--- # seafile_license: | # #Seafile server licence # Name = "Firewall Services #20193111573" # Licencetype = "User" # LicenceKEY = "XXX" # ProductID = "Seafile server" # Expiration = "2020-01-09" # MaxUsers = "9" # Mode = "subscription" # etc... seafile_version: "{{ seafile_license is defined | ternary('7.1.4','7.1.3') }}" # Archive URL and sha1 are only used for the community version seafile_archive_url: https://download.seadrive.org/seafile-server_{{ seafile_version }}_x86-64.tar.gz seafile_archive_sha1: b94b63bb7ea770e4afdc8e5d8ac82d8fc10e0403 seafile_root_dir: /opt/seafile seafile_data_dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/data" seafile_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('') }}" seafile_db_port: 3306 seafile_db_user: seafile # If not set, a random password will be generated and stored in the meta directory # seafile_db_pass: seafile_db_ccnet: ccnet seafile_db_seafile: seafile seafile_db_seahub: seahub # Set to none to disable memcached seafile_memcached_server: # Account under which services will run seafile_user: seafile seafile_group: "{{ seafile_user }}" # A random one will be generated if not defined here # seafile_seahub_secret: # seafile_seahub_id: # Main seafile daemon port seafile_seafile_port: 8082 # Seahub port seafile_seahub_port: 8000 # Should seahub run as a FastCGI server seafile_seahub_fastcgi: False # If you want webdav to be enabled seafile_webdav: True seafile_webdav_port: 8080 # Restrict access to seafile ports # empty means only loopback seafile_src_ip: [] # Public URL of the service seafile_public_url: http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ seafile_seahub_port }} # Default admin user, created at install time seafile_admin_email: admin@{{ ansible_domain }} seafile_admin_pass: seafile # LDAP integration seafile_ldap_auth: "{{ (ad_auth | default(False) or ldap_auth | default(False)) | ternary(True,False) }}" seafile_ldap_uri: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('ldaps://' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | lower,ldap_uri | regex_replace('^ldap://(.*)','ldaps://\\1')) }}" seafile_ldap_base: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('DC=' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | regex_replace('\\.',',DC='), 'ou=Users,' + ldap_base) }}" # seafile_ldap_bind_dn: # Note that seafile_ldap_bind_pass should not contain special caracter, as it might break the parser and # prevent seafevents from starting ! # seafile_ldap_bind_pass: seafile_ldap_login_attr: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('userPrincipalName','mail') }}" seafile_ldap_filter: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(primaryGroupId=513)','objectClass=inetOrgPerson') }}" # seafile_ldap_group_filter: (mail=*) # oAuth2 authentication seafile_oauth2_auth: False seafile_oauth2_id: seafile # seafile_oauth2_secret: seafile_oauth2_sso: https://sso.{{ ansible_domain }} seafile_oauth2_callback_url: "{{ seafile_public_url }}/oauth/callback/" seafile_oauth2_provider_domain: "{{ ansible_domain }}" seafile_oauth2_authorization_url: "{{ seafile_oauth2_sso }}/oauth2/authorize" seafile_oauth2_token_url: "{{ seafile_oauth2_sso }}/oauth2/token" seafile_oauth2_user_info_url: "{{ seafile_oauth2_sso }}/oauth2/userinfo" # Proxy authentication seafile_header_auth: False seafile_header_auth_name: HTTP_USER_PRINCIPAL seafile_header_auth_domain: '' seafile_header_auth_protected_paths: - 'sso' seafile_header_auth_force_logout: False # Default quota (in GB) to apply to all users # seafile_default_quota: 20 # Default history to keep (in days) for libraries seafile_default_history: 365 # You can set max sizes (in MB) # seafile_max_upload_size # seafile_max_download_dir_size # Max cookie lifetime seafile_cookie_age: '60 * 60 * 8' # Name and title of your Seafile instance seafile_site_name: 'Seafile' seafile_site_title: 'Mon cloud privé' # Set to your OnlyOffice url to enable integration # seafile_oo_uri: https://oods.example.org/ # Optional secret token shared with OnlyOffice # seafile_oo_secret: XXXXX # Enable ClamAV scanning of files # Only available if you run the PRO edition seafile_scan_av: True