--- zcs_install: False zcs_version: 8.8.12 zcs_archive_name: zcs-8.8.12_GA_3794.RHEL7_64.20190329045002.tgz zcs_archive_url: https://files.zimbra.com/downloads/{{ zcs_version }}_GA/{{ zcs_archive_name }} zcs_archive_sha1: 9b1e5a13de311aab106953e321fc04970bfd3730 # Primary LDAP server of the cluster # zcs_primary_ldap: ldap1.example.org # Zimbra components to install zcs_components: [] # - ldap # - logger # - mta # - store # - spell # - memcached # - proxy zcs_main_domain: "{{ ansible_domain }}" zcs_cluster_ip: [] zcs_smtp_src_ip: - zcs_http_src_ip: - # Additional list of IP able to access ldap services (zcs_cluster_ip are already allowed) zcs_ldap_src_ip: [] zcs_clients_src_ip: - zcs_admin_src_ip: [] zcs_mysql_src_ip: [] # If we should get certificate from Let's Encrypt # the letsencrypt role should be deployed also on the primary LDAP server # Note that the certificate requested will have all the cluster members as alt names # so be sure all the challenges can be resolved zcs_letsencrypt: False # The LDAP admin password (used for other servers to join the cluster for example # zcs_ldap_admin_pass: # Domain and their configuration. Used to sync LDAP with Zimbra zcs_domains: {} # zcs_domains: # fws.fr: # public_url: https://zm.fws.fr # admin_url: https://zm.fws.fr:9071 # ldapsync: # ldap: # servers: # - ldap://dc1.fws.fr:389 # schema: ad # bind_dn: CN=Zimbra,OU=Apps,DC=fws,DC=fr # bind_pass: s4cr3t. # users: # base: OU=People,DC=fws,DC=fr # filter: (mail=*) # groups: # base: OU=Groups,DC=fws,DC=fr # cas: # enabled: False # server_url: https://sso.fws.fr/cas zcs_domain_defaults: cas: enabled: False # Additional libs needed for CAS zcs_cas_libs: - url: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jasig/cas/client/cas-client-core/3.5.1/cas-client-core-3.5.1.jar sha1: b2a80ae61c57b4552c1c4573bb3a896c62c0f6f2 - url: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.28/slf4j-api-1.7.28.jar sha1: 2cd9b264f76e3d087ee21bfc99305928e1bdb443