--- - import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_webconf.yml vars: - app_id: wordpress_{{ wp_id }} - php_version: "{{ wp_php_version }}" - php_fpm_pool: "{{ wp_php_fpm_pool | default('') }}" tags: wp - when: wp_install_mode == 'install' tags: wp become_user: "{{ wp_php_user }}" block: - name: Download wordpress command: php{{ wp_php_version }} /usr/bin/wp core download --locale={{ wp_locale }} failed_when: False # Ignore failure, it might have been downloaded previously args: chdir: "{{ wp_root_dir }}/web" - name: Install wordpress command: > php{{ wp_php_version }} /usr/bin/wp core install --url={{ wp_public_url }} --title=Wordpress --admin_user={{ wp_admin_user }} --admin_email={{ wp_admin_email }} --admin_password='{{ wp_admin_pass }}' --skip-email args: chdir: "{{ wp_root_dir }}/web" - when: wp_install_mode == 'upgrade' tags: wp become_user: "{{ wp_php_user }}" block: - name: Upgrade wordpress command: php{{ wp_php_version }} /usr/bin/wp core update args: chdir: "{{ wp_root_dir }}/web" - name: Upgrade database command: php{{ wp_php_version }} /usr/bin/wp core update-db args: chdir: "{{ wp_root_dir }}/web" - name: Upgrade locales, plugins and themes shell: | php{{ wp_php_version }} /usr/bin/wp core language update php{{ wp_php_version }} /usr/bin/wp plugin update --all php{{ wp_php_version }} /usr/bin/wp theme update --all php{{ wp_php_version }} /usr/bin/wp language plugin update --all php{{ wp_php_version }} /usr/bin/wp language theme update --all args: chdir: "{{ wp_root_dir }}/web" - name: Set correct SELinux context sefcontext: target: "{{ wp_root_dir }}(/.*)?" setype: httpd_sys_content_t when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled' tags: wp - name: Deploy permission script template: src=perms.sh.j2 dest={{ wp_root_dir }}/perms.sh mode=755 register: wp_perms_script tags: wp - name: Set permissions command: "{{ wp_root_dir }}/perms.sh" when: wp_install_mode != 'none' or wp_perms_script.changed tags: wp - name: Deploy pre/post backup hooks template: src={{ item }}-backup.sh.j2 dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/wordpress_{{ wp_id }} mode=750 loop: - pre - post tags: wp