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- name: Install packages
- clamav
- clamav-data-empty
- clamav-server-systemd
- clamav-update
- name: Create clamav user account
name: clamav
system: True
shell: /sbin/nologin
comment: "ClamAV antivirus user account"
- name: Set SELinux
seboolean: name={{ item }} state=True persistent=True
- clamd_use_jit
- antivirus_can_scan_system
when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
- name: Deploy freshclam configuration
template: src=freshclam.conf.j2 dest=/etc/freshclam.conf mode=644
notify: restart freshclam
- name: Deploy clamd configuration
template: src=clamd.conf.j2 dest=/etc/clamd.conf
notify: restart clamd
- name: Deploy systemd units
template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/{{ item }}
- freshclam.service
- clamd.service
- restart freshclam
- restart clamd
register: clamav_units
- name: Deploy tmpfiles.d fragment
content: 'd /var/run/clamav 755 {{ clam_user }} {{ clam_group }}'
dest: /etc/tmpfiles.d/clamav.conf
notify: systemd-tmpfiles
- name: Reload systemd
command: systemctl daemon-reload
when: clamav_units.changed
- name: Start and enable freshclam
service: name=freshclam state=started enabled=True
- name: Handle clamd service
service: name=clamd state={{ clam_enable_clamd | ternary('started','stopped') }} enabled={{ clam_enable_clamd }}