Ansible roles
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

184 lines
5.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IO::Socket;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use IO::Handle;
my $maxlen = 16384;
my $port = 514;
my $maxlines = 10000;
my $logdir = '/run/cs-gelf-server/';
"port=i" => \$port,
"maxlines=i" => \$maxlines,
"logdir=s" => \$logdir
if ($port !~ /^\d+$/ or $port < 1 or $port > 65535){
die "Invalid port $port\n";
if ($maxlines !~ /^\d+/ or $maxlines < 10){
die "Invalid max line specified\n";
if (not -d $logdir){
die "$logdir doesn't exists or is not a directory\n";
# Remove trailing / of the logdir, it's not nice in the logs when you have double /
$logdir =~ s/\/$//;
# Create files so crowdsec can open them before any lines are written
foreach my $dir (qw(nginx httpd zimbra pveproxy)){
if (not -d $logdir . '/' . $dir){
make_path($logdir . '/' . $dir)
foreach my $file (qw(syslog.log nginx/access.log nginx/error.log httpd/access.log httpd/error.log zimbra/mailbox.log)){
open(FILE, '>', $logdir . '/' . $file);
print FILE '';
close FILE;
# List of syslog_identifier we're not intersted in
my @ignored_syslog_id = qw(
# List of log files we're not interested in
my @ignored_log_files = qw(
print "Start listening on UDP port $port\n";
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
LocalPort => $port,
Proto => 'udp'
) or die("Socket: $@");
my $buf;
my $cnt = {};
my $loghandles = {};
while (1) {
$sock->recv($buf, $maxlen);
my ($port, $ipaddr) = sockaddr_in($sock->peername);
my $fields = {};
# We're not really interested in CEF headers. So let's extract
# the various fields
$buf =~ m/(?:(?:CEF:\d+\|)(?:[^=\\]+\|)+)(.*)/;
my $ext = $1;
# Taken from
while ($ext =~ m/([^=\s]+)=((?:[\\]=|[^=])+)(?:\s|$)/g) {
$fields->{$1} = $2;
# Unescape value string
$fields->{$1} =~ s/\\=/=/g;
# Skip lines we're not interested in early.
# So crowdsec will eat less CPU parsing useless stuff
if (
defined $fields->{syslog_identifier} and grep { $_ eq $fields->{syslog_identifier} } @ignored_syslog_id or
defined $fields->{log_file_path} and grep { $_ eq $fields->{log_file_path} } @ignored_log_files
) {
# We need a timestamp, a source and a msg at least
if (not defined $fields->{timestamp} or not defined $fields->{source} or not defined $fields->{msg}){
my $msg;
# Default log will be syslog
my $logfile = $logdir . '/syslog.log';
# But for some services, we need special handling. Eg for web access logs
if (defined $fields->{event_dataset}){
if ($fields->{event_dataset} =~ m/^nginx\.(access|ingress_controller)/){
$logfile = $logdir . '/nginx/access.log';
$msg = $fields->{msg};
} elsif ($fields->{event_dataset} =~ m/^nginx\.error/){
$logfile = $logdir . '/nginx/error.log';
$msg = $fields->{msg};
} elsif ($fields->{event_dataset} =~ m/^apache\.access/){
$logfile = $logdir . '/httpd/access.log';
$msg = $fields->{msg};
} elsif ($fields->{event_dataset} =~ m/^apache\.error/){
$logfile = $logdir . '/httpd/access.log';
$msg = $fields->{msg};
} elsif (defined $fields->{log_file_path}){
if ($fields->{log_file_path} eq '/var/log/pveproxy/access.log'){
$logfile = $logdir . '/pveproxy/access.log';
$msg = $fields->{msg};
} elsif ($fields->{log_file_path} eq '/opt/zimbra/log/nginx.access.log'){
$logfile = $logdir . '/nginx/access.log';
$msg = $fields->{msg};
} elsif ($fields->{log_file_path} eq '/opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log'){
$logfile = $logdir . '/zimbra/mailbox.log';
$msg = $fields->{msg};
} elsif (defined $fields->{application_name}){
if ($fields->{application_name} eq 'nginx'){
$logfile = $logdir . '/nginx/access.log';
$msg = $fields->{msg};
# OK, no special handling (else $msg would be defined), so let's
# provide a syslog format
if (not defined $msg){
$msg .= $fields->{timestamp} . ' ' . $fields->{source} . ' ';
my $id = $fields->{syslog_identifier} || $fields->{program} || $fields->{application_name} || $fields->{process_name} || 'unknown';
# For older PfSense, which sent invalid syslog messages, we might extract
# the syslog identifier from the begining of the message
if ($id eq 'unknown' and $fields->{msg} =~ m/^(\w+(\[\d+\])?):\s(.*)/){
$id = $1;
$fields->{msg} = $3;
$msg .= $id;
# Try to append the pid of the process
if ($id ne 'kernel' and $id ne 'filterlog' and $id !~ m/\[\d+\]$/){
$msg .= '[';
$msg .= $fields->{process_pid} || $fields->{process_id} || $fields->{pid} || '0';
$msg .= ']';
$msg .= ': ' . $fields->{msg};
defined $loghandles->{$logfile} or open($loghandles->{$logfile}, ">>", $logfile);
# Truncate the file so it's not growing too large
# Crowdsec will read it in nearly real time anyway
if ($cnt->{$logfile}++ > $maxlines){
print "Truncating $logfile\n";
truncate $loghandles->{$logfile}, 0;
$cnt->{$logfile} = 0;
print { $loghandles->{$logfile} } $msg . "\n";