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
# On installation, ansible will register this host on the Local API
# And will then validate the registration on the following server.
# So set it to your own Local API server so ansible will delegate the task
crowdsec_lapi_server: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
# Use the central API, to share your banned IP, and received list of IP to ban
# Requires crowdsec_lapi_enabled to be true too
crowdsec_capi_enabled: False
# You can either register manuelly and the the user/pass with those variable
# Else, ansible will register and configure the credentials
# crowdsec_capi_user: 123456789
# crowdsec_capi_pass: azertyuiop
# Port on which the prometheus metric endpoint will bind to
crowdsec_prometheus_port: 6060
# List of IP/CIDR allowed to access the prometheus port
crowdsec_prometheus_src_ip: []
# Default duration of a ban
crowdsec_ban_duration: 15m
# List of parsers to install from the hub
- crowdsecurity/syslog-logs
- crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich
- crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich
- crowdsecurity/whitelists
# - crowdsecurity/sshd-logs
# - crowdsecurity/iptables-logs
# List of scenarios to install from the hub
- crowdsecurity/ban-defcon-drop_range
# - crowdsecurity/ssh-bf
# List of postoverflows to install from the hub
- crowdsecurity/cdn-whitelist
- crowdsecurity/rdns
- crowdsecurity/seo-bots-whitelist