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- name: Deploy patrix configuration file
template: src=patrixrc.j2 dest=/var/lib/zabbix/.patrixrc owner=zabbix group=zabbix mode=600
when: (zabbix_server_matrix_user is defined and zabbix_server_matrix_pass is defined) or zabbix_server_matrix_access_token is defined
tags: zabbix
- name: Deploy PHP configuration
template: src=php.conf.j2 dest=/etc/opt/remi/php{{ zabbix_server_php_version }}/php-fpm.d/zabbix_server.conf
when: zabbix_server_php_fpm_pool is not defined
notify: restart php-fpm
tags: zabbix
- name: Remove PHP configuration from other versions
file: path=/etc/opt/remi/php{{ item }}/php-fpm.d/zabbix_server.conf state=absent
with_items: "{{ httpd_php_versions | difference([ zabbix_server_php_version ]) }}"
notify: restart php-fpm
tags: zabbix
- name: Remove PHP configuration (using a custom pool)
file: path=/etc/opt/remi/php{{ zabbix_server_php_version }}/php-fpm.d/zabbix_server.conf state=absent
when: zabbix_server_php_fpm_pool is defined
notify: restart php-fpm
tags: zabbix
- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_create_mysql_db.yml
- db_name: "{{ zabbix_server_db_name }}"
- db_user: "{{ zabbix_server_db_user }}"
- db_server: "{{ zabbix_server_db_server }}"
- db_pass: "{{ zabbix_server_db_pass }}"
- db_encoding: utf8
- db_collation: utf8_bin
tags: zabbix
- name: Check if database is initialized
command: mysql -h'{{ zabbix_server_db_server }}' -u'{{ zabbix_server_db_user }}' -p'{{ zabbix_server_db_pass }}' '{{ zabbix_server_db_name }}' -e 'select mandatory,optional from dbversion'
register: zabbix_server_db_init
changed_when: False
failed_when: False
tags: zabbix
- name: Check Zabbix version
shell: rpm -q --qf "%{version}" zabbix-server-mysql
warn: False
register: zabbix_server_version
changed_when: False
tags: zabbix
- when: zabbix_server_db_init.rc != 0
tags: zabbix
- name: Uncompress Zabbix schema file
shell: gzip -dc /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql/create.sql.gz > /tmp/zabbix.sql
- name: Load DB schema
name: "{{ zabbix_server_db_name }}"
state: import
target: /tmp/zabbix.sql
login_host: "{{ zabbix_server_db_server }}"
login_user: sqladmin
login_password: "{{ mysql_admin_pass }}"
- name: Remove schema file
file: path=/tmp/zabbix.sql state=absent
- name: Deploy zabbix server config
template: src=zabbix_server.conf.j2 dest=/etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf group=zabbix mode=640
notify: restart zabbix-server
tags: zabbix
- name: Deploy java gateway configuration
template: src=zabbix_java_gateway.conf.j2 dest=/etc/zabbix/zabbix_java_gateway.conf
notify: restart zabbix-java-gateway
tags: zabbix
- name: Deploy zabbix web config
template: src=zabbix.conf.php.j2 dest=/etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php group=apache mode=640
tags: zabbix
- name: Deploy httpd config
template: src=httpd.conf.j2 dest=/etc/httpd/ansible_conf.d/zabbix_server.conf
notify: reload httpd
tags: zabbix
- name: Deploy server scripts
copy: src=scripts/ dest=/var/lib/zabbix/bin/ mode=755
tags: zabbix