--- matomo_id: 1 matomo_root_dir: /opt/matomo_{{ matomo_id }} matomo_version: 3.14.1 matomo_archive_url: https://builds.matomo.org/matomo-{{ matomo_version }}.tar.gz matomo_archive_sha1: d27769ce98d8a8101309cf3e4a0e982df39cf37a matomo_php_user: php-matomo_{{ matomo_id }} matomo_manage_upgrade: True matomo_php_version: 74 # matomo_php_fpm_pool: matomo matomo_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}" matomo_db_port: 3306 matomo_db_name: matomo_{{ matomo_id }} matomo_db_user: matomo_{{ matomo_id }} # matomo_db_pass: # Must be defined # matomo_public_url: https://matomo.example.com # If defined, restrict access to those hosts # matomo_src_ip: # - # If defined, will add an alias in apache conf. Else, a vhost will have to be created # matomo_alias: matomo # Auth settings # This is the default settings matomo_ldap_base: enabled: "{{ (ldap_auth | default(False) or ad_auth | default(False)) | ternary(True,False) }}" use_ldap_for_authentication: 1 use_webserver_auth: 1 hostname: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('ldaps://' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | lower, ldap_uri | regex_replace('^ldap://(.*)','ldaps://\\1')) }}" port: "" ldap_user_filter: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(primaryGroupId=513))',ldap_user_object_class | default('(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)')) }}" base_dn: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary((ad_ldap_user_search_base is defined) | ternary(ad_ldap_user_search_base,'DC=' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | regex_replace('\\.',',DC=')), ldap_user_base + ',' + ldap_base) }}" ldap_user_id_field: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('sAMAccountName', 'uid') }}" ldap_alias_field: cn ldap_last_name_field: sn ldap_first_name_field: givenName ldap_mail_field: mail servers[]: ldap admin_user: "" admin_pass: "" # And this the ones which should be overriden host_vars) matomo_ldap: {} # And this is the combination of both, which will be used in the role matomo_ldap_all: "{{ matomo_ldap_base | combine(matomo_ldap) }}}" # List of plugins which can be installed by ansible matomo_plugins: LoginHttpAuth: version: 3.0.1 sha1: 5d56fb010372fa593b050796eeff7fa37f031f60 LoginLdap: version: 4.0.8 sha1: 9f698725b8c3ff07f9feed9bfbb9b4f3f2defea6 ArchiveSite: version: 0.1.1 sha1: f1578a585df347a5e6c4ded34db9d816ef36e8ed CustomAlerts: version: 3.0.6 sha1: 6e7b7cc0e290c73b2b54ae067de6761b62fb56d9 CustomDimensions: version: 3.1.10 sha1: 6dc679652e6d5f4a1808ecd3a095de77a7fc14f4 SecurityInfo: version: 3.0.7 sha1: 2f3bc984e979d8a977b2c580d41985455dc24128 matomo_base_plugins_to_install: - LoginLdap - SecurityInfo matomo_extra_plugins_to_install: [] matomo_plugins_to_install: "{{ matomo_base_plugins_to_install + matomo_extra_plugins_to_install }}" # Should we remove unmanaged plugins, those installed manually, not using ansible matomo_remove_unmanaged_plugins: True