[paths] [server] protocol = http http_addr = http_port = {{ grafana_port }} {% if grafana_root_url is defined %} root_url = {{ grafana_root_url }} {% endif %} [database] type = {{ grafana_db_type }} {% if grafana_db_type == 'sqlite3' %} path = grafana.db {% else %} host = {{ grafana_db_server }}{% if grafana_db_port is defined and not grafana_db_server is match ('^/') %}:{{ grafana_db_port }}{% endif %} name = {{ grafana_db_name }} user = {{ grafana_db_user }} password = {{ grafana_db_pass }} {% endif %} [session] [dataproxy] [analytics] reporting_enabled = {{ grafana_reporting | ternary('true', 'false') }} check_for_updates = {{ grafana_check_for_updates | ternary('true', 'false') }} [security] secret_key = {{ grafana_secret_key.stdout }} [snapshots] [users] allow_sign_up = {{ grafana_allow_sign_up | ternary('true','false') }} [auth] [auth.anonymous] {% if grafana_auth.anonymous is defined and grafana_auth.anonymous.enabled | default(True) %} enabled = true {% if grafana_auth.anonymous.org_name is defined %} org_name = {{ grafana_auth.anonymous.org_name }} {% endif %} {% if grafana_auth.anonymous.org_role is defined %} org_role = {{ grafana_auth.anonymous.org_role }} {% endif %} {% endif %} [auth.proxy] {% if grafana_auth.proxy is defined and grafana_auth.proxy.enabled | default(True) %} enabled = true header_name = {{ grafana_auth.proxy.header_name | default('User-Name') }} header_property = username auto_sign_up = true {% if grafana_auth.proxy.whitelist is defined %} whitelist = {{ grafana_auth.proxy.whitelist | join(',') }} {% endif %} {% endif %} [auth.basic] [auth.ldap] {% if grafana_auth.ldap is defined and grafana_auth.ldap.enabled | default(True) %} enabled = true config_file = /etc/grafana/ldap.toml {% endif %} [emails] [log] mode = console level = {{ grafana_log_level }}