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- include: facts.yml
- name: List configured relay domains
command: pmgsh get /config/domains
register: wh_pmg_domains
changed_when: False
tags: mail
- set_fact: wh_pmg_domains={{ wh_pmg_domains.stdout | from_json | map(attribute='domain') | list }}
tags: mail
- name: Create domains in PMG relay table
command: pmgsh create /config/domains --domain "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ wh_mail_domains_to_relay }}"
when: item not in wh_pmg_domains
tags: mail
- name: Remove domains from PMG relay table
command: pmgsh delete /config/domains/{{ item }}
loop: "{{ wh_pmg_domains }}"
when: item not in wh_mail_domains_to_relay