Update to 2020-11-21 19:00

Daniel Berteaud 4 years ago
parent 11b2a33963
commit 41b24f5a92
  1. 41
  2. 11
  3. 6
  4. 6
  5. 6
  6. 6
  7. 6
  8. 2
  9. 14
  10. 5
  11. 6
  12. 4
  13. 1
  14. 188
  15. 18
  16. 38
  17. 96
  18. 27
  19. 380
  20. 22
  21. 16
  22. 16
  23. 2

@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
- include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
tags: ntp
- name: Check if systemd-timesyncd is available
stat: path=/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd
register: systemd_timesyncd
@ -10,20 +17,12 @@
when: systemd_timesyncd.stat.exists
tags: ntp
- name: Check if samba expose ntp_signd socket
stat: path=/var/lib/samba/ntp_signd/socket
register: ntp_samba_signd
tags: ntp
- include_tasks: install_{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
tags: ntp
- name: Deploy ntp configuration
template: src=ntp.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ntp.conf
notify: restart ntpd
when: samba_role is defined and (samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc')
- name: Install Chrony
package: name=chrony
tags: ntp
# Always close port, it's only used as a server on samba DC, where port 123 is opened
# by the samba role
- name: Handle ntpd port
name: ntpd_port
@ -32,23 +31,17 @@
tags: ntp
- name: Check if ntpd is installed
stat: path=/lib/systemd/system/{{ ntp_service }}.service
stat: path=/lib/systemd/system/{{ ntp_ntpd_service }}.service
register: ntp_unit
tags: ntp
# Samba DC use ntpd, all the other can shut it down and use chrony only
# If ntpd is installed, stop and disable it
- name: Handle ntpd service
name: "{{ ntp_service }}"
state: "{{ (samba_role is defined and (samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc')) | ternary('started','stopped') }}"
enabled: "{{ (samba_role is defined and (samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc')) | ternary(True,False) }}"
service: name={{ ntp_ntpd_service }} state=stopped enabled=False
when: ntp_unit.stat.exists
tags: ntp
- name: start and enable chrony
name: "{{ chrony_service }}"
state: "{{ (samba_role is defined and (samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc')) | ternary('stopped','started') }}"
enabled: "{{ (samba_role is defined and (samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc')) | ternary(False,True) }}"
- name: Start and enable chrony
service: name={{ ntp_chrony_service }} state=started enabled=True
tags: ntp

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
{% for server in ntp_servers %}
server {{ server }} iburst
{% endfor %}
{% if ansible_os_family == 'Debian' %}
keyfile /etc/chrony/chrony.keys
{% elif ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' %}
keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
{% endif %}
keyfile {{ ntp_chrony_keyfile }}
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
makestep 1.0 3
{% if samba_role is defined and samba_role in ['dc','rodc'] %}
# Running Samba DC
ntpsigndsocket /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd
allow all
{% endif %}

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ntp_ntpd_service: ntpd
ntp_chrony_service: chronyd
ntp_chrony_conf: /etc/chrony.conf
ntp_chrony_keyfile: /etc/chrony.keys

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ntp_ntpd_service: ntpd
ntp_chrony_service: chronyd
ntp_chrony_conf: /etc/chrony.conf
ntp_chrony_keyfile: /etc/chrony.keys

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ntp_ntpd_service: ntp
ntp_chrony_service: chrony
ntp_chrony_conf: /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
ntp_chrony_keyfile: /etc/chrony/chrony.keys

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ntp_ntpd_service: ntp
ntp_chrony_service: chrony
ntp_chrony_conf: /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
ntp_chrony_keyfile: /etc/chrony/chrony.keys

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ntp_ntpd_service: ntp
ntp_chrony_service: chrony
ntp_chrony_conf: /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
ntp_chrony_keyfile: /etc/chrony/chrony.keys

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- sssd*
- libsss*
tags: repo,samba
- name: Configure TIS samba repo
@ -19,3 +20,4 @@
baseurl: http://samba.tranquil.it/centos$releasever/{{ samba_major_version }}/
gpgcheck: True
gpgkey: https://samba.tranquil.it/RPM-GPG-KEY-TISSAMBA-7
tags: repo,samba

@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
- name: Install packages
- rsync
- libsemanage-python
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
tags: rsync
- name: Install packages
apt: name=rsync
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
package: name={{ rsync_packages }}
tags: rsync
- name: Handle rsyncd port

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- rsync
- libsemanage-python

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- rsync
- rsync-daemon
- python3-libsemanage

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
- rsync

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- role: repo_samba4
- role: repo_base
- role: mkdir
- role: rsync_server

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
- name: Setup env var for ldb tools
copy: src=ldb_modules_samba.sh dest=/etc/profile.d/ldb_modules_samba.sh mode=755
tags: samba
- name: Link our DC keytab to the system keytab
file: src=/var/lib/samba/private/secrets.keytab dest=/etc/krb5.keytab state=link remote_src=True force=True
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
# This is for DC where their principal is added as uppercase HOST/FQDN
# it mostly work, except for ssh kerberos auth which requires lower case host/fqdn principal
- name: Check if the keytab contains lowercase host principal
shell: klist -k /etc/krb5.keytab | grep 'host/{{ ansible_hostname }}.{{ samba_realm }}'
ignore_errors: True
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
changed_when: False
register: samba_lc_principal
tags: samba
- name: Add lower case host principal to the keytab file
command: samba-tool domain exportkeytab /etc/krb5.keytab --principal=host/{{ ansible_hostname }}.{{ samba_realm }}
- samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
- samba_lc_principal.stdout_lines | length < 1
tags: samba
- name: Add a tmpfiles.d snippet for permissions on ntp_signd socket dir
copy: content="d /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd 750 root chrony" dest=/etc/tmpfiles.d/samba_ntp.conf
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
register: samba_tmpfiles
tags: samba
- name: Create tmpfiles
command: systemd-tmpfiles --create
when: samba_tmpfiles.changed
tags: samba
- name: Deploy rsyncd snippet
template: src=rsyncd.conf.j2 dest=/etc/rsyncd.conf.d/samba_dc.conf
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Remove rsyncd snippet
file: path=/etc/rsyncd.conf.d/samba_dc.conf state=absent
when: not samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Deploy sysvol rsync password file
copy: content={{ (samba_sysvol_rsync_pass is defined) | ternary(samba_i_am_primary_dc | ternary('sysvol-replication:','') + samba_sysvol_rsync_pass,'# No password defined') }} dest=/etc/samba/rsync-sysvol.secret mode=600
tags: samba
- name: Setup cron to sync sysvol from primary DC
name: samba_sync_sysvol
cron_file: samba_sync_sysvol
minute: '*/16'
user: root
job: rsync -XAavz --delete-after {{ (samba_sysvol_rsync_pass is defined) | ternary('--password-file=/etc/samba/rsync-sysvol.secret','') }} rsync://{{ (samba_sysvol_rsync_pass is defined) | ternary('sysvol-replication@','') }}{{ samba_primary_dc }}/sysvol/ /var/lib/samba/sysvol/
state: "{{ samba_i_am_primary_dc | ternary('absent','present') }}"
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Deploy dehydrated hook
copy: src=dehydrated_deploy_hook dest=/etc/dehydrated/hooks_deploy_cert.d/samba.sh mode=755
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Remove dehydrated hook
file: path=/etc/dehydrated/hooks_deploy_cert.d/samba.sh state=absent
when: samba_role != 'dc' and samba_role != 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Create DH param
command: openssl dhparam -out /var/lib/samba/private/tls/dhparam.pem 2048
creates: /var/lib/samba/private/tls/dhparam.pem
tags: samba
- name: Deploy smb.conf
template: src=smb.conf.j2 dest=/etc/samba/smb.conf
notify: reload samba
tags: samba
- name: Check if there's a shares.conf snippet
stat: path=/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/shares.conf
register: samba_shares_snippet
tags: samba
- name: Deploy an empty shares conf snippet
copy: content="# No shares defined yet" dest=/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/shares.conf
when: not samba_shares_snippet.stat.exists
tags: samba
- name: Check if /etc/krb5.conf exists
stat: path=/etc/krb5.conf
register: samba_krb5_conf
tags: samba
- name: Start and enable the samba daemon
service: name=samba state=started enabled=True
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Reconfigure sssd
include_role: name=sssd_ad_auth
- not samba_krb5_conf.stat.exists
tags: samba
- name: Check if winbind_cache exists
stat: path=/var/lib/samba/winbindd_cache.tdb
register: samba_winbind_cache
tags: samba
- include_tasks: member_join.yml
- samba_role == 'member'
- not samba_winbind_cache.stat.exists
- name: Start and enable the smb daemon
service: name=smb state=started enabled=True
when: samba_role != 'dc' and samba_role != 'rodc'
tags: samba
# Here we just read the actual policy. This way, on the next task, we can update only the items we need
- name: Check current password policy
shell: "samba-tool domain passwordsettings show | perl -ne 'm/^{{ samba_pwd_policy_descriptions[item] }}: (.*)/ && print $1'"
register: samba_dc_current_pwd_policy
changed_when: False
with_items: "{{ samba_pwd_policy.keys() | list }}"
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Set password policy
command: samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --{{ item.item }}={{ samba_pwd_policy[item.item] }}
with_items: "{{ samba_dc_current_pwd_policy.results }}"
- samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
- item.stdout | string != samba_pwd_policy[item.item] | string
tags: samba
- name: Add default zones to the list of managed ones
set_fact: samba_dns_zones={{ samba_dns_zones | default([]) + [ samba_realm | lower, '_msdcs.' + samba_realm | lower ] }}
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Check existing DNS zones
shell: >-
samba-tool dns zonelist {{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | first }}
-U Administrator --password={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }} |
perl -ne 'm/pszZoneName\s+:\s+(.*)/ && print "$1\n"'
register: samba_existing_zones
#no_log: True
changed_when: False
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Create DNS zones
command: >-
samba-tool dns zonecreate {{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | first }}
{{ item }} -U Administrator --password={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }}
#no_log: True
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
with_items: "{{ samba_dns_zones | difference(samba_existing_zones.stdout_lines) }}"
tags: samba
- name: Remove DNS zones
command: >-
samba-tool dns zonedelete {{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | first }}
{{ item }} -U Administrator --password={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }}
#no_log: True
- samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
- samba_remove_unmanaged_dns_zones == True
with_items: "{{ samba_existing_zones.stdout_lines | difference(samba_dns_zones) }}"
tags: samba
- name: Deploy pre and post backup script
template: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} mode=755
- src: samba_pre_backup.sh.j2
dest: /etc/backup/pre.d/samba.sh
- src: samba_post_backup.sh.j2
dest: /etc/backup/post.d/samba.sh
tags: samba

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
- name: Create samba tls dir
file: path=/var/lib/samba/private/tls state=directory mode=700
tags: samba
- name: Create rsyncd conf snippet dir
file: path=/etc/rsyncd.conf.d/ state=directory
tags: samba
- name: Create samba scripts dir
file: path=/var/lib/samba/scripts state=directory
tags: samba
- name: Create conf.d directory
file: path=/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/ state=directory
tags: samba

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
- set_fact: samba_tls_cert={{ '/var/lib/dehydrated/certificates/certs/' + samba_letsencrypt_cert + '/fullchain.pem' }}
when: samba_letsencrypt_cert is defined
tags: [cert,samba]
- set_fact: samba_tls_key={{ '/var/lib/dehydrated/certificates/certs/' + samba_letsencrypt_cert + '/privkey.pem' }}
when: samba_letsencrypt_cert is defined
tags: [cert,samba]
- set_fact: samba_i_am_primary_dc={{ (inventory_hostname == samba_primary_dc and samba_role == 'dc') | ternary(True,False) }}
tags: samba
- name: Merge custom password complexity rules with default ones
set_fact: samba_pwd_policy={{ samba_base_pwd_policy | combine(samba_pwd_policy) }}
tags: samba
- include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
tags: samba
- name: Set a default samba domain
set_fact: samba_domain={{ ansible_domain | regex_replace('\.[a-z]+$','') }}
when: samba_domain is not defined
tags: samba
- name: Check if domain is provisionned
stat: path=/var/lib/samba/sysvol/{{ samba_realm }}
register: samba_dc_sysvol
tags: samba
- name: Add rsyncd port to the list of ports
set_fact: samba_dc_tcp_ports={{ samba_dc_tcp_ports + ['873'] }}
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
- name: Install common packages
yum: name={{ samba_common_packages }}
tags: samba
- name: Install DC components
yum: name={{ samba_dc_packages }}
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
# sssd-libwbclient breaks DC so only install on members
- name: Install members components
yum: name=sssd-libwbclient
- samba_role != 'dc'
- samba_role != 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Remove config files
file: path={{ item }} state=absent
- /etc/samba/smb.conf
- /etc/krb5.conf
- samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
tags: samba
- name: Stop samba services
service: name={{ item }} state=stopped
- samba
- smb
- nmb
- samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
tags: samba
# We need to have our correct hostname before joining the domain !!
- name: Set system hostname
hostname: name={{ system_hostname | default(inventory_hostname | regex_replace('^([^\.]+)\..*','\\1')) }}
tags: samba
- name: Try to join the domain (as DC)
command: >-
samba-tool domain join {{ samba_realm }} DC
--dns-backend SAMBA_INTERNAL
--realm {{ samba_realm }}
-U Administrator
--password={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }}
- samba_role == 'dc'
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
register: samba_dc_join
ignore_errors: True
tags: samba
# If we're not the primary domain, and we can't join the domain
# and we haven't done it yet, we must fail
- name: Fail if not the primary DC and joining the domain failed
fail: msg="Failed to join the domaine"
- samba_dc_join is defined
- samba_dc_join.rc is defined
- samba_dc_join.rc != 0
- not samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
tags: samba
- name: Provision the domain
command: >-
samba-tool domain provision --server-role=dc
--dns-backend SAMBA_INTERNAL --realm {{ samba_realm }}
--domain {{ samba_domain }} --use-rfc2307
--adminpass={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }}
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
- samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
- samba_dc_join.rc != 0
tags: samba
- name: Join the domain (as RODC)
command: >-
samba-tool domain join {{ samba_realm }} RODC
--dns-backend SAMBA_INTERNAL
--realm {{ samba_realm }}
-U Administrator
--password={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }}
no_log: True
- samba_role == 'rodc'
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
tags: samba

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
- name: Handle DNS ports
name: samba_dns_ports
state: "{{ (samba_dns_src_ip | length > 0) | ternary('present','absent') }}"
rules: "-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_dns_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_dns_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT\n
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_dns_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_dns_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT"
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba,firewall
- name: Handle DC services ports
name: samba_dc_ports
state: "{{ (samba_dc_src_ip | length > 0) | ternary('present','absent') }}"
rules: "-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_dc_tcp_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_dc_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT\n
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_dc_udp_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_dc_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT"
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba,firewall
- name: Handle other ports
name: samba_file_ports
state: "{{ (samba_file_src_ip | length > 0) | ternary('present','absent') }}"
rules: "-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_file_tcp_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_file_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT\n
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_file_udp_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_file_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT"
tags: samba,firewall

@ -1,377 +1,11 @@
- set_fact: samba_tls_cert={{ '/var/lib/dehydrated/certificates/certs/' + samba_letsencrypt_cert + '/fullchain.pem' }}
when: samba_letsencrypt_cert is defined
tags: [cert,samba]
- set_fact: samba_tls_key={{ '/var/lib/dehydrated/certificates/certs/' + samba_letsencrypt_cert + '/privkey.pem' }}
when: samba_letsencrypt_cert is defined
tags: [cert,samba]
- set_fact: samba_i_am_primary_dc={{ (inventory_hostname == samba_primary_dc and samba_role == 'dc') | ternary(True,False) }}
tags: samba
- name: Merge custom password complexity rules with default ones
set_fact: samba_pwd_policy={{ samba_base_pwd_policy | combine(samba_pwd_policy) }}
tags: samba
- name: Install common packages
- samba
- samba-client
- sssd-winbind-idmap
- openldap-clients
- policycoreutils-python
- tdb-tools
tags: samba
- name: Install DC components
- samba-dc
- ldb-tools
- krb5-workstation
- python36-markdown
- patch
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
# sssd-libwbclient breaks DC so only install on members
- name: Install members components
yum: name=sssd-libwbclient
- samba_role != 'dc'
- samba_role != 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Setup env var for ldb tools
copy: src=ldb_modules_samba.sh dest=/etc/profile.d/ldb_modules_samba.sh mode=755
tags: samba
- name: Set a default samba domain
set_fact: samba_domain={{ ansible_domain | regex_replace('\.[a-z]+$','') }}
when: samba_domain is not defined
tags: samba
- name: Check if domain is provisionned
stat: path=/var/lib/samba/sysvol/{{ samba_realm }}
register: samba_dc_sysvol
tags: samba
- name: Remove config files
file: path={{ item }} state=absent
- /etc/samba/smb.conf
- /etc/krb5.conf
- samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
tags: samba
- name: Stop samba services
service: name={{ item }} state=stopped
- samba
- smb
- nmb
- samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
tags: samba
- name: Add rsyncd port
set_fact: samba_dc_tcp_ports={{ samba_dc_tcp_ports + ['873'] }}
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Handle DNS ports
name: samba_dns_ports
state: "{{ (samba_dns_src_ip | length > 0) | ternary('present','absent') }}"
rules: "-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_dns_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_dns_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT\n
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_dns_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_dns_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT"
- iptables_manage | default(True)
- samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba,firewall
- name: Handle DC services ports
name: samba_dc_ports
state: "{{ (samba_dc_src_ip | length > 0) | ternary('present','absent') }}"
rules: "-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_dc_tcp_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_dc_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT\n
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_dc_udp_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_dc_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT"
- iptables_manage | default(True)
- samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba,firewall
- name: Handle other ports
name: samba_file_ports
state: "{{ (samba_file_src_ip | length > 0) | ternary('present','absent') }}"
rules: "-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_file_tcp_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_file_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT\n
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp -m multiport --dports {{ samba_file_udp_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ samba_file_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT"
- include: facts.yml
- include: directory.yml
- include: install.yml
- include: conf.yml
- include: selinux.yml
when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
- include: iptables.yml
when: iptables_manage | default(True)
tags: samba,firewall
# We need to have our correct hostname before joining the domain !!
- name: Set system hostname
hostname: name={{ system_hostname | default(inventory_hostname | regex_replace('^([^\.]+)\..*','\\1')) }}
tags: samba
- name: Try to join the domain (as DC)
command: samba-tool domain join {{ samba_realm }} DC --dns-backend SAMBA_INTERNAL --realm {{ samba_realm }} -U Administrator --password={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }}
- samba_role == 'dc'
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
register: samba_dc_join
ignore_errors: True
tags: samba
# If we're not the primary domain, and we can't join the domain
# and we haven't done it yet, we must fail
- name: Fail if not the primary DC and joining the domain failed
fail: msg="Failed to join the domaine"
- samba_dc_join is defined
- samba_dc_join.rc is defined
- samba_dc_join.rc != 0
- not samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
tags: samba
- name: Provision the domain
command: samba-tool domain provision --server-role=dc --dns-backend SAMBA_INTERNAL --realm {{ samba_realm }} --domain {{ samba_domain }} --use-rfc2307 --adminpass={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }}
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
- samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
- samba_dc_join.rc != 0
tags: samba
- name: Join the domain (as RODC)
command: samba-tool domain join {{ samba_realm }} RODC --dns-backend SAMBA_INTERNAL --realm {{ samba_realm }} -U Administrator --password={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }}
no_log: True
- samba_role == 'rodc'
- not samba_dc_sysvol.stat.exists
tags: samba
- name: Link our DC keytab
file: src=/var/lib/samba/private/secrets.keytab dest=/etc/krb5.keytab state=link remote_src=True
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
# This is for DC where their principal is added as uppercase HOST/FQDN
# it mostly work, except for ssh kerberos auth which requires lower case host/fqdn principal
- name: Check if the keytab contains lowercase host principal
shell: klist -k /etc/krb5.keytab | grep 'host/{{ ansible_hostname }}.{{ samba_realm }}'
ignore_errors: True
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
changed_when: False
register: samba_lc_principal
tags: samba
- name: Add lower case host principal to the keytab file
command: samba-tool domain exportkeytab /etc/krb5.keytab --principal=host/{{ ansible_hostname }}.{{ samba_realm }}
- samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
- samba_lc_principal.stdout_lines | length < 1
tags: samba
- name: Add a tmpfiles.d snippet for permission on ntp_signd socket dir
copy: content="d /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd 750 root ntp" dest=/etc/tmpfiles.d/samba_ntp.conf
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
notify: systemd-tmpfiles
tags: sambai
- name: Set correct SELinux context on the ntp_signd socket dir
target: "/var/lib/samba/ntp_signd(/.*)?"
setype: ntpd_var_run_t
state: present
- ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
- samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
register: samba_ntp_selinux
tags: samba
- name: Restore SELinux context
command: restorecon -R /var/lib/samba/
- ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
- samba_ntp_selinux.changed
tags: samba
- name: Deploy rsyncd snippet
template: src=rsyncd.conf.j2 dest=/etc/rsyncd.conf.d/samba_dc.conf
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Remove rsyncd snippet
file: path=/etc/rsyncd.conf.d/samba_dc.conf state=absent
when: not samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Deploy sysvol rsync password file
copy: content={{ (samba_sysvol_rsync_pass is defined) | ternary(samba_i_am_primary_dc | ternary('sysvol-replication:','') + samba_sysvol_rsync_pass,'# No password defined') }} dest=/etc/samba/rsync-sysvol.secret mode=600
tags: samba
- name: Setup cron to sync sysvol from primary DC
name: samba_sync_sysvol
cron_file: samba_sync_sysvol
minute: '*/16'
user: root
job: rsync -XAavz --delete-after {{ (samba_sysvol_rsync_pass is defined) | ternary('--password-file=/etc/samba/rsync-sysvol.secret','') }} rsync://{{ (samba_sysvol_rsync_pass is defined) | ternary('sysvol-replication@','') }}{{ samba_primary_dc }}/sysvol/ /var/lib/samba/sysvol/
state: "{{ samba_i_am_primary_dc | ternary('absent','present') }}"
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Create dehydrated hook dir
file: path=/etc/dehydrated/hooks_deploy_cert.d/ state=directory
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Deploy dehydrated hook
copy: src=dehydrated_deploy_hook dest=/etc/dehydrated/hooks_deploy_cert.d/samba.sh mode=755
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Remove dehydrated hook
file: path=/etc/dehydrated/hooks_deploy_cert.d/samba.sh state=absent
when: samba_role != 'dc' and samba_role != 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Create samba tls dir
file: path=/var/lib/samba/private/tls state=directory mode=700
tags: samba
- name: Create DH param
command: openssl dhparam -out /var/lib/samba/private/tls/dhparam.pem 2048
creates: /var/lib/samba/private/tls/dhparam.pem
tags: samba
- name: Deploy smb.conf
template: src=smb.conf.j2 dest=/etc/samba/smb.conf
notify: reload samba
tags: samba
- name: Create conf.d directory
file: path=/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/ state=directory
tags: samba
- name: Check if there's a shares.conf snippet
stat: path=/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/shares.conf
register: samba_shares_snippet
tags: samba
- name: Deploy an empty shares conf snippet
copy: content="# No shares defined yet" dest=/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/shares.conf
when: not samba_shares_snippet.stat.exists
tags: samba
- name: Check if /etc/krb5.conf exists
stat: path=/etc/krb5.conf
register: samba_krb5_conf
tags: samba
- name: Start and enable the samba daemon
service: name=samba state=started enabled=True
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
tags: samba
- name: Reconfigure sssd
include_role: name=sssd_ad_auth
- not samba_krb5_conf.stat.exists
tags: samba
- name: Check if winbind_cache exists
stat: path=/var/lib/samba/winbindd_cache.tdb
register: samba_winbind_cache
tags: samba
- include_tasks: member_join.yml
- samba_role == 'member'
- not samba_winbind_cache.stat.exists
- name: Start and enable the smb daemon
service: name=smb state=started enabled=True
when: samba_role != 'dc' and samba_role != 'rodc'
tags: samba
# Here we just read the actual policy. This way, on the next task, we can update only the items we need
- name: Check current password policy
shell: "samba-tool domain passwordsettings show | perl -ne 'm/^{{ samba_pwd_policy_descriptions[item] }}: (.*)/ && print $1'"
register: samba_dc_current_pwd_policy
changed_when: False
with_items: "{{ samba_pwd_policy.keys() | list }}"
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Set password policy
command: samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --{{ item.item }}={{ samba_pwd_policy[item.item] }}
with_items: "{{ samba_dc_current_pwd_policy.results }}"
- samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
- item.stdout | string != samba_pwd_policy[item.item] | string
tags: samba
- name: Add default zones to the list of managed ones
set_fact: samba_dns_zones={{ samba_dns_zones | default([]) + [ samba_realm | lower, '_msdcs.' + samba_realm | lower ] }}
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Check existing DNS zones
shell: samba-tool dns zonelist {{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | first }} -U Administrator --password={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }} | perl -ne 'm/pszZoneName\s+:\s+(.*)/ && print "$1\n"'
register: samba_existing_zones
no_log: True
changed_when: False
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
tags: samba
- name: Create DNS zones
command: samba-tool dns zonecreate {{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | first }} {{ item }} -U Administrator --password={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }}
no_log: True
when: samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
with_items: "{{ samba_dns_zones | difference(samba_existing_zones.stdout_lines) }}"
tags: samba
- name: Remove DNS zones
command: samba-tool dns zonedelete {{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | first }} {{ item }} -U Administrator --password={{ samba_dc_admin_pass | quote }}
no_log: True
- samba_i_am_primary_dc == True
- samba_remove_unmanaged_dns_zones == True
with_items: "{{ samba_existing_zones.stdout_lines | difference(samba_dns_zones) }}"
tags: samba
- name: Create backup scripts dir
file: path=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d state=directory
- pre
- post
tags: samba
- name: Deploy pre and post backup script
template: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} mode=755
- src: samba_pre_backup.sh.j2
dest: /etc/backup/pre.d/samba.sh
- src: samba_post_backup.sh.j2
dest: /etc/backup/post.d/samba.sh
tags: samba
- name: Set SEbool
seboolean: name={{ item }} state=True persistent=True
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
- samba_domain_controller
tags: samba
- name: Create samba scripts dir
file: path=/var/lib/samba/scripts state=directory
tags: samba
- include: filebeat.yml

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
- name: Set correct SELinux context on the ntp_signd socket dir
target: "/var/lib/samba/ntp_signd(/.*)?"
setype: ntpd_var_run_t
state: present
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
register: samba_ntp_selinux
tags: samba
- name: Restore SELinux context
command: restorecon -R /var/lib/samba/
when: samba_ntp_selinux.changed
tags: samba
- name: Set SEbool
seboolean: name={{ item }} state=True persistent=True
when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc'
- samba_domain_controller
tags: samba

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
- samba
- samba-client
- sssd-winbind-idmap
- openldap-clients
- policycoreutils-python
- tdb-tools
- samba-dc
- ldb-tools
- krb5-workstation
- python36-markdown
- patch

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
- samba
- samba-client
- sssd-winbind-idmap
- openldap-clients
- policycoreutils-python-utils
- tdb-tools
- samba-dc
- ldb-tools
- krb5-workstation
- python3-markdown
- patch

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
tags: proxy
- name: Deploy ufdbGuard configuration
template: src=ufdbGuard.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ufdbguard/ufdbGuard.conf group=ufdb mode=640 validate="ufdbguardd -c %s -C verify"
template: src=ufdbGuard.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ufdbguard/ufdbGuard.conf group=ufdb mode=640
notify: restart ufdb
tags: proxy
