Server={{ zabbix_proxy_server }} Hostname={{ inventory_hostname }} LogType=system PidFile=/var/run/zabbix/ DBName=/var/lib/zabbix/db/proxy.sqlite ProxyOfflineBuffer=72 SocketDir=/var/run/zabbix ConfigFrequency=600 DataSenderFrequency=30 CacheSize={{ zabbix_proxy_cache_size | default('32M') }} StartPollers={{ zabbix_proxy_pollers | default(5) }} StartIPMIPollers={{ zabbix_proxy_ipmi_pollers | default(1) }} StartPollersUnreachable={{ zabbix_proxy_unreachable_pollers | default(2) }} StartTrappers={{ zabbix_proxy_trappers | default(5) }} StartPingers={{ zabbix_proxy_pingers | default(4) }} StartDiscoverers={{ zabbix_proxy_discoverers | default(1) }} StartHTTPPollers={{ zabbix_proxy_http_pollers | default(1) }} Timeout={{ zabbix_proxy_timeout | default(15) }} ExternalScripts=/var/lib/zabbix/bin/ TmpDir=/var/lib/zabbix/tmp {% if zabbix_proxy_encryption | default('none') == 'psk' %} TLSPSKFile=/etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.psk TLSPSKIdentity={{ inventory_hostname }}-proxy TLSConnect=psk TLSAccept=psk {% endif %} {% if ansible_all_ipv6_addresses | length < 1 %} # This is a hack as when IPv6 is disabled # Zabbix Proxy fails to detect minimum interval # and don't send any pings, even in IPv4 Fping6Location=/usr/sbin/fping {% endif %}