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- name: Set default install mode
set_fact: seafile_install_mode='none'
tags: seafile
# Makes sur we do not have a trailing / on the public url
- set_fact: seafile_public_url={{ seafile_public_url | regex_replace('/$','') }}
tags: seafile
- name: Check if seafile is installed
stat: path={{ seafile_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_version
register: seafile_version_file
tags: seafile
- name: Check installed version
command: cat {{ seafile_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_version
register: seafile_current_version
when: seafile_version_file.stat.exists
changed_when: False
tags: seafile
- name: Set install mode to install
set_fact: seafile_install_mode='install'
when: not seafile_version_file.stat.exists
tags: seafile
- name: Set install mode to upgrade
set_fact: seafile_install_mode='upgrade'
- seafile_version_file.stat.exists
- seafile_current_version is defined
- seafile_current_version.stdout != seafile_version
tags: seafile
# Needed to have consistent behaviour with the various components
# which do not all support unix socket
- name: Set DB server to
set_fact: seafile_db_server=""
when: seafile_db_server == 'localhost'
tags: seafile
- name: Generate an ID for seahub
shell: date | sha1sum | awk '{ print $1 }' > {{ seafile_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_ccnet_id
creates: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_ccnet_id"
when: seafile_ccnet_id is not defined
tags: seafile
- name: Read seahub ID
command: cat {{ seafile_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_ccnet_id
register: seafile_seahub_rand_id
when: seafile_ccnet_id is not defined
changed_when: False
tags: seafile
- name: Set seahub ID
set_fact: seafile_ccnet_id={{ seafile_seahub_rand_id.stdout }}
when: seafile_ccnet_id is not defined
tags: seafile
- name: Generate a password for the database
- import_tasks: ../includes/get_rand_pass.yml
- pass_file: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_dbpass"
- complex: False
- set_fact: seafile_db_pass={{ rand_pass }}
when: seafile_db_pass is not defined
tags: seafile
- name: Set seafile ports
seafile_ports: "[ {{ seafile_seafile_port }}, {{ seafile_seahub_port }} ]"
tags: seafile
- name: Add webdav port
seafile_ports: "{{ seafile_ports }} + [ {{ seafile_webdav_port }} ]"
when: seafile_webdav == True
tags: seafile