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- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_webconf.yml
- app_id: bookstack_{{ bookstack_id }}
- php_version: "{{ bookstack_php_version }}"
- php_fpm_pool: "{{ bookstack_php_fpm_pool | default('') }}"
tags: bookstack
- when: bookstack_app_key is not defined
- name: Generate a uniq application key
shell: /bin/php{{ bookstack_php_version }} {{ bookstack_root_dir }}/app/artisan key:generate --show > {{ bookstack_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_app_key
creates: "{{ bookstack_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_app_key"
- name: Read application key
slurp: src={{ bookstack_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_app_key
register: bookstack_rand_app_key
- set_fact: bookstack_app_key={{ bookstack_rand_app_key.content | b64decode | trim }}
tags: bookstack
- name: Deploy BookStack configuration
template: src=env.j2 dest={{ bookstack_root_dir }}/app/.env group={{ bookstack_php_user }} mode=640
tags: bookstack
- when: bookstack_install_mode != 'none'
- name: Migrate the database
shell: echo yes | /bin/php{{ bookstack_php_version }} {{ bookstack_root_dir }}/app/artisan migrate
- name: Clear cache
command: /bin/php{{ bookstack_php_version }} {{ bookstack_root_dir }}/app/artisan cache:clear
- name: Clear views
command: /bin/php{{ bookstack_php_version }} {{ bookstack_root_dir }}/app/artisan view:clear
become_user: "{{ bookstack_php_user }}"
tags: bookstack
- name: Deploy permission script
template: dest={{ bookstack_root_dir }}/ mode=755
register: bookstack_perm_script
tags: bookstack
- name: Apply permissions
command: "{{ bookstack_root_dir }}/"
when: bookstack_perm_script.changed or bookstack_install_mode != 'none'
tags: bookstack