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- name: Install repositories
yum: name=centos-release-qemu-ev state=latest
- name: Install libvirt tools
- libvirt
- libvirt-python
- python-lxml
- qemu-kvm-ev
- bridge-utils
- lzop
- virt-backup
- name: Create libvirt group
group: name=libvirt state=present
- name: Add admin users in libvirt group
name: "{{ item }}"
groups: libvirt
append: yes
with_items: system_admin_users
- name: Deploy libvirtd configuration
template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/libvirt/{{ item }} backup=yes mode=644
- libvirtd.conf
- qemu.conf
notify: restart libvirtd
- name: Start and enable libvirtd
service: name=libvirtd state=started enabled=yes
- name: Remove the default libvirt network
virt_net: name=default state=absent
- name: Set guest concurrency suspend
dest: /etc/sysconfig/libvirt-guests
regexp: "#?PARALLEL_SHUTDOWN=.*"
line: "PARALLEL_SHUTDOWN={{ libvirt_parallel_suspend }}"
backup: yes
- name: Create system override directory
file: path=/etc/systemd/system/libvirt-guests.service.d/ state=directory
- name: Add a systemd snippet to override the service stop timeout
copy: src=libvirt-guests-timeout.conf dest=/etc/systemd/system/libvirt-guests.service.d/timeout.conf
- reload systemd
- name: Enable libvirt guest suspending support
service: name=libvirt-guests enabled=yes
- name: Deploy sudo configuration
template: src=sudo_libvirt.j2 dest=/etc/sudoers.d/backup_libvirt mode=400