funkwhale_version: 0.20.1
funkwhale_id: 1
#funkwhale_archive_url: https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/-/archive/{{ funkwhale_version }}/funkwhale-{{ funkwhale_version }}.tar.gz
funkwhale_base_url: https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/-/jobs/artifacts/{{ funkwhale_version }}/download
api: 0fc2f0152c18bff3d33410d299b2c67f8a4fe101
front: dc9094508048176ed9f7fe819d6d5e92ed415511
funkwhale_root_dir: /opt/funkwhale_{{ funkwhale_id }}
# Should ansible manage upgrades of funkwhale, or only initial install
funkwhale_manage_upgrade: True
# A random one will be created if not defined
# funkwhale_secret_key:
funkwhale_user: funkwhale_{{ funkwhale_id }}
funkwhale_api_port: 5006
# Set to your public URL
funkwhale_public_url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}
# Database param
funkwhale_db_server: "{{ pg_server | default('localhost') }}"
funkwhale_db_port: 5432
funkwhale_db_name: funkwhale_{{ funkwhale_id }}
funkwhale_db_user: funkwhale_{{ funkwhale_id }}
# A rand pass will be created if not defined
# funkwhale_db_pass:
# Cache param
funkwhale_redis_url: redis://
# LDAP param
funkwhale_ldap_auth: False
funkwhale_ldap_url: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('ldap://' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | lower, ldap_auth | default(False) | ternary(ldap_uri, '')) }}"
# funkwhale_bind_dn: CN=Funkwhale,OU=Apps,DC=example,DC=org
# funkwhale_bind_pass: S3cR3t.
funkwhale_ldap_user_filter: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName={0}))','(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={0}))') }}"
funkwhale_ldap_base: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary((ad_ldap_user_search_base is defined) | ternary(ad_ldap_user_search_base,'DC=' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | regex_replace('\\.',',DC=')), ldap_auth | ternary(ldap_user_base + ',' + ldap_base, '')) }}"
funkwhale_ldap_attr_map: "first_name:givenName, last_name:sn, username:{{ ad_auth | ternary('sAMAccountName', 'uid') }}, email:mail"
# dict of library ID <-> path from which to import music
funkwhale_libraries: []
# funkwhale_libraries:
# - id: 7b64b90c-353d-4969-8ab4-dafdf049036e
# path: /opt/funkwhale/data/music
# inplace: True
# Increase on busy servers (but will require more memory
funkwhale_web_workers: 1