#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Mail::IMAPClient; use MIME::Parser; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; # Hide args from process list $0 = 'imap-sa-learn'; my ($all,$list) = undef; my $server = $ENV{IMAP_SA_LEARN_SERVER}; my $port = $ENV{IMAP_SA_LEARN_PORT}; my $user = $ENV{IMAP_SA_LEARN_USER}; my $password = $ENV{IMAP_SA_LEARN_PASSWORD}; my $spamdir = $ENV{IMAP_SA_LEARN_SPAMDIR} || 'Spam'; my $hamdir = $ENV{IMAP_SA_LEARN_HAMDIR} || 'Ham'; my $security = $ENV{IMAP_SA_LEARN_SECURITY} || 'tls'; my $attachment = $ENV{IMAP_SA_LEARN_ATTACHMENT} || 0; my $debug = $ENV{IMAP_SA_LEARN_DEBUG} || 0; my $need_sync = 0; GetOptions( 'server=s' => \$server, 'security=s' => \$security, 'port=i' => \$port, 'user=s' => \$user, 'password=s' => \$password, 'spamdir=s' => \$spamdir, 'hamdir=s' => \$hamdir, 'attachment' => \$attachment, 'all' => \$all, 'list' => \$list, 'debug+' => \$debug ); # Set ssl and starttls based on security value my $ssl = (lc $security eq 'tls' or lc $security eq 'ssl') ? 1 : 0; my $starttls = (lc $security eq 'starttls' or lc $security eq 'start_tls') ? 1 : 0; # Unless port is explicitely given, set the default based on SSL being enabled $port ||= ($ssl) ? '993' : '143'; # Check required args are given if (not defined $server or not defined $user or not defined $password){ die "You must provide server, user and password"; } # Check for mutual exclusive options if ($ssl and $starttls){ die "ssl and starttls are mutually exclusive"; } # Create the imap client my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new( Server => $server, User => $user, Password => $password, Port => $port, Ssl => $ssl, Starttls => $starttls, ); if ($@){ die "Can't connect to imap server: $@\n"; } # If --list is given, just print the list of folders available and exit # This can be used to check how some special characters are encoded so # you can just copy/past it later if ($list){ print $_ . "\n" foreach (@{$imap->folders}); exit 0; } if (defined $spamdir){ crawl_imap_dir($spamdir,'spam'); } if (defined $hamdir){ crawl_imap_dir($hamdir,'ham'); } if ($need_sync){ qx(sa-learn --sync); } $imap->close; exit 0; sub crawl_imap_dir { my $dir = shift; my $type = shift; $imap->select($dir); debug("Crawling in folder $dir\n"); # Default is to only process unseen emails my @list = $imap->unseen; # Unless --all is given, in which case we process also seen ones push @list, $imap->seen if ($all); foreach my $id (@list){ debug("Found mail id $id", 2); my $raw_mail = $imap->message_string($id); # When --attachment is passed, we expect spam/ham to be attached as # message/rfc822. Extract the first matching attachment and feed it to sa-learn # Note that there's no support for nested attachment, but it shouldn't be needed if ($attachment) { my $parser = MIME::Parser->new; my $entity = $parser->parse_data($raw_mail); my $inner_found = 0; foreach my $part ($entity->parts) { if ($part->effective_type eq 'message/rfc822'){ sa_learn($part->stringify, $type); $inner_found = 1; } } if (not $inner_found){ debug("Couldn't find a message/rfc822 attachment. Are you sure --attachment is needed ?"); } } else { sa_learn($raw_mail, $type); } } } sub sa_learn { my $data = shift; my $type = shift; open SALEARN, "| sa-learn --no-sync --$type"; print SALEARN $data; close SALEARN; $need_sync = 1; } sub debug { my $msg = shift; my $level = shift; $level ||= 1; if ($debug ge $level){ print "$msg\n"; } }