[global] netbios name = {{ samba_netbios_name | default(inventory_hostname | regex_replace('^([^\.]+)\..*','\\1') | upper ) }} realm = {{ samba_realm | upper }} workgroup = {{ samba_domain | upper }} kerberos method = secrets and keytab idmap config * : backend = tdb idmap config * : range = 10000-19999 idmap config {{ samba_realm | upper }} : backend = sss {% for domain in samba_trusted_domains %} idmap config {{ domain.name | upper }} : backend = sss {% endfor %} {% if samba_role == 'dc' %} server role = active directory domain controller {% if samba_dns_forwarder is defined %} dns forwarder = {{ samba_dns_forwarder }} {% endif %} {% if samba_allow_insecure_ldap %} ldap server require strong auth = no {% else %} ldap server require strong auth = allow_sasl_over_tls {% endif %} {% elif samba_role == 'member' %} server role = member server {% elif samba_role == 'standalone' %} server role = standalone {% endif %} logging = systemd@1 file log level = {{ samba_log_level }} {% if samba_min_protocol is defined %} server min protocol = {{ samba_min_protocol }} {% endif %} {% if samba_max_protocol is defined %} server max protocol = {{ samba_max_protocol }} {% endif %} # Log rotation is handled by logrotate max log size = 0 {% if samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc' %} tls dh params file = tls/dhparam.pem {% if samba_tls_cert is defined and samba_tls_key is defined %} {% if samba_tls_ca is defined %} tls cafile = {{ samba_tls_ca }} {% else %} tls cafile = /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem {% endif %} tls certfile = {{ samba_tls_cert }} tls keyfile = {{ samba_tls_key }} {% endif %} [netlogon] path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol/{{ samba_realm }}/scripts read only = no [sysvol] path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol read only = no {% endif %} include = /etc/samba/smb.conf.d/shares.conf