--- mayan_version: 3.5.1 mayan_root_dir: /opt/mayan-edms mayan_user: mayan-edms # Should ansible handle upgrades ? If false, only initial install will be done mayan_manage_upgrade: True # Can be mysql or postgresql mayan_db_engine: postgresql mayan_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}" mayan_db_port: "{{ (mayan_db_engine == 'mysql') | ternary('3306','5432') }}" mayan_db_user: mayanedms mayan_db_name: mayanedms # A random pass will be created if not defined # mayan_db_pass: S3cr3t. # URL of the redis server to use mayan_redis_url: redis://{% if redis_pass is defined %}:{{ redis_pass }}{% endif %} # ID of the redis DB mayan will use mayan_redis_db: 0 # URL of the amqp broker mayan_amqp_url: amqp:// # Number of web workers mayan_web_workers: 3 # Port and list of allowed IP mayan_port: 8000 mayan_src_ip: [] # From email address mayan_from_mail: mayan-edsm@{{ ansible_domain }} # Main language for document mayan_doc_lang: fra # LDAP Auth # Most of these settings will try to detect system auth config # and use them. But you can override if you want # # This is to turn on of off LDAP auth mayan_ldap_auth: "{{ (ad_auth | default(False) or ldap_auth | default(False)) | ternary(True,False) }}" # URI of your LDAP server, eg ldap://ldap.example.org:389 mayan_ldap_uri: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('ldap://' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | lower,ldap_uri) }}" # SHould Start TLS be used ? mayan_ldap_start_tls: True # Base of your LDAP tree. Eg DC=example,DC=org mayan_ldap_base: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('DC=' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | regex_replace('\\.',',DC='), ldap_base) }}" # If your directory only allow authenticated searches, you can define it here # mayan_ldap_bind_dn: # mayan_ldap_bind_pass: # # If set, will restrict user search in these OU. Default is to search from the base # Eg # mayan_ldap_user_ou: # - OU=People,DC=example,DC=org # - OU=Presta,DC=example,DC=org mayan_ldap_user_ou: [] # Filter to search for users mayan_ldap_user_filter: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('(sAMAccountName=%(user)s)','(uid=%(user)s)') }}" # Mapping of LDAP attributes into Django attributes mayan_ldap_user_attr_map: username: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('sAMAccountName','uid') }}" first_name: givenName last_name: sn email: mail # Same for groups mayan_ldap_group_ou: [] # How are group represented in your directory. # See https://django-auth-ldap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/groups.html for a list of valid values mayan_ldap_group_type: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('NestedActiveDirectoryGroupType','PosixGroupType') }}" # LDAP filter to search for groups mayan_ldap_group_filter: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('(objectClass=group)','(objectClass=posixGroup)') }}" # Define user flags based on group membership, for example : # # mayan_ldap_flags_by_group: # is_active: # - CN=Users,DC=example,DC=org # is_staff: # - CN=IT,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=org # is_superuser: # - CN=Role_Infra_Admin,OU=Roles,DC=example,DC=org # - CN=Domain Admins,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=org mayan_ldap_flags_by_group: {} # If defined, will either require user to be part of one of those groups, # or forbid access to membres of those groups # mayan_ldap_require_group: # - CN=Admins,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=org # - CN=Board,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=org # # mayan_ldap_deny_group: # - CN=Guests,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=org # Useful to debug LDAP related issues mayan_ldap_debug: False # Custom settings to set in the auth.py module # Eg # mayan_auth_custom_conf: | # AUTH_LDAP_USER_FLAGS_BY_GROUP = { # 'is_active': 'CN=Role_EDMS,OU=Roles,DC=example,DC=org', # 'is_staff': 'CN=Role_Staff,OU=Roles,DC=example,DC=org', # 'is_superuser': 'CN=Role_Infra_Admin,OU=Roles,DC=example,DC=org', # } # This is a list of indexes to expose as FUSE filesystem in {{ mayan_root_dir }}/fuse # when running the pre-backup hook mayan_index_as_fuse: - creation_date