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- name: Deploy prosody configuration
template: src=prosody.cfg.lua.j2 dest=/etc/prosody/ansible_conf.d/jitsi.cfg.lua group=prosody mode=640
register: jitsi_prosody_conf
when: jitsi_xmpp_server in ['localhost', '', inventory_hostname]
tags: jitsi
- name: Register XMPP accounts
- name: Reload prosody
service: name=prosody state=restarted
- name: register XMPP users
command: prosodyctl register {{ item.user }} {{ jitsi_auth_domain }} '{{ item.pass }}'
- user: "{{ jitsi_jvb_xmpp_user }}"
pass: "{{ jitsi_jvb_xmpp_pass }}"
- user: "{{ jitsi_jicofo_xmpp_user }}"
pass: "{{ jitsi_jicofo_xmpp_pass }}"
- user: "{{ jitsi_jigasi_xmpp_user }}"
pass: "{{ jitsi_jigasi_xmpp_pass }}"
when: jitsi_prosody_conf is defined and jitsi_prosody_conf.changed
tags: jitsi
- name: Deploy jicofo configuration
template: src=jicofo/{{ item }}.j2 dest={{ jitsi_root_dir }}/etc/jicofo/{{ item }} group={{ jitsi_user }} mode=640
- jicofo.conf
notify: restart jitsi-jicofo
tags: jitsi
- name: Deploy jigasiconfiguration
template: src=jigasi/{{ item }}.j2 dest={{ jitsi_root_dir }}/etc/jigasi/{{ item }} group={{ jitsi_user }} mode=640
- jigasi.conf
notify: restart jitsi-jigasi
tags: jitsi
- name: Deploy meet configuration
template: src={{ item.src }}.j2 dest={{jitsi_root_dir }}/meet/{{ item.dest }}
- src: meet.js
dest: config.js
- src: meet_interface.js
dest: interface_config.js
tags: jitsi
- name: Deploy nginx configuration
template: src=nginx.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/ansible_conf.d/10-jitsi.conf
notify: reload nginx
tags: jitsi
- name: Deploy conference mapper configuration
template: src=confmapper.json.j2 dest={{ jitsi_root_dir }}/etc/confmapper/config.json
notify: restart jitsi-confmapper
tags: jitsi
- name: Link conference mapper configuration
file: path={{ jitsi_root_dir }}/confmapper/config.json src={{ jitsi_root_dir }}/etc/confmapper/config.json state=link
tags: jitsi