--- # Install directory mxisd_root_dir: /opt/matrix/mxisd # User account (will be created if missing) mxisd_user: mxisd # GIT URI repository mxisd_git_uri: https://github.com/kamax-io/mxisd.git # Version to checkout mxisd_version: v1.1.1 # Memory limit for the service, in MB mxisd_max_mem: 2048 # TCP port on which the service will bind mxisd_port: 8083 # List of IP address allowed to access this port # mxisd_src_ip: # - # External server to which forward queries # if no match are found localy # mxisd_forwarders: # - https://matrix.org # - https://vector.im # Domain of your Matrix instance. Default to synapse_server_name if present # mxisd_matrix_domain: matrix.example.com # mxisd_server_name: matrix-id.example.com # mxisd_public_url: https://matrix-id.domain.com/ # Are recursive lookups allowed # mxisd_recursive_lookups: False # And if yes, restrict it to certain IP only # mxisd_recursive_lookups_ip: # - # - # Should we run LDAP lookups. Most settings can be taken from synapse if installed mxisd_ldap_lookup: True mxisd_ldap_filter: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(primaryGroupId=513))','(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)') }}" mxisd_ldap_tls: True # Note that this is TLS, usually on port 636. Start TLS is not supported mxisd_ldap_server: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary(ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | default(ansible_domain) | lower,'ldap.example.org') }}" mxisd_ldap_port: "{{ mxisd_ldap_tls | ternary('636','389') }}" #mxisd_ldap_bind_dn: cn=mxisd,ou=DSA,dc=example,dc=org #mxisd_ldap_bind_pass: secret mxisd_ldap_base: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('DC=' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | regex_replace('\\.',',DC='), 'dc=example,dc=org') }}" mxisd_ldap_uid_type: uid mxisd_ldap_uid_value: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('samaccountname','uid') }}" mxisd_ldap_attr_name: cn mxisd_ldap_attr_mail: - mail mxisd_ldap_attr_tel: - telephoneNumber - mobile - homePhone - otherTelephone - otherMobile - otherHomePhone mxisd_ldap_attr_other: - cn - memberOf # Outgoing email settings # Will use synapse settings if available # mxisd_smtp_server: smtp.domain.com # mxisd_smtp_port: 25 # mxisd_smtp_tls: True # mxisd_smtp_user: # mxisd_smtp_pass: # mxisd_smtp_from: mxisd@domain.com # Overwrite the DNS name of your Matrix server mxisd_dns_overwrite: - name: "{{ mxisd_matrix_domain | default(synapse_server_name) }}" value: http://localhost:8008 ...