--- - name: Install Asterisk and its dependencies yum: name: - asterisk - asterisk-voicemail-plain - asterisk-pjsip - asterisk-sip - asterisk-mysql - asterisk-ael - asterisk-iax2 - asterisk-dahdi - asterisk-fax - asterisk-ldap - asterisk-misdn - asterisk-mp3 - asterisk-odbc - mysql-connector-odbc - mpg123 - lame - nmap - nodejs #- kmod-dahdi-linux #- dahdi-tools #- dahdi-linux - tar - mariadb - MySQL-python - acl - gcc-c++ # needed for ucp - icu - libicu-devel - patch - vsftpd tags: fpbx - name: Build a list of music on hold format to install set_fact: fpbx_moh_pkg={{ fpbx_moh_pkg | default([ 'asterisk-moh-opsound' ]) + [ 'asterisk-moh-opsound-' ~ item ] }} loop: - alaw - g722 - g729 - gsm - siren14 - siren7 - sln16 - ulaw - wav tags: fpbx - name: Build a list of languages packages to install set_fact: fpbx_snd_pkg={{ fpbx_snd_pkg | default([]) + [ 'asterisk-sounds-core-' ~ item.0 ~ '-' ~ item.1 ] }} with_nested: - - en - es - fr - it - - alaw - g722 - g729 - gsm - siren14 - siren7 - sln16 - ulaw - wav tags: fpbx - name: Install music on hold and languages packages yum: name={{ fpbx_moh_pkg + fpbx_snd_pkg }} tags: fpbx - import_tasks: ../includes/disable_selinux.yml tags: fpbx - import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_set_install_mode.yml vars: - root_dir: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}" - version: "{{ fpbx_version }}" - manage_upgrade: False tags: fpbx - set_fact: fpbx_install_mode={{ (install_mode == 'install') | ternary('install','none') }} tags: fpbx - set_fact: fpbx_current_version={{ current_version | default('') }} tags: fpbx - name: Create directories file: path={{ fpbx_root_dir }}/{{ item.dir }} state=directory owner={{ item.owner | default(omit) }} group={{ item.group | default(omit) }} mode={{ item.mode | default(omit) }} loop: - dir: web - dir: cgi-bin - dir: meta mode: 700 - dir: backup mode: 700 - dir: tmp - dir: sessions - dir: archives - dir: web/admin/modules/ucp/ - dir: provisioning/contacts - dir: provisioning/logs - dir: provisioning/overrides - dir: provisioning/licenses - dir: provisioning/bmp tags: fpbx - name: Remove obsolete directories file: path={{ fpbx_root_dir }}/{{ item }} state=absent loop: - db_dumps tags: fpbx - name: Create /tftpboot file: dest=/tftpboot src={{ fpbx_root_dir }}/provisioning state=link tags: fpbx - import_tasks: ../includes/get_rand_pass.yml vars: - pass_file: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_phonepass" - complex: False when: fpbxphone_pass is not defined tags: fpbx - set_fact: fpbx_phone_pass={{ rand_pass }} when: fpbx_phone_pass is not defined tags: fpbx - name: Create a user for provisioning user: name: phone home: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/provisioning" shell: /bin/rbash password: "{{ fpbx_phone_pass | password_hash('sha256', 65535 | random(seed=inventory_hostname)) }}" tags: fpbx - name: Configure vsftpd template: src=vsftpd/{{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/vsftpd/{{ item }} loop: - user_list - vsftpd.conf - chroot_list notify: restart vsftpd tags: fpbx - name: Deploy PAM config for vsftpd template: src=vsftpd/pam.j2 dest=/etc/pam.d/vsftpd tags: fpbx - name: Load iptables FTP helper copy: content="nf_conntrack_ftp" dest=/etc/modules-load.d/freepbx.conf notify: restart systemd-modules-load tags: fpbx - name: Start and enable vsftpd service: name=vsftpd state=started enabled=True tags: fpbx - import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_archive.yml vars: - root_dir: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}" - version: "{{ fpbx_current_version }}" - db_name: "{{ fpbx_db_name }}" - db_server: "{{ fpbx_db_server }}" when: fpbx_install_mode == 'upgrade' tags: fpbx - name: Download FreePBX get_url: url: "{{ fpbx_archive_url }}" dest: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/tmp/" checksum: "sha1:{{ fpbx_archive_sha1 }}" when: fpbx_install_mode != 'none' tags: fpbx - name: Extract fpbx archive unarchive: src: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/tmp/freepbx-{{ fpbx_version }}-latest.tgz" dest: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/tmp" remote_src: yes when: fpbx_install_mode != 'none' tags: fpbx - import_tasks: ../includes/get_rand_pass.yml vars: - pass_file: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_dbpass" - complex: False when: fpbx_db_pass is not defined tags: fpbx - set_fact: fpbx_db_pass={{ rand_pass }} when: fpbx_db_pass is not defined tags: fpbx - import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_create_mysql_db.yml vars: - db_name: "{{ fpbx_db_name }}" - db_user: "{{ fpbx_db_user }}" - db_server: "{{ fpbx_db_server }}" - db_pass: "{{ fpbx_db_pass }}" - append_privs: True tags: fpbx - import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_create_mysql_db.yml vars: - db_name: "{{ fpbx_cdr_db_name }}" - db_user: "{{ fpbx_db_user }}" - db_server: "{{ fpbx_db_server }}" - db_pass: "{{ fpbx_db_pass }}" - append_privs: True tags: fpbx - name: Ensure asterisk is running service: name=asterisk state=started when: fpbx_install_mode == 'install' tags: fpbx - name: Remove config file before installation file: path={{ item }} state=absent loop: - /etc/freepbx.conf - /etc/amportal.conf when: fpbx_install_mode == 'install' tags: fpbx - name: Install base framework command: > scl enable php{{ fpbx_php_version }} -- ./install -n --webroot={{ fpbx_root_dir }}/web --dbengine=mysql --dbuser={{ fpbx_db_user }} --dbname={{ fpbx_db_name }} --cdrdbname={{ fpbx_cdr_db_name }} --dbpass={{ fpbx_db_pass | quote }} --astmoddir=/usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ --astagidir=/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/ --ampsbin=/usr/local/bin --ampcgibin=/opt/freepbx/cgi-bin args: chdir: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/tmp/freepbx" when: fpbx_install_mode == 'install' tags: fpbx # TODO: should be in a loop to patch easily several files, but checking for file presence in a loop # is a pain with ansible #- name: Check if webrtc class exist # stat: path={{ fpbx_root_dir }}/web/admin/modules/webrtc/Webrtc.class.php # register: fpbx_webrtc_class # tags: fpbx # #- name: Patch webrtc class # patch: src=patches/webrtc_proxy.patch dest={{ fpbx_root_dir }}/web/admin/modules/webrtc/Webrtc.class.php # when: fpbx_webrtc_class.stat.exists # tags: fpbx - name: Check for wrapper symlinks stat: path=/usr/local/bin/{{ item }} register: fpbx_wrapper_links loop: - fwconsole - amportal tags: fpbx - name: Remove symlinks file: path=/usr/local/bin/{{ item.item }} state=absent when: item.stat.islnk is defined and item.stat.islnk loop: "{{ fpbx_wrapper_links.results }}" tags: fpbx - name: Install wrappers template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/{{ item }} mode=755 loop: - fwconsole - amportal tags: fpbx - name: Install safe_asterisk copy: src=safe_asterisk dest=/usr/local/bin/safe_asterisk mode=755 tags: fpbx - name: Ensure asterisk service is stopped and disabled service: name=asterisk state=stopped enabled=False tags: fpbx - name: Ensure /etc/systemd/system/ exists file: path=/etc/systemd/system/ state=directory tags: fpbx - name: Deploy FreePBX service unit template: src=freepbx.service.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/freepbx.service register: fpbx_unit notify: restart freepbx tags: fpbx - name: Reload systemd systemd: daemon_reload=True when: fpbx_unit.changed tags: fpbx - name: Remove temp files file: path={{ item }} state=absent loop: - "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/tmp/freepbx-{{ fpbx_version }}-latest.tgz" - "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/tmp/freepbx" tags: fpbx #- name: Update modules # command: /usr/local/bin/fwconsole ma updateall # changed_when: False # tags: fpbx - import_tasks: ../includes/get_rand_pass.yml vars: - pass_file: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_manager_pass" - complex: False when: fpbx_manager_pass is not defined tags: fpbx - set_fact: fpbx_manager_pass={{ rand_pass }} when: fpbx_manager_pass is not defined tags: fpbx - name: Deploy configuration template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/{{ item }} loop: - freepbx.conf notify: - reload freepbx - fpbx chown tags: fpbx - name: Configure manager.conf and extensions.conf lineinfile: path: "{{ item.file }}" regexp: '^{{ item.param }}\s*=.*' line: '{{ item.param }} = {{ item.value }}' loop: # - param: AMPMGRPASS # value: "{{ fpbx_manager_pass }}" # file: /etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf #- param: AMPDBHOST # value: "{{ fpbx_db_server }}" # file: /etc/amportal.conf #- param: AMPDBNAME # value: "{{ fpbx_db_name }}" # file: /etc/amportal.conf #- param: AMPDBUSER # value: "{{ fpbx_db_user }}" # file: /etc/amportal.conf #- param: AMPDBPASS # value: "{{ fpbx_db_pass }}" # file: /etc/amportal.conf #- param: CDRDBNAME # value: "{{ fpbx_cdr_db_name }}" # file: /etc/amportal.conf - param: secret value: "{{ fpbx_manager_pass }}" file: /etc/asterisk/manager.conf tags: fpbx - name: Set amportal settings command: /usr/local/bin/fwconsole setting {{ item.param }} {{ item.value }} loop: - param: AMPMGRUSER value: admin - param: AMPMGRPASS value: "{{ fpbx_manager_pass }}" - param: PROXY_ENABLED value: "{{ (system_proxy is defined and system_proxy != '') | ternary('TRUE','FALSE') }}" - param: PROXY_ADDRESS value: "'{{ (system_proxy is defined and system_proxy != '') | ternary(system_proxy,'') }}'" - param: AUTHTYPE value: "{{ fpbx_auth_type }}" - param: PHPTIMEZONE value: "{{ system_tz | default('UTC') }}" - param: HTTPENABLED value: TRUE - param: HTTPBINDADDRESS value: - param: HTTPBINDPORT value: 8088 - param: HTTPPREFIX value: asterisk - param: NODEJSBINDADDRESS value: - param: NODEJSHTTPSBINDADDRESS value: - param: SIGNATURECHECK value: FALSE # Needed since we're going to patch some module to pass through a rev proxy changed_when: False tags: fpbx - name: Set global language # TODO : this is an ugly hack command: mysql --host={{ fpbx_db_server}} --user={{ fpbx_db_user }} --password={{ fpbx_db_pass | quote }} {{ fpbx_db_name }} -e "UPDATE `soundlang_settings` SET `value`='fr' WHERE `keyword`='language'" changed_when: False tags: fpbx - import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_webconf.yml vars: - app_id: freepbx - php_version: "{{ fpbx_php_version }}" - php_fpm_pool: "{{ fpbx_php_fpm_pool | default('') }}" tags: fpbx - name: Deploy pre/post backup scripts template: src={{ item }}_backup.sh.j2 dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/freepbx.sh mode=750 loop: - pre - post tags: fpbx - name: Handle FreePBX ports iptables_raw: name: "{{ item.name }}" state: "{{ (item.src | length > 0 and (item.tcp_ports | length > 0 or item.udp_ports | length > 0)) | ternary('present','absent') }}" rules: "{% if item.tcp_ports is defined and item.tcp_ports | length > 0 %}-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -m multiport --dports {{ item.tcp_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ item.src | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT\n{% endif %} {% if item.udp_ports is defined and item.udp_ports | length > 0 %}-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp -m multiport --dports {{ item.udp_ports | join(',') }} -s {{ item.src | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT{% endif %}" when: iptables_manage | default(True) loop: - name: fpbx_mgm_ports tcp_ports: "{{ fpbx_mgm_tcp_ports }}" udp_ports: "{{ fpbx_mgm_udp_ports }}" src: "{{ fpbx_mgm_src_ip }}" - name: fpbx_voip_ports tcp_ports: "{{ fpbx_voip_tcp_ports }}" udp_ports: "{{ fpbx_voip_udp_ports }}" src: "{{ fpbx_voip_src_ip }}" - name: fpbx_http_ports tcp_ports: "{{ fpbx_http_ports }}" src: "{{ fpbx_http_src_ip }}" - name: fpbx_prov_ports tcp_ports: "{{ fpbx_prov_tcp_ports }}" udp_ports: "{{ fpbx_prov_udp_ports }}" src: "{{ fpbx_prov_src_ip }}" tags: fpbx,firewall - name: Remove old iptables rules iptables_raw: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - ast_mgm_tcp_ports - ast_mgm_udp_ports - ast_voip_tcp_ports - ast_voip_udp_ports - ast_http_ports tags: fpbx,firewall - name: Install logrotate config template: src=logrotate.conf.j2 dest=/etc/logrotate.d/asterisk tags: fpbx - name: Start and enable the service service: name=freepbx state=started enabled=True tags: fpbx - import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_post.yml vars: - root_dir: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}" - version: "{{ fpbx_version }}" tags: fpbx - include: filebeat.yml