--- - name: Create global certificates command: > openssl req -config {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/openssl.cnf -extensions v3_ca -x509 -newkey rsa:{{ pki_realm_conf.keysize * 2 }} -keyout {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/{{ item.name }}-key-1.pem -out {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/{{ item.name }}-cert-1.pem -sha256 -days {{ pki_realm_conf.validity * 2 }} -subj '/C={{ pki_realm_conf.subj_c }}/ST={{ pki_realm_conf.subj_st }}/L={{ pki_realm_conf.subj_l }}/O={{ pki_realm_conf.subj_o }}/OU={{ pki_realm_conf.subj_ou }}/CN={{ item.cn }}' -passout stdin args: creates: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/{{ item.name }}-cert-1.pem" stdin: "{{ pki_secret }}" with_items: - name: signer cn: "{{ pki_root_ca_cn }}" - name: vault cn: "{{ pki_vault_cn }}" - name: scep cn: "{{ pki_scep_cn }}" register: pki_root_created tags: pki - name: Check if the index file for the root CA exists stat: path={{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/index.txt register: pki_root_ca_index tags: pki - name: Create the index file file: path={{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/index.txt state=touch when: not pki_root_ca_index.stat.exists tags: pki - name: Create the serial file shell: echo 1000 > {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/serial args: creates: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/serial" tags: pki - name: Import the certificates in the global namespace of OpenXPKI DB command: > {{ pki_root_dir }}/bin/openxpkiadm certificate import --file {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/{{ item.item.name }}-cert-1.pem --config={{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/config.d/ environment: - PERL5LIB: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/lib/perl5" with_items: "{{ pki_root_created.results }}" #no_log: True when: item.changed tags: pki # Vault and SCEP certificates are global, so just link them from the root dir in every realm dir - name: Link vault and SCEP keys from the root to the realms file: src=../root/{{ item.1 }}-key-1.pem dest={{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.0.name }}/{{ item.1 }}-key-1.pem state=link with_nested: - "{{ pki_realms }}" - [vault,scep] tags: pki # For each realm, we create only the signer CA. Vault and SCEP will use the global ones - name: Create issuing CA's private keys command: > openssl genrsa -out {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-key-1.pem -aes256 -passout stdin {{ item.keysize }} args: creates: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-key-1.pem" stdin: "{{ pki_secret }}" with_items: "{{ pki_realms }}" #no_log: True tags: pki - name: Create issuing CA's CSR command: > openssl req -config {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/openssl.cnf -new -sha256 -key {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-key-1.pem -out {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-csr-1.pem -subj '/C={{ item.subj_c | default(pki_realm_conf.subj_c) }}/ST={{ item.subj_st | default(pki_realm_conf.subj_st) }}/L={{ item.subj_l | default(pki_realm_conf.subj_l) }}/O={{ item.subj_o | default(pki_realm_conf.subj_o) }}/OU={{ item.subj_ou | default(pki_realm_conf.subj_ou) }}/CN={{ item.name }}' -extensions v3_intermediate_ca -passin stdin args: creates: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-csr-1.pem" stdin: "{{ pki_secret }}" with_items: "{{ pki_realms }}" #no_log: True tags: pki # Now we create issuing CA. First, iterate over those who do not have a parent defined. Which means they are a child of the root CA - name: Sign intermediate CA with the Root CA command: > openssl ca -config {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/openssl.cnf -keyfile {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/signer-key-1.pem -cert {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/signer-cert-1.pem -in {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-csr-1.pem -out {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-cert-1.pem -passin stdin -extensions v3_intermediate_ca -days {{ item.validity | default('3650') }} -notext -batch args: creates: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-cert-1.pem" stdin: "{{ pki_secret }}" when: item.parent is not defined register: pki_ca_issuing_created with_items: "{{ pki_realms }}" #no_log: True tags: pki - name: Import certificates for CA signed by the Root CA in OpenXPKI DB command: > {{ pki_root_dir }}/bin/openxpkiadm certificate import --file {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.item.name }}/signer-cert-1.pem --realm {{ item.item.name }} --token certsign --config={{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/config.d/ when: item.changed with_items: "{{ pki_ca_issuing_created.results }}" environment: - PERL5LIB: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/lib/perl5" #no_log: True tags: pki # And now the same with intermediate CA - name: Sign intermediate CA with their parent CA command: > openssl ca -config {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/openssl.cnf -keyfile {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.parent }}/signer-key-1.pem -cert {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.parent }}/signer-cert-1.pem -in {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-csr-1.pem -out {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-cert-1.pem -passin stdin -extensions v3_intermediate_ca -days {{ item.validity | default('3650') }} -notext -batch args: creates: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/{{ item.name }}/signer-cert-1.pem" stdin: "{{ pki_secret }}" when: item.parent is defined register: pki_ca_intermediate_created with_items: "{{ pki_realms }}" tags: pki # Once added in the DB, each certs gets an ID. We need to get this ID for # the two global certs (vault and scep) so we can create an alias for each realm - name: Get ID of the global vault certificate command: > {{ pki_root_dir }}/bin/openxpkiadm certificate id --file {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/vault-cert-1.pem --config={{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/config.d/ environment: - PERL5LIB: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/lib/perl5" register: pki_global_vault_id changed_when: False tags: pki - name: Get ID of the global scep certificate command: > {{ pki_root_dir }}/bin/openxpkiadm certificate id --file {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/ssl/root/scep-cert-1.pem --config={{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/config.d/ environment: - PERL5LIB: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/lib/perl5" register: pki_global_scep_id changed_when: False tags: pki - name: Create an alias for the vault command: > {{ pki_root_dir }}/bin/openxpkiadm alias --realm {{ item.item.name }} --token datasafe --identifier {{ pki_global_vault_id.stdout }} --config {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/config.d/ environment: - PERL5LIB: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/lib/perl5" with_items: "{{ pki_ca_issuing_created.results + pki_ca_intermediate_created.results }}" when: item.changed tags: pki - name: Create an alias for the scep certificate command: > {{ pki_root_dir }}/bin/openxpkiadm alias --realm {{ item.item.name }} --token scep --identifier {{ pki_global_scep_id.stdout }} --config {{ pki_root_dir }}/etc/config.d/ environment: - PERL5LIB: "{{ pki_root_dir }}/lib/perl5" with_items: "{{ pki_ca_issuing_created.results + pki_ca_intermediate_created.results }}" #no_log: True when: item.changed tags: pki