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- name: Restore configuration
copy: src={{ matomo_root_dir }}/archives/{{ matomo_current_version }}/web/config/config.ini.php dest={{ matomo_root_dir }}/web/config/config.ini.php remote_src=True
when: matomo_install_mode == "upgrade"
tags: matomo
- name: Configure Matomo
path: "{{ matomo_root_dir }}/web/config/config.ini.php"
option: "{{ item.option }}"
section: "{{ item.section }}"
value: "{{ item.value }}"
mode: 0660
group: "{{ matomo_php_user }}"
- option: host
section: database
value: '"{{ matomo_db_server }}"'
- option: username
section: database
value: '"{{ matomo_db_user }}"'
- option: password
section: database
value: '"{{ matomo_db_pass }}"'
- option: dbname
section: database
value: '"{{ matomo_db_name }}"'
- option: assume_secure_protocol
section: General
value: 1
- option: salt
section: General
value: '"{{ matomo_salt }}"'
- option: enable_load_data_infile
section: General
value: 0
- option: tmp_path
section: General
value: "/../tmp"
- option: enable_auto_update
section: General
value: 0
- option: piwik_professional_support_ads_enabled
section: General
value: 0
- option: enable_fingerprinting_across_websites
section: Tracker
value: 1
- option: transport
section: mail
value: '"smtp"'
- option: host
section: mail
value: '"localhost"'
tags: matomo
- name: Configure system proxy
path: "{{ matomo_root_dir }}/web/config/config.ini.php"
option: "{{ item.option }}"
section: "{{ item.section }}"
value: "{{ item.value }}"
- option: host
section: proxy
value: "{{ system_proxy | urlsplit('hostname') }}"
- option: port
section: proxy
value: "{{ system_proxy | urlsplit('port') | default('8080') }}"
when: system_proxy is defined
tags: matomo
- name: Configure reverse proxy
path: "{{ matomo_root_dir }}/web/config/config.ini.php"
option: "{{ item.option }}"
section: "{{ item.section }}"
value: "{{ item.value }}"
- option: "proxy_client_headers[]"
section: General
- option: "proxy_host_headers[]"
section: General
when: httpd_src_ip is defined and httpd_src_ip | length > 0 and '' not in httpd_src_ip
tags: matomo
- name: Configure LDAP Authentication
path: "{{ matomo_root_dir }}/web/config/config.ini.php"
option: "{{ item }}"
section: LoginLdap
value: "{{ (matomo_ldap_all[item] is number) | ternary(matomo_ldap_all[item],'\"' + matomo_ldap_all[item] | string + '\"') }}"
state: "{{ matomo_ldap_all.enabled | ternary('present','absent') }}"
with_items: "{{ matomo_ldap_all.keys() | list | difference(['enabled','hostname','admin_user','admin_pass','base_dn','port']) }}"
tags: matomo
- name: Configure LDAP Servers
path: "{{ matomo_root_dir }}/web/config/config.ini.php"
option: "{{ item }}"
section: LoginLdap_ldap
value: "{{ (matomo_ldap_all[item] is number) | ternary(matomo_ldap_all[item],'\"' + matomo_ldap_all[item] | string + '\"') }}"
state: "{{ (matomo_ldap_all.enabled and matomo_ldap_all[item] is defined) | ternary('present','absent') }}"
with_items: [hostname,port,base_dn,admin_user,admin_pass]
tags: matomo
- name: Clear cache
command: php{{ (matomo_php_version == '54') | ternary('',matomo_php_version) }} {{ matomo_root_dir }}/web/console cache:clear
changed_when: False
when: matomo_install_mode == 'upgrade'
tags: matomo
- name: Enable plugins
command: php{{ (matomo_php_version == '54') | ternary('',matomo_php_version) }} {{ matomo_root_dir }}/web/console plugin:activate {{ item }}
with_items: "{{ matomo_plugins_to_install }}"
changed_when: False
tags: matomo
- name: Update Matomo database
command: /bin/php{{ (matomo_php_version == '54') | ternary('',matomo_php_version) }} {{ matomo_root_dir }}/web/console --no-interaction core:update --yes
when: matomo_install_mode != 'none'
tags: matomo
- name: Sync LDAP users
command: php{{ (matomo_php_version == '54') | ternary('',matomo_php_version) }} {{ matomo_root_dir }}/web/console loginldap:synchronize-users
- matomo_ldap_all.enabled
- '"LoginLdap" in matomo_plugins_to_install'
changed_when: False
tags: matomo