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22 lines
700 B

- name: Create archive directory
file: path={{ gitea_root_dir }}/archives/{{ gitea_current_version }} state=directory mode=700
tags: gitea
- name: Archive previous version
copy: src={{ gitea_root_dir }}/bin/gitea dest={{ gitea_root_dir }}/archives/{{ gitea_current_version }} remote_src=True
tags: gitea
- name: Archive the database
state: dump
name: "{{ gitea_db_name }}"
target: "{{ gitea_root_dir }}/archives/{{ gitea_current_version }}/{{ gitea_db_name }}.sql.xz"
login_host: "{{ gitea_db_server | default(mysql_server) }}"
login_user: sqladmin
login_password: "{{ mysql_admin_pass }}"
quick: True
single_transaction: True
tags: gitea