matrix: domain: '{{ mxisd_matrix_domain | default(synapse_server_name) }}' server: port: {{ mxisd_port }} {% if mxisd_server_name is defined %} name: '{{ mxisd_server_name }}' {% endif %} publicUrl: '{{ mxisd_public_url | default('https://' + synapse_server_name) }}' key: path: '{{ mxisd_root_dir }}/etc/signing.key' lookup: recursive: enabled: {{ mxisd_recursive_lookups | default(True) | ternary('true','false') }} {% if mxisd_recursive_lookups_ip is defined and mxisd_recursive_lookups_ip | length > 0 %} allowedCidr: {% for net in mxisd_recursive_lookups_ip %} {% if net | ipaddr %} - {{ net }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if mxisd_ldap_lookup | default(synapse_ldap_auth) | default(False) %} ldap: enabled: True {% if mxisd_ldap_filter is defined %} filter: {{ mxisd_ldap_filter }} {% elif synapse_ldap_filter is defined %} filter: {{ synapse_ldap_filter }} {% endif %} connection: tls: {{ mxisd_ldap_tls | default(True) | ternary('true','false') }} host: {{ mxisd_ldap_server | default(synapse_ldap_uri) | regex_replace('^(ldaps?://)?(?P[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+)(:\d+)?','\\g') | default('localhost') }} port: {{ mxisd_ldap_port | default(mxisd_ldap_tls | ternary('636','389')) }} {% if mxisd_ldap_bind_dn is defined and mxisd_ldap_bind_pass is defined %} bindDn: {{ mxisd_ldap_bind_dn }} bindPassword: {{ mxisd_ldap_bind_pass }} {% elif synapse_ldap_bind_dn is defined and synapse_ldap_bind_pass is defined %} bindDn: {{ synapse_ldap_bind_dn }} bindPassword: {{ synapse_ldap_bind_pass }} {% endif %} baseDn: {{ mxisd_ldap_base | default(synapse_ldap_user_base) }} attribute: uid: type: {{ mxisd_ldap_uid_type | default('uid') }} value: {{ mxisd_ldap_uid_value | default(ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('samaccountname','uid')) }} name: {{ mxisd_ldap_attr_name | default(synapse_ldap_attr_name) | default('cn') }} {% if mxisd_ldap_attr_mail is defined and mxisd_ldap_attr_mail | length > 0 %} threepid: email: {% for attr in mxisd_ldap_attr_mail %} - {{ attr }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if mxisd_ldap_attr_tel is defined and mxisd_ldap_attr_tel | length > 0 %} msisdn: {% for attr in mxisd_ldap_attr_tel %} - {{ attr }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if mxisd_ldap_attr_other is defined and mxisd_ldap_attr_other | length > 0 %} other: {% for attr in mxisd_ldap_attr_other %} - {{ attr }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if mxisd_forwarders is defined and mxisd_forwarders | length > 0 %} forward: servers: {% for server in mxisd_forwarders %} - {{ server }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} threepid: medium: email: connectors: smtp: host: {{ mxisd_smtp_server | default(synapse_smtp_server) }} port: {{ mxisd_smtp_port | default(synapse_smtp_port) }} tls: {{ (mxisd_smtp_tls | default(synapse_smtp_tls)) | ternary('2', '1') }} {% if mxisd_smtp_user is defined and mxisd_smtp_pass is defined %} login: "{{ mxisd_smtp_user }}" password: "{{ mxisd_smtp_pass }}" {% elif synapse_smtp_user is defined and synapse_smtp_pass is defined %} login: "{{ synapse_smtp_user }}" password: "{{ synapse_smtp_pass }}" {% endif %} identity: from: "{{ mxisd_smtp_from | default('no-reply@' + ansible_domain) }}" storage: backend: 'sqlite' provider: sqlite: database: '{{ mxisd_root_dir }}/db/mxisd.sqlite' {% if mxisd_dns_overwrite is defined and mxisd_dns_overwrite | length > 0 %} dns: overwrite: homeserver: client: {% for overwrite in mxisd_dns_overwrite %} - name: {{ }} value: '{{ overwrite.value }}' {% endfor %} {% endif %}