Ansible roles
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jitsi_root_dir: /opt/jitsi
jitsi_user: jitsi
jitsi_videobridge_version: 1132
jitsi_videobridge_archive_url:{{ jitsi_videobridge_version }}.zip
jitsi_videobridge_archive_sha1: 2e749f4667bc5650c0af59c23241ad094a24e1f2
jitsi_videobridge_harvester_port: 4443
# This one cannot be changed
jitsi_videobridge_rtp_port: 10000
# XMPP server. Set to localhost would mean no certificate validation
jitsi_xmpp_server: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
# Port on which to connect to the XMPP server to register as a component
jitsi_xmpp_component_port: 5347
jitsi_stun_servers: []
# jitsi_stun_servers:
# -
jitsi_turn_secret: "{{ turnserver_auth_secret | default('p@ssw0rd') }}"
# Authentication. Can be set to
# * False : no authentication at all (can also be None)
# * sso : In this case, you have to protect /login with your SSO system (through a reverse proxy)
# And once authenticated, send the HTTP headers mail and displayName with the appropriate values
# Note that jitsi Android client does not support sso authentication, so mobile users will be able
# to join an existing conf, but not create one easily
# * ldap : Will use an LDAP server for authentication. Works on mobile, but is a bit less convinient
# than sso for desktop users. See all the jitsi_ldap_xxxx settings
jitsi_auth: False
# Secret to register on the XMPP server. A random one will be generated if not defined
# jitsi_videobridge_xmpp_secret: S3cr3t.
# jitsi_jicofo_xmpp_secret: p@ssw0rd
# Password for the focus user on the auth domain
# jitsi_jicofo_xmpp_pass: p@ssw0rd
jitsi_domain: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
jitsi_auth_domain: auth.{{ jitsi_domain }}
# Can be either true, in which case a cert will be automatically obtained using letsencrypt
# or can be a name, in which case you have to configure letsencrypt to obtain the cert yourself
# jitsi_letsencrypt_cert: True
# or
# jitsi_letsencrypt_cert:
# or, you can also set custom cert path
# jitsi_cert_path: /etc/jitsi/ssl/cert.pem
# jitsi_key_path: /etc/jitsi/ssl/key.pem
# Meet configuration. Will be converted to JSON
domain: "{{ jitsi_domain }}"
muc: conference.{{ jitsi_domain }}
bosh: '//{{ jitsi_domain }}/http-bind'
websocket: 'wss://{{ jitsi_domain }}/xmpp-websocket'
enableFirefoxSimulcast: False
p2pTestMode: False
enableNoAudioDetection: True
enableNoisyMicDetection: True
desktopSharingChromeExtId: null
- screen
- window
- tab
desktopSharingChromeMinExtVersion: 0.1
channelLastN: -1
requireDisplayName: False
enableCalendarIntegration: False
disableThirdPartyRequests: True
enableWelcomePage: True
enabled: True
useStunTurn: True
stunServers: "{{ jitsi_stun_servers }}"
preferH264: True
jitsi_meet_conf_extra: {}
jitsi_meet_conf: "{{ jitsi_meet_conf_base | combine(jitsi_meet_conf_extra, recursive=True) }}"
# If jitsi_auth is ldap
# We inherit values from prosody if available, or we try to get values from ad_auth or ldap_auth
jitsi_ldap_base: "{{ prosody_ldap_base | default(ad_auth | default(False) | ternary((ad_ldap_user_search_base is defined) | ternary(ad_ldap_user_search_base,'DC=' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | regex_replace('\\.',',DC=')), ldap_user_base + ',' + ldap_base)) }}"
jitsi_ldap_servers: "{{ prosody_ldap_server | default(ad_ldap_servers | default([ad_auth | default(False) | ternary(ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | lower, ldap_uri | default('ldap://' + ansible_domain) | urlsplit('hostname'))]))}}"
jitsi_ldap_bind_dn: "{{ prosody_ldap_bind_dn | default(None) }}"
jitsi_ldap_bind_pass: "{{ prosody_ldap_bind_pass | default(None) }}"
jitsi_ldap_filter: "{{ prosody_ldap_filter | default(ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))','(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))')) }}"
jitsi_ldap_starttls: "{{ prosody_ldap_starttls | default(True) }}"
# Jigasi settings
# Default room on which to connect inbound SIP calls
# if no Jitsi-Conference-Room SIP header is found
jitsi_jigasi_default_room: sip
# SIP settings
# Password to auth as an XMPP user. A random one will be created if missing