--- # If you want to install newer PG than available in the default # repo, specify the branch here, eg 96, 10, 11 pg_version: default # Command to compress dumps. Will read from stdin and write to stdout. Set to False to disable compression # pg_compress_cmd: zstd -T0 -c pg_compress_cmd: False pg_remove_dump_after_backup: True # can be text or custom (or a raw format name supported by pg_dump) pg_dump_format: custom pg_port: 5432 pg_src_ip: [] # List of directives which can be expressed as a % and # will be determined from the host available memory pg_pct_mem_directives: - shared_buffers - effective_cache_size - maintenance_work_mem - wal_buffers - work_mem # postgresql.conf directives pg_base_conf: listen_addresses: - max_connections: 100 shared_buffers: 10% log_timezone: "{{ system_tz | default('Europe/Paris') }}" timezone: "{{ system_tz | default('Europe/Paris') }}" log_destination: syslog datestyle: 'iso, dmy' lc_messages: fr_FR.UTF-8 lc_monetary: fr_FR.UTF-8 lc_numeric: fr_FR.UTF-8 lc_time: fr_FR.UTF-8 pg_extra_conf: {} pg_conf: "{{ pg_base_conf | combine(pg_extra_conf, recursive=True) }}" # Databases and roles to create # Eg # pg_databases # - name: odoo # encoding: UTF-8 # owner: odoo # pg_roles: # - name: odoo # pass: very_secret # flags: # - SUPERUSER # - CREATEDB # - CREATEROLE # pg_privs: # - database: dbname # state: present # privs: SELECT,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE # objs: ALL_IN_SCHEMA # type: table # schema: public # role: reportuser # pg_databases: [] pg_roles: [] pg_privs: [] # Databases and roles to remove pg_databases_to_remove: [] pg_roles_to_remove: [] ...