Ansible roles
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httpd_ports: ['80']
httpd_user: apache
httpd_group: apache
- unixd
- access_compat
- alias
- allowmethods
- auth_basic
- authn_core
- authn_file
- authz_core
- authz_host
- authz_user
- autoindex
- deflate
- dir
- env
- expires
- filter
- headers
- log_config
- logio
- mime_magic
- mime
- include
- remoteip
- rewrite
- setenvif
- systemd
- status
- negotiation
- fcgid
- proxy
- proxy_fcgi
- proxy_http
- proxy_wstunnel
# Optional extra module to load
# httpd_modules_extras: []
httpd_mpm: prefork
httpd_primary_domain: ''
httpd_log_format: 'combined_virtual'
- ''
httpd_proxy_timeout: 90
httpd_ansible_vhosts: []
httpd_ansible_directories: []
httpd_custom_conf: |
# Custom config directives here
httpd_htpasswd: []
# httpd_htpasswd:
# - path: /etc/httpd/conf/customers.htpasswd
# users:
# - login: client1
# password: s3crEt.
# The default vhost will have the name of the server in the inventory.
# But you can overwrite it with this var
# httpd_default_vhost: