#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Config::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; use JSON; use PVE::QemuServer; use PVE::LXC::Config; use Array::Diff; use Net::Address::IP::Local; use Net::Route::Table; use NetAddr::IP; use Data::Validate::IP qw(is_ipv4); use Data::Dumper; $| = 1; my $config = '/etc/pve-online.conf'; my ($update_routes, $update_gre, $migrate_ipfo) = undef; GetOptions( "config=s" => \$config, "update-routes" => \$update_routes, "update-gre" => \$update_gre, "migrate-ipfo=i" => \$migrate_ipfo ); # Config can be stored in /etc/pve # Lets wait a bit for it to be available if ($config =~ m|^/etc/pve|){ my $t = 0; while ($t < 120){ if (!-e $config){ print "$config not yet available\n"; sleep 2; $t += 2; } else { last; } } } if (!-e $config){ die "$config doesn't exist\n"; } my $cfg = new Config::Simple; $cfg->read($config); my $conf = $cfg->get_block('general'); my $lwp = new LWP::UserAgent; my $online_id = undef; if (!$conf){ die "No general section found in $config\n"; } if (!$conf->{online_api}){ die "No online_api defined in $config\n"; } # Set some defaults $conf->{wan_bridge} ||= 'vmbr1'; $conf->{migrate_flush_arp} ||= 'yes'; if ($update_routes){ update_routes(); } if ($update_gre){ if (defined $conf->{vlan_bridge}){ update_gre(); } else { print "No VLAN bridge defined. Don't setup GRE tunnels\n"; } } if ($migrate_ipfo){ my $ipfo = []; # We parse the description field which contains the list of ipfo # attached to this VM foreach my $line ( split("\n", get_guest_conf($migrate_ipfo)->{description} || "") ){ if ($line =~ m/^\s*ipfo\d*:\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/){ my $candidate = $1; if (is_ipv4($candidate)){ push @{$ipfo}, $candidate; print "Found IP $candidate assigned to guest $migrate_ipfo\n"; } else { print "Found $candidate assigned to guest $migrate_ipfo which doesn't look like a valid IP\n"; } } } $online_id ||= get_online_id(); # Now we check if we need to migrate IPFO on the local server my $ipfo_diff = Array::Diff->diff(get_ip_fo($online_id), $ipfo); if (scalar @{$ipfo_diff->added} > 0){ print "Update needed. " . join(' ', @{$ipfo_diff->added}) . " should be redirected on server $online_id\n"; redirect_ipfo($ipfo_diff->added); update_routes(); if ( $ENV{PVE_GUEST_TYPE} ne 'lxc' and $conf->{migrate_flush_arp} =~ m/^1|yes|true|on$/i ){ set_guest_nic_down_up($migrate_ipfo); } } } ##################################### # Sub routines ##################################### # Query Online's API sub query_online_api{ my $uri = shift; $uri = '/api/v1' . $uri if ($uri !~ m|^/api/v1|); my $response = $lwp->get("https://api.online.net$uri", "Authorization" => "Authorization: Bearer $conf->{online_api}", ); unless ($response->is_success){ die "an error occured while querying the API" . "The error is: " . $response->status_line; } return from_json($response->content); } # Update routes for ARP Proxy sub update_routes { $online_id ||= get_online_id(); # This is the list of IP which we should have # on the routing table my $routes_online = get_ip_fo($online_id); # This is the actual list of IP for which we have routes my $routes_local = get_local_routes(); # Now, we have to remove routes for those in $routes_local but not in $routes_online # And add routes for those in $routes_online but not in $routes_local my $diff = Array::Diff->diff($routes_online, $routes_local); foreach my $route (@{$diff->added}){ next if (grep { $_ eq $route } @{$diff->deleted}); print "Removing route for $route\n"; system( '/sbin/ip', 'route', 'del', $route, 'dev', $conf->{wan_bridge} ); } foreach my $route (@{$diff->deleted}){ next if (grep { $_ eq $route } @{$diff->added}); print "Adding route for $route\n"; system( '/sbin/ip', 'route', 'add', $route . '/32', 'dev', $conf->{wan_bridge} ); } } # Get the list of routes defined on $conf->{wan_bridge} sub get_local_routes { my $ip = []; my $routes = Net::Route::Table->from_system(); foreach my $route (@{$routes->all_routes()}){ if ($route->{interface} eq $conf->{wan_bridge} and $route->destination()->masklen() == 32){ push @{$ip}, $route->destination()->addr(); } } return $ip; } # Get the list of IP failover assigned to a server. Taks a server ID as only arg sub get_ip_fo { my $srv_id = shift; return get_srv_info($srv_id)->{network}->{ipfo}; } # Return server info sub get_srv_info { my $srv_id = shift; return query_online_api('/server/info/' . $srv_id); } # Return this server's public IP sub get_public_ip { return Net::Address::IP::Local->public_ipv4; } # Return Online's server id sub get_online_id { if (-e '/tmp/online_id'){ open my $id_file, '</tmp/online_id'; $online_id = <$id_file>; close $id_file; } else { my $ip = get_public_ip(); foreach my $srv (@{query_online_api('/server')}){ my $info = query_online_api($srv); if ($info->{network}->{ip}[0] eq $ip){ $online_id = $info->{id}; last; } } open my $id_file, ">/tmp/online_id"; print $id_file $online_id; close $id_file; } print "My Online's ID is $online_id\n"; return $online_id; } sub update_gre { # We have to setup GRE tunnels with all other members # to connect $conf->{vlan_bridge} between every nodes # Something like # ovs-vsctl add-port vmbr1 gre0 -- set interface gre0 type=gre options:remote_ip='''' # We just have to automate this for every nodes of the cluster print "Getting cluster status...\n"; my $members = get_cluster_members(); print "Found " . scalar @{$members} . " members\n"; my $gre = 0; print "Counting GRE ports...\n"; my @ports = qx(ovs-vsctl list-ports $conf->{vlan_bridge}); my @gre_ports = grep { $_ =~ m/^gre/ } @ports; print "Found " . scalar @gre_ports . " GRE ports\n"; if (scalar @gre_ports ne scalar @{$members} - 1){ print "We need to update GRE tunnels\n"; # Remove all greX ports from the VLAN bridge foreach my $port ( @ports ){ chomp($port); next unless ($port =~ m/^gre\d+$/); print "Removing port $port from $conf->{vlan_bridge}\n"; system( 'ovs-vsctl', 'del-port', $conf->{vlan_bridge}, $port ); } # And setup one GRE tunnel per node foreach my $member (@{$members}){ # We must skip our own node if (Net::Address::IP::Local->connected_to($member) ne $member){ print "Adding GRE interface gre$gre to tunnel with $member\n"; system( 'ovs-vsctl', 'add-port', $conf->{vlan_bridge}, 'gre' . $gre, '--', 'set', 'interface', 'gre' . $gre, 'type=gre', 'options:remote_ip=' . $member ); $gre++; } } } } # Get the list of members of this proxmox cluster sub get_cluster_members { my $ip = []; foreach my $line (qx(corosync-cmapctl)){ push @{$ip}, $1 if ($line =~ m/ip\((\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\)/); } return $ip; } sub redirect_ipfo { my $ip = shift; print "Redirecting failover IP " . join(', ', @{$ip}) . "\n"; my $response = $lwp->post("https://api.online.net/api/v1/server/failover/edit", Authorization => "Authorization: Bearer $conf->{online_api}", Content => { "source" => join(',', @{$ip}), "destination" => get_public_ip() } ); unless ($response->is_success){ die "an error occured while querying the API" . "The error is: " . $response->status_line; } } # Get a VM configuration sub get_guest_conf { if ($ENV{PVE_GUEST_TYPE} eq 'lxc'){ return PVE::LXC::Config->load_config(shift); } else { return PVE::QemuConfig->load_config(shift); } } # Unplug and plug back nics connected on the WAN bridge # Needed when moving a failover IP to force flushing the ARP cache # in the guest as the gateway doesn't change, but its MAC does sub set_guest_nic_down_up { my $vmid = shift; my $vm_conf = get_guest_conf($vmid); my $nics = []; my @mod_nic = (); foreach my $key (keys %{$vm_conf}){ # Only process netX elements, and which are connected on the WAN bridge next unless ($key =~ m/^net\d+/ && $vm_conf->{$key} =~ m/bridge=$conf->{wan_bridge}/); my $props = $vm_conf->{$key}; next if ($props =~ m/link_down=0/); push @mod_nic, $key; if (defined &PVE::QemuServer::Monitor::hmp_cmd){ PVE::QemuServer::Monitor::hmp_cmd($vmid, "set_link $key off"); } else { # PVE 5.x doesn't have PVE::QemuServer::Monitor::hmp_cmd PVE::QemuServer::vm_human_monitor_command($vmid, "set_link $key off"); } } sleep 1; foreach my $nic (@mod_nic){ if (defined &PVE::QemuServer::Monitor::hmp_cmd){ PVE::QemuServer::Monitor::hmp_cmd($vmid, "set_link $nic on"); } else { PVE::QemuServer::vm_human_monitor_command($vmid, "set_link $nic on"); } } }