is_master = {{ graylog_is_master | ternary('true','false') }} node_id_file = {{ graylog_root_dir }}/state/node-id password_secret = {{ graylog_pass_secret }} root_password_sha2 = {{ graylog_admin_pass | hash('sha256') }} root_email = {{ system_admin_email | default('""') }} root_timezone = {{ system_tz | default('UTC') }} http_bind_address ={{ graylog_api_port }} {% if graylog_external_uri is defined %} http_external_uri = {{ graylog_external_uri }}{% if not graylog_external_uri is search('/$') %}/{% endif %} {% endif %} http_enable_gzip = false {% if graylog_http_src_ip | length > 0 and '' not in graylog_http_src_ip %} trusted_proxies = {% for host in graylog_http_src_ip %}{{ host }}{% if not host is search('/\d+$') %}/32{% endif %}{% if not loop.last %},{% else %}{% endif %}{% endfor %} {% endif %} elasticsearch_hosts = {{ graylog_es_hosts | join(',') }} elasticsearch_cluster_name = {{ graylog_es_cluster_name | default('elasticsearch') }} mongodb_uri = {{ graylog_mongodb_uri | join(',') }} message_journal_enabled = true transport_email_enabled = true transport_email_hostname = localhost transport_email_port = 25 transport_email_use_auth = false transport_email_from_email = graylog@{{ ansible_domain }} {% if graylog_external_uri is defined %} transport_email_web_interface_url = {{ graylog_external_uri }} {% endif %} {% if system_proxy is defined and system_proxy != '' %} http_proxy_uri = {{ system_proxy }} http_non_proxy_hosts = {{ (system_proxy_no_proxy | default([]) + ansible_all_ipv4_addresses) | join(',') }} {% endif %} bin_dir = {{ graylog_root_dir }}/app/bin data_dir = {{ graylog_root_dir }}/data plugin_dir = {{ graylog_root_dir }}/app/plugin message_journal_dir = {{ graylog_root_dir }}/data/journal message_journal_max_size = {{ graylog_journal_max_size }}gb allow_leading_wildcard_searches = true {% if 'dnsresolver' in graylog_plugins_to_install %} dns_resolver_enabled = true {% endif %} {% if graylog_tls_versions | length > 0 %} enabled_tls_protocols = {{ graylog_tls_versions | join(',') }} {% endif %} {% if graylog_es_version is defined %} elasticsearch_version = {{ graylog_es_version }} {% endif %}