--- # Synapse version to deploy synapse_version: 1.19.1 # Synapse install dir synapse_root_dir: /opt/matrix/synapse # User account which run the daemon synapse_user: synapse # Max amount of memory the daemon is allowed (in MB) synapse_max_mem: 4096 # PostgreSQL synapse_pg_create_db: True synapse_pg_db_server: "{{ pg_server | default('localhost') }}" synapse_pg_db_port: 5432 synapse_pg_db_name: synapse synapse_pg_db_user: synapse # synapse_pg_db_pass: secret # Server name. Mandatory # synapse_server_name: # synapse_public_baseurl: https://matrix.example.com # Should synapse handle TLS synapse_tls: False # Limit of events for get and sync. -1 for no limit synapse_timeline_limit: -1 # Ports and bind addresses synapse_tls_port: 8448 synapse_tls_listen_ip: - synapse_port: 8008 synapse_listen_ip: - # List of IP able to access the ports synapse_tls_src_ip: - synapse_src_ip: - # You can restrict federation with a list of servers. * means everything # Empty list means no federation is allowed synapse_federation_domain_whitelist: - '*' synapse_federation_ip_blacklist: - - - # Limits synapse_upload_max_size: 20M # Limit number of messages and login synapse_rc_message_per_sec: 3 synapse_rc_message_burst: 50 synapse_rc_login_per_sec: 3 synapse_rc_login_burst: 10 # Registration settings synapse_enable_registration: False synapse_allow_guest_access: False # If set, allow registration if you know this key. Even if registration is otherwise disabled # synapse_registration_shared_secret: # URL Preview synapse_url_preview: True synapse_url_preview_ip_range_blacklist: - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' synapse_url_preview_ip_range_whitelist: [] synapse_max_spider_size: 10M # Turn configuration, for VoIP/Video using WebRTC # synapse_turn_uris: # - turns:turn.example.com # - turns:turn.example.com?transport=tcp # synapse_turn_shared_secret: # Set this to true if you want guests to do VoIP/Video calls too synapse_turn_allow_guests: True synapse_email_notifs: True synapse_smtp_from: "Your Friendly %(app)s Home Server " synapse_app_name: Matrix #synapse_riot_base_url: https://messenger.example.com # Log level synapse_log_level: ERROR # Can be internal, ldap, rest or oidc synapse_auth: internal # If auth is ldap synapse_ldap_uri: ldap://ldap.example.com:389 synapse_ldap_start_tls: True synapse_ldap_user_base: ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com synapse_ldap_attr_uid: uid synapse_ldap_attr_email: mail synapse_ldap_attr_name: cn synapse_ldap_filter: (objectClass=posixAccount) # if auth is rest synapse_auth_rest_uri: http://localhost:8083 # if auth is oidc synapse_oidc_server: https://sso.domain.com synapse_oidc_client: matric synapse_oidc_secret: XXXXX # Jinja2 template to for the local part of the MXID. synapse_oidc_localpart: "{{ '{{ user.sub }}' }}" synapse_oidc_display_name: "{{ '{{ user.name }}' }}"