Ansible roles
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859 B

mayan_version: 3.4.17
mayan_root_dir: /opt/mayan-edms
mayan_user: mayan-edms
# Should ansible handle upgrades ? If false, only initial install will be done
mayan_manage_upgrade: True
mayan_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}"
mayan_db_user: mayanedms
mayan_db_name: mayanedms
# A random pass will be created if not defined
# mayan_db_pass: S3cr3t.
# URL of the redis server to use
mayan_redis_url: redis://{% if redis_pass is defined %}:{{ redis_pass }}{% endif %}
# Mayan EDMS needs 2 redis DB. Set here the ID
# of the DB you want to use
result_backend: 0
broker: 1
# Number of web workers
mayan_web_workers: 2
# Port and list of allowed IP
mayan_port: 8000
mayan_src_ip: []
# From email address
mayan_from_mail: mayan-edsm@{{ ansible_domain }}
# Main language for document
mayan_doc_lang: fra