--- # Those belong to zfs_common, they are just a reminder here # zfs_arc_min: 10% # zfs_arc_max: 50% # You can define arbitrary param here zfs_mod_params: {} # Under this are tuning for this role # How often to scrub pools. Can be hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly # or any other valid systemd time expression zfs_scrub_freq: monthly # How often to trim pools zfs_trim_freq: weekly # auto snapshot param # How many "frequent" snapshots to keep. They are taken every 15 minutes zfs_snap_frequently: 8 # How many hourly snapshots to keep zfs_snap_hourly: 6 # How many daily snapshot to keep zfs_snap_daily: 7 # How many weekly snapshots to keep zfs_snap_weekly: 2 # How many monthly snapshot to keep zfs_snap_monthly: 2 # How many yearly snapshot to keep zfs_snap_yearly: 0 # List of ZFS volume to snapshots zfs_snap: [] # You can override some freq settings here, eg # zfs_snap: # - name: tank/files # frequently: 30 # monthly: 0 # - name: tank/work # frequently: 5 # hourly: 12 # weekly: 4 # Send/Receive param # If zfs_repl_recv is True, a zfs-recv user will be created, to be used for receiving ZFS streams zfs_repl_recv: False # List of SSH keys allowed for ZFS receive zfs_repl_authorized_keys: [] # List of IP addresses allowed for ZFS receive zfs_repl_src_ip: [] # For ZFS sender, configure which vol to send zfs_repl: [] # zfs_repl: # - dataset: zpool # dest: zfs-recv@ # id: stor-bkp # a uniq string id, used to name the service. It must be uniq, and one will be created if not defined # compress: lz4 # recursive: True # ssh_cipher: aes128-ctr # ssh_port: 22 # bw_limit: 0 # eg 10m for 10 MB/sec # skip_parent: True # syncoid_opts: "" # freq: hourly|daily|weekly|monthly (or any valid systemd-timer expression for OnCalendar)