--- - name: Set default install mode to none set_fact: dokuwiki_install_mode="none" - name: Install dependencies yum: name: - acl - name: Create PHP user acount user: name: "{{ dokuwiki_php_user }}" comment: "PHP FPM for dokuwiki {{ dokuwiki_id }}" system: yes shell: /sbin/nologin - name: Check if dokuwiki is already installed stat: path={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_version register: dokuwiki_version_file changed_when: False - name: Check dokuwiki version command: cat {{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_version register: dokuwiki_current_version changed_when: False when: dokuwiki_version_file.stat.exists - name: Set installation process to install set_fact: dokuwiki_install_mode='install' when: not dokuwiki_version_file.stat.exists - name: Set installation process to upgrade set_fact: dokuwiki_install_mode='upgrade' when: - dokuwiki_version_file.stat.exists - dokuwiki_current_version.stdout != dokuwiki_version - dokuwiki_manage_upgrade - name: Create archive dir file: path={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dokuwiki_current_version.stdout }} state=directory mode=700 when: dokuwiki_install_mode == 'upgrade' - name: Prepare dokuwiki upgrade synchronize: src: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dokuwiki_current_version.stdout }}/" recursive: True delete: True delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" when: dokuwiki_install_mode == 'upgrade' - name: Create directory structure file: path={{ item.dir }} state=directory owner={{ item.owner | default(omit) }} group={{ item.groupe | default(omit) }} mode={{ item.mode | default(omit) }} with_items: - dir: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}" - dir: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web" - dir: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp" owner: "{{ dokuwiki_php_user }}" mode: 700 - dir: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/cache" owner: "{{ dokuwiki_php_user }}" mode: 700 - dir: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/sessions" owner: "{{ dokuwiki_php_user }}" mode: 700 - dir: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/data" - dir: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/meta" mode: 700 - dir: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/conf/tpl" group: "{{ dokuwiki_php_user }}" mode: 770 - name: Download Dokuwiki get_url: url: "{{ dokuwiki_archive_url }}" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/" checksum: "sha1:{{ dokuwiki_archive_sha1 }}" when: dokuwiki_install_mode != 'none' - name: Extract dokuwiki archive unarchive: src: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/dokuwiki-{{ dokuwiki_version }}.tgz" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/" remote_src: yes when: dokuwiki_install_mode != 'none' - name: Move the content of dokuwiki to the correct top directory synchronize: src: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/dokuwiki-{{ dokuwiki_version }}/" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/" recursive: True delete: True rsync_opts: - '--exclude=data/' delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" when: dokuwiki_install_mode != 'none' - name: Populate the data dir synchronize: src: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/dokuwiki-{{ dokuwiki_version }}/data/" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/data/" recursive: True delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" when: dokuwiki_install_mode != 'none' - name: Check existing conf to restore stat: path={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dokuwiki_current_version.stdout }}/web/{{ item }} with_items: - conf/local.php - conf/acl.auth.php - conf/users.auth.php - conf/plugins.local.php - conf/tpl/ register: dokuwiki_conf_to_restore - name: Restore Configuration synchronize: src: "{{ item.stat.path }}" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/{{ item.item }}" recursive: True delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_conf_to_restore.results }}" when: - dokuwiki_install_mode == 'upgrade' - item.stat.exists - name: List previously installed plugins shell: find {{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dokuwiki_current_version.stdout }}/web/lib/plugins -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec basename "{}" \; register: dokuwiki_current_plugins when: - dokuwiki_install_mode == 'upgrade' - not dokuwiki_remove_unmanaged_plugins - name: Restore unmanaged previous plugins synchronize: src: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dokuwiki_current_version.stdout }}/web/lib/plugins/{{ item }}" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/lib/plugins/" recursive: True delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_current_plugins.stdout_lines }}" when: - dokuwiki_install_mode == 'upgrade' - not dokuwiki_remove_unmanaged_plugins - name: List previously installed templates shell: find {{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dokuwiki_current_version.stdout }}/web/lib/tpl -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec basename "{}" \; register: dokuwiki_current_tpl when: - dokuwiki_install_mode == 'upgrade' - not dokuwiki_remove_unmanaged_tpl - name: Restore unmanaged previous templates synchronize: src: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dokuwiki_current_version.stdout }}/web/lib/tpl/{{ item }}" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/lib/tpl/" recursive: True delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_current_tpl.stdout_lines }}" when: - dokuwiki_install_mode == 'upgrade' - not dokuwiki_remove_unmanaged_tpl - name: Write dokuwiki version copy: content={{ dokuwiki_version }} dest={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_version when: dokuwiki_install_mode != 'none' - name: Compress previous version command: tar cJf {{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dokuwiki_current_version.stdout }}.txz ./ environment: XZ_OPT: -T0 args: chdir: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dokuwiki_current_version.stdout }}" when: dokuwiki_install_mode == 'upgrade' - name: Remove archive directory file: path={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/archives/{{ dokuwiki_current_version.stdout }} state=absent when: dokuwiki_install_mode == 'upgrade' - name: Build a list of installed plugins shell: find {{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/lib/plugins -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec basename "{}" \; register: dokuwiki_installed_plugins changed_when: False - name: Install authhttpldap plugin copy: src=authhttpldap dest={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/lib/plugins - name: Download plugins get_url: url: "{{ dokuwiki_plugins[item].url }}" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/" when: - item not in dokuwiki_installed_plugins.stdout_lines - dokuwiki_plugins[item] is defined - dokuwiki_plugins[item].type | default('plugin') == 'plugin' with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_plugins_to_install }}" - name: Extract plugins unarchive: src: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/{{ dokuwiki_plugins[item].archive_name }}" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp" remote_src: yes when: - item not in dokuwiki_installed_plugins.stdout_lines - dokuwiki_plugins[item] is defined - dokuwiki_plugins[item].type | default('plugin') == 'plugin' with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_plugins_to_install }}" - name: Move plugins to the final dir synchronize: src: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/{{ dokuwiki_plugins[item].archive_dir | default(dokuwiki_plugins[item].archive_name | splitext | first) }}/" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/lib/plugins/{{ item }}" recursive: True delete: True delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" when: - item not in dokuwiki_installed_plugins.stdout_lines - dokuwiki_plugins[item] is defined - dokuwiki_plugins[item].type | default('plugin') == 'plugin' with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_plugins_to_install }}" - name: Remove unmanaged plugins file: path={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/lib/plugins/{{ item }} state=absent with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_installed_plugins.stdout_lines }}" when: - item not in dokuwiki_plugins_to_install - item not in dokuwiki_core_plugins - dokuwiki_remove_unmanaged_plugins - name: Build a list of installed templates shell: find {{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/lib/tpl -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec basename "{}" \; register: dokuwiki_installed_tpl changed_when: False - name: Download templates get_url: url: "{{ dokuwiki_plugins[item].url }}" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/" when: - dokuwiki_plugins[item] is defined - dokuwiki_plugins[item].type | default('plugin') == 'tpl' - item not in dokuwiki_installed_tpl.stdout_lines | difference(['dokuwiki']) with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_tpl_to_install }}" - name: Extract templates unarchive: src: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/{{ dokuwiki_plugins[item].archive_name }}" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp" remote_src: yes when: - dokuwiki_plugins[item] is defined - dokuwiki_plugins[item].type | default('plugin') == 'tpl' - item not in dokuwiki_installed_tpl.stdout_lines | difference(['dokuwiki']) with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_tpl_to_install }}" - name: Move templates to the final dir synchronize: src: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/{{ dokuwiki_plugins[item].archive_dir | default(dokuwiki_plugins[item].archive_name | splitext | first) }}/" dest: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/lib/tpl/{{ item }}" recursive: True delete: True delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" when: - dokuwiki_plugins[item] is defined - dokuwiki_plugins[item].type | default('plugin') == 'tpl' - item not in dokuwiki_installed_tpl.stdout_lines | difference(['dokuwiki']) with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_tpl_to_install }}" - name: Remove unmanaged tpl file: path={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/lib/tpl/{{ item }} state=absent with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_installed_plugins.stdout_lines }}" when: - item not in dokuwiki_tpl_to_install - item != 'dokuwiki' - dokuwiki_remove_unmanaged_tpl - name: Remove temp files file: path={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/{{ item }} state=absent with_items: - dokuwiki-{{ dokuwiki_version }} - dokuwiki-{{ dokuwiki_version }}.tgz - name: Remove plugins archives file: path={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/{{ dokuwiki_plugins[item].archive_name }} state=absent when: dokuwiki_plugins[item] is defined with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_plugins_to_install + dokuwiki_tpl_to_install }}" - name: Remove plugins temp files file: path={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/tmp/{{ dokuwiki_plugins[item].archive_dir | default(dokuwiki_plugins[item].archive_name | splitext | first) }} state=absent when: dokuwiki_plugins[item] is defined with_items: "{{ dokuwiki_plugins_to_install + dokuwiki_tpl_to_install }}" - name: Deploy permission script template: src=perms.sh.j2 dest={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/perms.sh mode=755 - name: Deploy httpd configuration template: src=httpd.conf.j2 dest=/etc/httpd/ansible_conf.d/10-dokuwiki_{{ dokuwiki_id }}.conf notify: reload httpd - name: Deploy php configuration template: src=php.conf.j2 dest={{ httpd_php_versions[dokuwiki_php_version].conf_path }}/php-fpm.d/dokuwiki_{{ dokuwiki_id }}.conf notify: restart php-fpm - name: Remove PHP config from other versions file: path={{ httpd_php_versions[item].conf_path }}/php-fpm.d/dokuwiki_{{ dokuwiki_id }}.conf state=absent with_items: "{{ httpd_php_versions.keys() | list | difference([ dokuwiki_php_version ]) }}" notify: restart php-fpm - name: Remove PHP config (using a custom pool) file: path={{ httpd_php_versions[item].conf_path }}/php-fpm.d/dokuwiki_{{ dokuwiki_id }}.conf state=absent with_items: "{{ httpd_php_versions.keys() | list }}" when: dokuwiki_php_fpm_pool is defined notify: restart php-fpm - name: Deploy dokuwiki configuration template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/conf/{{ item }} owner=root group={{ dokuwiki_php_user }} mode=660 with_items: - local.protected.php - plugins.protected.php - name: Check if local.php exists stat: path={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/conf/local.php register: dokuwiki_local_php - name: Set default values template: src=local.php.j2 dest={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/conf/local.php when: not dokuwiki_local_php.stat.exists - name: Deploy htaccess template: src=htaccess.j2 dest={{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/web/.htaccess - name: Set correct SElinux context sefcontext: target: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}(/.*)?" setype: httpd_sys_content_t state: present when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled' - name: Set optimal permissions command: "{{ dokuwiki_root_dir }}/perms.sh" changed_when: False - include: filebeat.yml ...